Absolutely true. I remember digging up the article where he talked about it back then.
EDIT: I also remember coming across information about his first partner in that pizza restaurant. She left and I read the reason she really left was because she caught Alefantis with her son in the kitchen. It sounded as if they were caught in a compromising position, and Alefantis had been grooming her teenaged son.
People with "book smarts" are not always wise when it comes to life. One of the saddest men I ever worked with had 12 years of college. He excelled there. But he couldn't make a good decision in the real world to save his life. He came from a long line of well known doctors. The type of men who have cancer centers named after them in the East. Very wealthy but with a huge ego. I'd rather hang out with the Proud Boys than him, to tell you the truth. He was a humongous pain in the ass.
A psychologist friend gave me the MENSA exam years ago for the first IQ test I took. Don't know if that is now available online. But he was practicing to be able to offer it to his students, as to join MENSA at the time, a licensed psychologist had to administer the test. He asked if I wanted to join and I told him hell no! Even 40 years ago I didn't want the government having my private information.
Not just large brains. How many here had the biggest balls in school? LOL! I include our ladies in with that remark, because I'd rather they had my back in a bad situation than any of the pussyhat wearing nincompoops I've ever met. Former Cali native here.
I have pointed out to people for years every time a politician or world leader has messed up their lives with some boneheaded deed or another--if these people can't even make good decisions for their own lives, why should you trust them to do so for you?
I'm 70 and my wife and I quit watching Fox and all the others over 7 years ago. It's all designed to keep people brainwashed. It's not easy to be as old as we are and realize we've literally been lied to our entire lives.