Richmanstrick -9 points ago +7 / -16

I can believe the "woke" military is propaganda, it makes sense. But it appears Durham failed today. He did not do a report on the very person who gave the order to begin Crossfire Hurricane. Durham is protecting the FBI. He is part of the Deep State. He failed us.

Richmanstrick 1 point ago +17 / -16

You mean the new and improved woke military?

Richmanstrick 0 points ago +1 / -1

Widespread DNA contamination raises critical questions we have been discussing in our Vaccine and Inside Pharma Reports: the quality of the entire mRNA injection manufacturing process, safety systems, quality control, and regulatory oversight. DNA is not the only contaminant found by independent scientists analyzing the vials of COVID injections.

For all of us, think about the urgent questions McKernan’s discovery poses: What does this mean for the health of those who already had the mRNA injections? What does it mean for their children to whom this foreign DNA can be passed via egg and sperm at conception? What does it mean for the future of the human genome?

Richmanstrick -1 points ago +1 / -2

It is unfortunate that this community is being mislead into believing miracles are happening - they're not.

It is true that perception is important. It is used as a tool. A tool that keeps men from doing what they should.

Do not be deceived.

Richmanstrick -1 points ago +1 / -2

Don't attempt to scold this old-timer. My reasonings are NOT to have my optimism massaged. Our Constitutional Republic is in a staggering amount of danger.

If the corruption in the DOJ gets its way, our beloved President will die in federal prison …. They don’t want to just win elections anymore. They are out for blood. They want to take control of this country. Period. They want a one-party rule. Period. They will kill or imprison anyone that gets in their way.

They have SUCCESSFULLY used the DOJ and the FBI to get what they want.

It appears that few understand how serious the threat of the POTENTIAL COLLAPSE of civility and constitutional processes has become.

When will the persecution of White Men stop?

When will the persecution of Christians stop?

When will the persecution of pro-life activists stop?

When will the indoctrination of porn be stopped?

What about the parents attendings school board meetings?

How long will the Jan6 patriots be tortured and persecuted right here in the USA?

How much longer will future Republican candidates want to serve?

How much longer will Anons remain engaged? So many have dropped out.

They are after Trump, then us.

What I am asking is , "How do we stop this enormous threat to our Republic?

The threat of deep hostility and punitive use of government grows every day. Everyday.

There is a huge push to Federalize the Military and Police. There is a huge push by the UN for a CBDC There is a huge push to destroy our farmers. There is a huge push to instigate WAR in Russia.

I'm a realist and the clock is ticking.

Richmanstrick 15 points ago +16 / -1

Get up, get dressed and go to a Church this morning. Most churches have websites and display their hours of service. Anticipate a word from the Lord, pray he reveal his love to you. You will meet alot of awesome people too. Do it!

You will not find your purpose if you don't communicate with him. GO!

Richmanstrick 3 points ago +4 / -1

Thank you wQkeAF for posting this, we could use a little clarity about now....

Horrible day, no one getting behind Trump, I thought for sure it would be a great day of unity...... we need to hear from men like James Trusty.

Where are our outspoken Patriots? RNC? Generals? Constitutionalist?

Richmanstrick 3 points ago +4 / -1

Trump is threating to overturn the "Elitist Cart" of corruption. He wants to expose them; He will EXPOSE how men entrusted with power have used it for personal gain.

He walked among their corruption. He knows THE ONLY WAY IS TRANSPARANCY.

Exposing corruption and holding the corrupt to account can only happen if we understand the way corruption works and the SYSTEMS that enable it.

Corruption affects us ALL and the COSTS are high.

Bribery i.e., favors for sale

The Misuse of public money, i.e. taxpayer monies $$$$

Corporate Greed, i.e., deals in the shadows

Corruption can happen anywhere: in business, government, the courts, the media, and in civil society, as well as across all sectors from health and education to infrastructure and sports, yes sports.

Corruption can involve anyone: politicians, government officials, public servants, business people or members of the public.

Corruption happens in the shadows, often with the help of professional enablers such as BANKERS, LAWYERS, ACCOUNTANTS and real estate agents, opaque financial systems and ANONYMOUS SHELL COMPANIES that allow corruption schemes to flourish and the corrupt to launder and hide their illicit wealth.

The only way to fight corruption is Transparency!

Transparency is all about knowing who, why, what, how and how much. It means shedding light on formal and informal rules, plans, processes and actions. Transparency helps us, the public, hold all power to account for the common good.

Seeking and receiving information is a HUMAN RIGHT that can act as a safeguard against corruption, and increase trust in decision makers and public institutions. However, transparency is not only about making information available, but ensuring it can be easily accessed, understood and used by citizens.


Richmanstrick 0 points ago +1 / -1

We are being forced to stand against tyranny inside our land. Will we stand?

Who among us are courageous?

If we DO NOT stand for the truth and stop this injustice, WE WILL LOSE OUR REPUBLIC, we will lose our way of liberty and may even lose our lives in perpetual servitude if placed in the Gulags.

Wake up!

Richmanstrick 0 points ago +1 / -1

Thanks for posting! Happy for his return.

Richmanstrick 4 points ago +5 / -1

If you bring up the meetings on video from the G7, WEF and UN, the elites are sure they will win this cultural and financial war waging against mankind.

They blatantly state, that they will force our behaviors to change into what they feel is the best way of living (under their thumb). They feel the masses are to uneducated to understand what is best for them.

The elites have made deals with corporations to join them in forcing these ideologies to change behaviors on the masses for a substantial return on investments in the near future.

Get your hands on as many of these enlightened talks/meetings as possible. Anyone can see the Psychosis of these elites. They are dragging humanity into a world of delusions.

