Rubieroo 6 points ago +6 / -0

What I've noticed is that the MJ12 account on TG pushes certain people too. Back in the day there was a fair bit of Austin Steinbart. Now it's "Tore". Tore in turn attacks other patriots pretty much nonstop. Since I don't know ANY of these people I'm gonna say there is no reason to trust them more those they are attacking.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

For the Republicans/conservatives....I know they're still out there reading because when I see these people in real life they tell me to PLEASE keep posting, and when I get banned they send messages asking. I kinda figure at this point? What I am posting is for people who WANT to know (I only redpill liberals in person. Not so much online. Too easy for them to escape online) :P

I had wondered because a lot of people read for the better part of a year without responding in any way. I even formed some messaging and text patriot groups for those times when patriots are suspended from FB. We gather info, share it, and send it out. Many have been reading this stuff going back all the way to the beginning of Q. Before that I had not much use for stupid FB

Rubieroo 10 points ago +10 / -0

So long as they already know at least some of what you believe? When the big stuff goes down they will know who to turn to. Perhaps the only person they can trust to have some clue what the hell is going on. That time WILL come. That's a lot of why I post so much info on FB - so that later on people will remember....and then we can talk. You know, when they aren't stark raving mad media zombies ;-)

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay, I found something that has KINDA worked. I mean - they DO often revert back to the dark fog in their minds, but I have gotten a lot of hardcore liberals to listen and believe (for a while) by feigning to be just like them as I excitedly tell them all kinds of truths, with the foundation and starting point always being something they already believe.

Things like election fraud - I start out by sadly recalling the nomination theft Bernie went through TWICE. Most liberals don't like the Hildabeast so I can safely talk about her. I can agree with them about how awful the Rona is and how scary....and then excitedly tell them how hard it was to get HCQ but how doctor friends at a huge nearby hospital were themselves shocked at its efficacy! And so on....

Find the point of agreement and you're in. Example: we all agree that there is a problem with the scandalously huge costs of medical industry that surpass even the problem with insurance affordability. We all agree that fraud was involved in poor Bernie's presidential failures. We agree that politicians are largely corrupt. We agree that massive multi-national corporations are NOT run by terrific people. And so on.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

My condolences on what sounds like a most ridiculous and irritating experience.

I'm glad you at least were able to mention how well ivermectin worked for you.

Who knows - maybe one of them will, in a moment of terrified rona desperation - recall what you said and take their ommy nommy horse past and get better!

by Quelle
Rubieroo 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Qernern Shaman adjusts his dead raccoon hat and would like to invoke the Blessing of the Lighting gods and also would like to know if anyone has cash to spare for cab fare back to Oregon?

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

If President Trump says it's a trap and they continued to push the idea that it's a good thing? I'd permanently question their identity. Deep Staters tell on themselves now and then.

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm patriotically staying away from DC so hard that my hair has turned red, white, and blue!

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Make a post on it on patriots.win

If any of them were dumb enough to go to this thing maybe they can send us photos of Antifa, DS, and FBI operatives

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just the Cabal trying to make their tyrannical moves look "popular". As if that is going to work. Once people are awake, there's no going back to sleep

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Perhaps your friend could verify OP's post? No one seems to have a source on this story so it'd be nice to at least have someone on the inside verify....

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I rarely send normies to archive links unless necessary. They need to direct link. They don't really understand archiving or the need for it. I will explain if necessary, but...yeah, they don't know what that is or why the web page looks weird.

As for my own security - well that's just not really a priority for me. At all. Screw THEM.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's oriental! Don't be so raaaaacist, mang!

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fool me three times...ohmygosh, like, stop being such a jerk! D:

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

For $1.99 add this black 8 mask to blend in with the FBI Operative Action Figures 8-)

Rubieroo 8 points ago +8 / -0

Stored in an Authentic Horse Paste box to fool your normie friends and relatives into thinking you are a Horse!

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some friends noticed that old cargo boats can be converted. I forget the exact kind. They were bigger than the average houseboat but smaller than tug. Anyways, they priced buying one and rehabbing it for a family and it was a good deal compared to housing - by far!

by robchaw
Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've never heard of it arriving AS chlorine dioxide? I've always either made my own or bought stuff like in that link. Not sure about dosing if it's already activated.

by BQnita
Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

FB nazis HATE this one

Which means I like it

by BQnita
Rubieroo 12 points ago +12 / -0

By the way, I looked up Richard Rothschild and saw that last July he basically "lost" all of his assets in a divorce decision.

Assets all gone, Rothschild. Not the first one of these creeps that has a convenient story about how all of their money vanished.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Milley is also trying to make out like Trump is NUKE-mad.

I believe that might be the larger point about this whole latest episode. It's a way for the media to repeat "If Trump should CHOOSE to use nuclear weapons...." over and over and over again until all of the really stoooopid people believe it. That way if the DS does the unthinkable they have pre-set the narrative.

by robchaw
Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

If it's the same one I have it's a one to one ratio. ( Mine is sold as water purifier....I bought it on Amazon) one should be "activator", like citric acid. The other would be what makes the chlorine dioxide (IIRC it is stabilized oxygen). Here's the one I have

So what I do with mine is equal number of drops of each in a small white or clear glass bowl or cup. You can also use the white lid that comes with your set if you have the one I linked to above. I generally do a 4 drop dose (so 4 drops of each).

Once the mixture turns yellow (a few minutes) I simply add a tablespoon of water, swallow the mixture, and chase it with plain water. I'll wait an hour and take another dose. Any nausea and I lessen the amount and lengthen the time between doses.

Don't take vitamin C anywhere after taking this.....it'll deactivate it. So maybe a few hours later would be good.

I think GWA is killing the link I sent you, so I will add the description so you can look it up for yourself and compare. "Aquamira - Chlorine Dioxide Water Treatment Two Part Liquid (1 oz Droppers Bottles)"

Rubieroo 6 points ago +6 / -0

I saw a video of one woman who finally had enough. It was pretty funny - she was all, like, "NEVER AGAIN."

Side note: the people behind the agenda of trying to make people live like rabbits in hutches are themselves going to be living (an abbreviated existence for many) in very cramped living quarters themselves!

Rubieroo 7 points ago +7 / -0

I actually thought those looked cool for camping until I realized it's part of their attempt to push into the world the Soviets were forced to live in.

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