Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only that Sony has been filthy and Satanic for a very long time now

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

We're going to have to learn. I usually test things on myself to see if there are side effects, but I cannot test this :( I already had the rona and will never get that crap shot.

I do know at least two people willing to help. They got the shots. And I will give them NAC,

Sorry not sorry, but I must say I gave it to one who did not know it was also a detox.....felt like a liar but they would not have done it any other way. It's a healthy thing for the average person, so I did not get caught. Hard for me to believe I am now reduced to sneaking a cure into someone, but it really is such a common supplement that there's no way knowing :P

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh dang, yep - no doubt I did struggle with something even worse (because I now know .informationally challenged people, aka liberals) who injected 5 yr old children...I have had to bite my tongue and I did fail on occasion and flat out said "GOOD GOD YOU JUST MURDERED YOUR CHILD".

I am trying to do better :P Because the murderers blocked me anyway.

Live and learn right? I am actually trying to help, and that did not help.

What's bizarre is that telling people who didn't give a rip about getting vaxxed how to detox is working much better than telling them the dangers. It's as if they are so flat out determined to get that fucking shot that NOTHING you say will sway them. But they know its bad. And they want out.

I don't get it. These are sweet normal people who typically choose GOOD.

My conclusion is that vaxxed conservatives want to know how to fix this. Most didn't know better and the rest whimped out and still want to know how to fix this.

The ones who don't want to fix it are hardcore liberals. Oh well.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

By the way, I really have not looked into the graphene oxide things at all. How to resolve and eradicate? Can we? Does anyone know?

I will add and send to my friends for sure if anyone has any ideas. I do know a fair number of people that are willing to try anything to detox, because they didn't really want the stupid vax to begin with but they caved to family pressure, most of them. This is where we take care of our other frens who just....could not withstand. Ya know? Not everyone is a badass, and pretty much every elderly person I know EXCEPT ONE LADY all got that damn shot. She's a trooper!

Rubieroo 29 points ago +29 / -0

Great. Now let's also talk about Tommy Mottola.


I don't know how much I am authorized to say, but to avoid implicating eyewitnesses I can just tell you that Tommy (who was married to Mariah Carey) forced everyone who signed a contract with Sony to take "an oath to the llight". That oath involved a literal Satanic pledge and ritual, which I cannot detail because the only person I know who saw it will not tell me the whole tale. Sounded like a movie, with candles and robes and hoods and symbols. They have to also swear that they will never "be saved". They will never accept Christ.

These people know that Jesus is the SAVIOR. They get kids and young adults drugged up in limousines (I forget the name of drug, but it rips open the veil between demonic/our dimension), they get them to do things just like Epstein did, et voila. A new owned creature.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unrelated thought: I kinda feel like Oathkeepers was set up nearly from the getgo. Before we knew that this is a thing - infiltration and subversion of leadership...betrayal basically. By corrupt feds. Back then we did not know the signs. It was an honest movement for the members, and I suppose that's why it was attacked by the Deep State.

Rubieroo 21 points ago +21 / -0

The one that really cracked me up was the "Kekistan" flag! More memes?

What next? The Pepperidge Farm old man in the buggy?

"We had to blacklist him.....because HE REMEMBERS"

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

AJ is literally funded by Mossad. Might want to analyze why he is attacking Trump AGAIN when his controllers are based in one of the most heavily vaxxed countries in the world? Mossad isn't worried about helping keep people safe from vax damage, so why are they attacking Trump via Jones?

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Q said Jones is a Mossad-funded actor. AJ has turned on and attacked Trump many times. How many times does it take before AJ fans finally get it? AJ says what he is paid to say, and we know who pays him. Mossad is also based in the most vaxxed nation on earth, so it's not like they give a rip about this. So WHY is AJ attacking Trump again? Because they told him to.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well when Mossad shouts it (AJ), one must wonder what the agenda is. Can you see no reason why a Mossad actor (remembering that Israel is one of the most vaxxed nations on earth) is trying to undermine Trump?

Come on now. Use your head.

Rubieroo -1 points ago +0 / -1

Jones is funded by Mossad. Assange has been under protection for a long time now. Did you NEVER read Q posts? Sounds like you don't know anything.

Rubieroo 27 points ago +27 / -0

I am a bit shocked to see Antifa listed, because they are an actual state-sponsored terrorist group

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

We'll try and pick up the Q clock for you. I just posted a couple from today. Not my work, but interesting! God go with you (I know He does and will)

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks friend :) We'll miss you

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm so sorry friend. God be with you and comfort you. You're in my prayers <3

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

But while we are on the subject, I remember that creep saying they do "god's work"

Rubieroo 0 points ago +2 / -2

Guh, I know I'll have to but really I didn't like it the first time around so....torture XD

Still enjoying the final scene of Sum of All Fears though ;) Melania in green.....Nessum Dorma & Trump

By the way, unrelated but the music from that final Godfather III scene was Cavalleria Rusticana: Intermezzo, by Mascagni

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Two references to "Godfather" in one week right now is a bit much, thus the interest

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