They look at humanity as worker bees and disposable test subjects. They care not for humanity, they are truly the mentally ill with money.

We must fight back with what we purchase, we have that power.

Richmanstrick 0 points ago +1 / -1

Just like any profession, there will be men of honor and men of low character.

I wanted to believe that the movie "Courageous" would inspire men to stand as honorable, above and beyond their duty to men and have a higher calling; but that hope I no longer have.

What I hope for now is that the good men who serve will call out the men who do not meet the basic standards of serve and protect. However, they no longer serve or protect. Do they?

Police are asked to look for revenue, to shake down the citizens from the top down. Knowing that, I have a problem with the profession. The temperament of many are not in line with this profession.

I know a few of those good men. I know them in uniform and outside of the uniform. They are good, decent, hardworking men. The problem is also the culture. These men are encouraged not to talk about policing. They are a tight knit group that must tow the line, they want to keep their noses clean while serving, remain humble and be the protectors that God designed. It is very difficult for them. I have no doubt they are worn down day after day and wonder what the hell they are doing.

Just like any man wanting to provide for his family, carrots are dangled in front of him for his obedience and silence. As for the public, you never know who will arrive to help you, if you will survive a misunderstanding or be killed.

The trust has been broken as with most institutions. I feel it can be repaired and must. But it is unknown, if it actually will.

Richmanstrick 2 points ago +3 / -1

Interesting....but my only belief is in Christ and his plan. And I would be very suspicious to even begin to believe that Jesus is speaking prophecy thru Q. For Satan and his demons will try and deceive many.

Richmanstrick 1 point ago +2 / -1

God keep you and protect you from evil.

Richmanstrick 2 points ago +3 / -1

He is the only pastor that I know of, who is locked in to the events of the day and able to explain them to the congregations clearly.

Read his book: Fault Lines: The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism’s Looming Catastrophe

Richmanstrick 4 points ago +5 / -1

What makes you believe Q is a movement from God?

Richmanstrick 2 points ago +3 / -1

It does not matter what I think, what does God want? What answer has he given you thru fasting and prayer?

If you truly want to pursue this, not being a glow worm and all, I suggest you contact Voddie Baucham.

As for me and my Church, we know not what Q is.... it is irrelevant. Our inspiration is the Holy Spirit.

Richmanstrick 4 points ago +5 / -1

The true movement of God is about Faith and what Christ wants. We go there to worship as a body of like minded believers to give thanks and learn scripture and HIS truth.

The body of believers are dealing with fractures due to the Covid lies, vaccine injuries, and trust in our institutions. There is a great deal we are overcoming. The last thing people want to hear or be distracted by is man's issues and politics. We want to have a reverent time of true worship, connecting with the spirit and the hope we have in Christ. We do not want more false hope from the worlds promises.

Since our belief is based on Scripture, there is a limited number of things we have to defend. Q is not one of them.

Richmanstrick 3 points ago +4 / -1

Why do you want to attempt to bring that into the Church?

Richmanstrick 0 points ago +1 / -1

Thanks for the response, I miss him. I am hanging on, but it's that some days are harder than others. No one can gauge the horrible anxiety below the surface of society when they learn the FBI and CIA are so corrupt. Who would have thought it in a million years. Dad said the Military is corrupt also. Dad was a part of Mensa, an intellectual man. He was drafted at an older age. He said so many unqualified men were in positions of leadership that should have never been.

He said, what he saw was a system which placed young men, inexperienced men as pawns in a Rich mans political game. (a proxy war). Most orders did not make any sense and cost the lives of many including innocent civilians.

Richmanstrick 21 points ago +23 / -2

It is very frustrating for those of us who have lived thru the sixties until now and know the same people, over and over again, are responsible for the majority of the corruption and have yet to be held accountable.

Those career thugs are now in their golden years and will most likely be allowed to finish out their privileged lives without a single consequence of selling out America.

So much suffering, so much collateral damage. Our government does not serve the people, and has not for a long time; it is a business for the corrupt elite and political class.

I butt heads with normal everyday folks, good people, who refuse to accept that anything is wrong, that; This too will pass.

Me and my family are still pretty much protected living in a Red State, but, I fear, it will eventually make its way here. The lawlessness, the depravity, the local corruption is beginning to make itself known as corporations weld their power.

My father lived and breathed ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter, he was 88 yrs old, a Korean War Vet who gathered with other vets once a week to discuss the government corruption coming to light after a lifetime of knowing it and living it. He wanted to live to see America liberated, to be prosperous again and the joy of hope in unity. He watched the video on Q, over and over, to keep that hope alive. But he died not knowing what would happen to his sons and daughters.

Many of us fear, we will die too not seeing those responsible pay for the unbelievable damage they have done to a people, to a nation. My father dedicated his life to channeling his anger into improving or restoring our ability to govern. He made some frens at the Pentagon, in the Marines and at the VA. And although his frens understood his mission, the institutions treated him like crap. In hindsight, he made little difference. He was a true patriot.

So please forgive us on days that we are doubting the outcome of this war. We ARE tired. Tired of getting a couple bags of groceries for 300.00; Tired of filling up our truck for 120.00. Tired of watching our 401K in a death spiral. Tired of having our bones ache when we are too old to till a garden. Tired of working past the age of 67. Tired of watching the Biden family rob us blind and making us weak.

Tired of taking care of aging parents when their incomes do not meet their needs. Tired of being poisoned by processed foods and medications. Tired of our healthcare BC/BS covering less and less year after year. Tired of doctors selling out to the Administration's bottom line instead of caring for us. Tired of prepping. Tired of watching ourselves and our children become impoverished. Etc., etc, etc., It is ALL so F*cking exhausting.

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