Rubieroo 1 point ago +2 / -1

Sure - if this was a one off, I wouldn't care. People make crap choices on Halloween sometimes.

I have no emotional attachment to Elon Musk though, so when I add this odd choice to his background and his girlfriend putting a pentagram on their unborn child? No way to avoid it: those were bad choices and maybe evil beliefs.

I'm okay with liking Elon while remaining on the fence when it comes to trusting him. Not like he cares either way, right? I trust people who EARN trust. Not people I'm TOLD to trust.

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can seriously think of 4 solid and thorough movie plots just from what is publicly known of the 2020 election.

Add Q and 2022 into the plotlines and there's years worth of material!

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was not super excited, but it WAS a necessary watch.

IMO, this is why it was critical:

Wray called out the CCP.

Everyone else called out the PRC.

We already know the CCP is bad.

The legit govt should have been the PRC.

I am thinking the phraseology was VERY deliberate.

PRC = white hat

CCP = black hat

Rubieroo 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think it's kind of funny though, that the people who put this letter together are apparently such big chickenshits that they wouldn't even put their names to it.

They know what would happen if they did, because something like this already happened at Tesla, with the result being instantaneous firings.

Rubieroo 9 points ago +9 / -0

Liberals couldn't even manage to keep one radio station afloat. Remember when they couldn't legislate Rush Limbaugh off the air? So in their tantrum, led by Al (The Groper) Franken, they started a radio station to broadcast All Liberal/All the Time. It went bankrupt. IIRC it was within a year.


Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not going until after the election. Sorry anons, but I think you got this one wonky. Maybe not wrong...but wonky.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Definitely. I love that we already have footage being spread far and wide of the dude in the white car. I hope some of these criminals take that as a warning that there are eyes on them AND the boxes.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty sure that horse bolted a long time ago. Phones, computerized cars, the FB app that allows them to access your phone and see/hear you 24/7, the TikTok CCP app that plenty of people STILL use...

I don't even use Telegram very often, but I cannot see dumping a major platform weeks before a huge election. Afterwards? Yeah, probably.

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

He seems pretty sure he's going to get away with what he's done. I hope he likes surprises.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +3 / -1

Not really sure about any of this, and since Telegram didn't really censor or ban patriots I am NOT inclined to jump on this bandwagon.

Within the coming month Telegram might prove very useful. After that? We'll see!

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

What an obsessive nutball that dude is. Can you even imaginie how horrible he is to be around IRL? Eww!

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, I did not forget that. He is also spearheading a war to save the world and taking years of heat and assassination attempts for it. What's she done? Fought against him for YEARS - along with everything we stand for.

Again - laundry list of items from her. She is not remotely a conservative and has been acting just as a Cabal operative WOULD act. And now that Democrats are all about to faceplant all of a sudden she's switching sides? Nah. She can find some other line of work to redeem herself in.

Rubieroo 16 points ago +16 / -0

In case everyone has forgotten, here are her stances on a variety of things - in her own words. Also on this site is her voting record.

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're ignoring the entire list of things Tulsi has been pitted against us on?

It's not "one little thing". She has fought against nearly everything patriots fought FOR, and yet you think she's good now because she said some words?

Rubieroo 5 points ago +5 / -0

She is the exact opposite of a conservative, that's for sure.

It's okay to happily welcome someone into the party without allowing them to represent us in office. We've gotta stop with celebrity culture.

There are MILLIONS of conservative patriots who would be great in any public office from school board to city council, to rep or senator or governor! There is NO NEED for us to look outside for someone capable.

Let Tulsi prove herself over as many years as she spent fighting AGAINST US. Once she has been proven, then maybe she would be worth voting for.

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's always been that chance though, that President Trump is one of the "temps" that Q mentioned.

Come in, do the job, wreak havoc on the DS, move back, bring in the next operator so the DS has too many moving targets to contend with.

Even the media had a tough time keeping up with Trump's constantly switched out personnel - they cannot do a thorough character assassination if staff members weren't around long enough to sink into public consciousness.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do like hearing how others have reached sleepers/normies. It's been pretty helpful!

Kinda funny....there have been only two ways I've personally seen wake up normies. One was tailored toward people who ONLY listen to mainstream media. That's awesome and I have seen it reap a pretty good harvest!

And then there's the way I went.

I've not held back much from those I've talked to, and I chose to give these people the benefit of the doubt in terms of just how MUCH truth they could handle.

My goal wasn't to "wake people up", it was to plant bigger seeds for what's coming. I did post whatever data I had when possible. By deciding to never worry about the "conspiracy theorist" moniker I have had a few direct attacks from people I know. One was a pastor. But I reached thousands. So it was BEYOND well worth the pain.

If I HAD worried about being labelled a "conspiracy theorist" I would not have reached the people I have reached. But within my own family I have seen the exact opposite approach work! We know a lot of Wall Street types and they are slowwwwwwwly waking up because of this more gentle approach where anything that looked like "conspiracy theory" was never talked about. They would not have been able to stomach that stuff I talk about, and that's okay. We have different audiences! :)

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