RayT 3 points ago +3 / -0

True. I saw this myself. In Cali, no less. They grew up during a recession and weren't as badly coddled as many Millennials who grew up during a boom time. But I have to point at my own generation and I blame many of them for accepting this commie "progressive" BS and creating this hellish situation. My parents used to tell me they were the "Pepsi" generation--just after the Greatest Generation. But I think my own generation must be the dumbass radical generation who came of age in the 60's. Way too many dropped acid and crap back in the day.

I came across something interesting the other day. Don't know if it's true, but wonder if anyone else has ever heard this? Nancy Pelosi, whose maiden name was D'Alessandro, is related through her father to the Medici's. So, if true, their family's criminal activity began a long, long time ago. Previously, I had only heard about this: https://thefederalistpapers.org/us/revealed-jfk-worried-pelosis-dad-associated-organized-crime

RayT 2 points ago +2 / -0

Then I hope he knows he's still our POTUS

RayT 2 points ago +2 / -0

It doesn't end well for them. It ends in hell.

RayT 3 points ago +3 / -0

And now they have tons of information that people voluntarily shared. Enough to predict what many will do next. So why are they lying about Q, acting like it's a militia group when it's really an open source research and collating project to open the eyes of the masses? They know what they're saying isn't true. But they must be really worried about the information being dug up and the masses seeing it. Look at all that was kept under wraps about guys like Weinstein and not Cuomo. This didn't happen in a bubble. I'm sure some of the women reported Creepy Cuomo.

RayT 2 points ago +2 / -0

Adrenochrome was listed on the Wuhan Lab website not that long ago.

RayT 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, let's see. It looks like the Obama Admin, along with Fauci, helped finance the Wuhan Lab, where we know they performed at least 3 studies on bats, as well as manufacturing Adrenochrome, according to their own website. So it looks like the Dems/Deep State/Cabal had a hand in that. Then they steal the election from the person we know really won--DJT. They ruin about 90% of our GDP here in the US, putting tens of thousands of small businesses out of work and costing us about $16 trillion due to lost future GDP. Then they push a vaccine that a "knucklehead" (as Elon Musk opined) like Bill Gates had a hand in creating. The man who has numerous times claimed in speeches and interviews that vaccines would help reduce population, while never really explaining how. But WE are the problem? The way I'm feeling about the whole bunch of them right now, I don't know if I could stop myself from punching these boogers in the mouth if I came across them on the street. And that includes Pelosi. I am that angry at these lying sacks of sh*t.

RayT 1 point ago +2 / -1

If TPTB won't investigate him, let's do it ourselves and get the info out there until they HAVE to pay attention to it.

RayT 2 points ago +2 / -0

He was a set up to make us look crazy.

RayT 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think we need to load some tranq guns with COVID vaccine and see how many Dem Pols we can shoot up.

RayT 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's how I and my family have felt from the beginning. I was ready to leave the RNC and follow Trump, if he created a new party. There are too many RINO's in bed with the worst of the Dems at this point. Don't forget, Romney was in Ukraine with his son, too. Along with Pelosi and Kerry. We need to look more closely at them, as well. I think God is clearing things out with McConnell's leaving soon. And I expect to see Pelosi, Schumer, et al, have their own health crises or fraud evidence to be revealed. It's not just us behind this. God is with this movement to cleanse the world of evil, as well. I expect to see more miracles as we move to bring the cabal and their minions to justice. We're further along than people think. But whatever we do, we can't resort to violence, unless we are openly attacked and must defend our lives and our families.

RayT 1 point ago +1 / -0

God wins, so we win.

RayT 2 points ago +2 / -0

For all the kids, I'll follow the plan to hell and back.

RayT 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly. My wife, daughter and I were already a bit red pilled before all this happened. But this has really opened our eyes to the evil out there and how much of it exists. It's hard waking up and finally seeing things as they really are. There's a grieving that goes along with it, because it's a loss of our own innocence to face such heinous things that are happening. Things we would never even imagine. My daughter is almost done with her BS in psych and she plans to continue her education. But her goal is to work with kids--and especially the ones that have been damaged by the child trafficking that takes place. So facing truth can have some good outcomes, even as painful as it can be. We would get depressed and have to stop for a few days to process what we found at times. But people need to be aware. They need to get angry. So something is finally done about it. Look at all the children who were saved because Trump's first EO's were about stopping human trafficking--especially of children. This was one reason he focused on a wall at the border. Because 1/3 of human trafficking involves children and half of all Federal crimes occur at the border.

If you ever get a chance, read Cheri Seymour's book about The Last Circle and Danny Casolaro's murder, among many others. His "octopus" is what we now call the "cabal." That's what really began our red pill phase. From there we found the Finder's Cult, then the Franklin scandal, where boys from Boys Town orphanage were abused. But the guy behind that was never charged with pedophilia--just the fraud at the savings & loan. I read a few years ago the perv who put it all together, Larry King, was out of prison. And get this--he was working with children!


RayT 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly so. I always tell people WE are supposed to be God's hands and feet here on earth. It's OUR responsibility to fight back against any type of darkness. We were given dominion over everything here by God for a time, But humans have given so much over to darkness because of their free will, as you say. Just look at Cain and Able.

RayT 2 points ago +2 / -0

So awesome, son! God bless you and your family, and protect your kids from all evil. I was already a Christian when we found Q, and have been for years. My wife and her mother began praying for God to clean up the government, beginning with their local legal system, after seeing how some kids weren't being protected. It quickly grew to the whole country. They've been praying for over 30 years for things to get cleaned up. Despite seeing things get worse, they continued to pray and thank God for His intervention in our government and judicial systems. They are still praying, but because God placed Trump in the White House, we did believe God was intervening to wake people up. We got a taste of how good the country could be under God again. No new wars under Trump, he wanted to bring troops home, he did a great job on the economy--and it was just the beginning. We had no idea how corrupt things were in DC, though. We didn't know 75% or more of the pols were dirty or being manipulated with information from illegal surveillance. It's way worse than we thought. But God can change things in an instant, once His patience wears out. Don't forget what happened to the people who made the golden calf while Moses was communing with God on the mountain. That can still happen. God bless our patriots and all those who pray for God's goodness to manifest here.

RayT 1 point ago +1 / -0

Awesome. Sharing it everywhere.

RayT 7 points ago +7 / -0

EVERYONE must read through this. It's what we've been fighting against from the beginning. God, please help us bring these most evil of people to ruin, and set the captives free. Amen.

by PepeSee
RayT 1 point ago +1 / -0

Time to crush the cabal.

RayT 2 points ago +2 / -0

We really are watching a movie.

RayT 4 points ago +4 / -0

Imagine if they saved them for 4th of July entertainment. We could make them spell out "Trump" on fire on the way down. I'm sure people like Pelosi and Romney would love that. I know I would.

RayT 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can remember Walter Cronkite. But in those days we never knew he was actually a globalist way back then. They kept their opinions to themselves--at least during their newscasting careers. Not like today.

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