Simply let them wake up themselves. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. It's time to lead them to the water by supporting them indirectly. You can't force them to see things your way. They have to see it for themselves. Kind of like those pictures from the 90's that looked like a bunch of lines until you relaxed your eyes and saw the negative of what you were looking at. All of a sudden, the picture became a three dimensional picture.
Thank you, I have recently had to step away from the weeds and take a look from 40,000 foot level just to ease the nerves. As a result, it has lead me to reading Winanon's Daily post only on here. I look forward to more content from you as well. (No pressure of course). Thanks again for this synopsis! It is more than hopium for me!
This process is run by specific rules and specific agreements. It is not the place where a show can be put on for the world. I know we don't trust the process because of the last three months, but other venues need to be used to show the voter fraud and all of the other things. Durham, Powell, Lin Wood and others will be the other pieces of the puzzle that will get this done. Legal proceedings are not fast processes. The Impeachment procedure is also not supposed to be a fast process, but the fact that it was rushed is a plus for GEOTUS. Due Process is not something that should be stifled and as one of the attorney's eluded to, many in that chamber have had past lives as Judges. They know what is at stake here.
I know everyone is looking for this to be the end-all to everything. It won't be. This is a piece of the puzzle. This proceeding was for President Trump's Impeachment Defense. They can't just throw everything at the wall right now. This whole plan has to be systematic, focused and specific! We have to continue to have patience! We are not in a speed boat, we are in a container ship that takes forever to turn!
He can keep his beliefs on the North side of the Northern Border. We have enough of those type of thinkers here.