The people her daddy worked for would have enough.
Whenever I wonder if Israeli or American leadership is pro war, I remember those poor souls aboard the USS Liberty who were thought to be worth less than open conflict with Egypt
Our government has made every tax paying citizen complicit in terrorism. This alone should be enough to halt all federal taxation until the Gordian knot of corruption can be excised. Moreover it makes obvious the need for oversight on tax money at every stage.
Yes. There's just too much fraud to play favorites at this point.
Anyone that's surprised at this is probably very new to the scene. All medical charities should be audited for the same reason.
Incontinentia Buttocks!
The internet wasn't a common household thing back in 1989 when the first reports of the rocket increase in autism started coming out. But three years sounds about right for the repercussions of the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act to start coming to light.
We need safety studies about the level of nanoparticulate aluminum an infant/fetus can safely eliminate without extended immune response (longer than a couple hours) since they're going to insist on injecting every baby with the same amount that they would give an adult.
Yet again they advocate for violence
What sticks in my craw is the growth of federal power over states.
Don't forget the '94 crime bill!
Anyone that thinks that turtle is conservative is either callow or lying
Right to privacy was never guaranteed by any of our documents. It's an unfortunate oversight in my opinion.
Fire erases evidence
I thought "based left" was an oxymoron, but this statement blows that sentiment right out of the water. It's nice to see evidence that not all of the left are rampaging lunatics.
A CDC whistle-blower tried to tell us through John Rappaport in 2004. The medical community has known and covered this for so many years. Vaccines are the primary cause of autism and SIDS.
There's little in the universe that can outpace the human capacity for ignorance or selective blindness
It was the inevitable outcome to federal rights taking over state rights
I honestly didn't think about that, and it's a great point. Loads of them had to be found through cell phone tracking. I really should have thought of that.
Still boggles my mind that he didn't pardon them before leaving
Rosa Parks was a communist activist, and her bus stunt was organized with help of the NAACP
Thank you for the link!