Schmoebody 0 points ago +1 / -1

Uh yeah it is.....there are barrels and lane blockages almost nightly. 121 and Preston are not specifically under construction but that area sure is.

Schmoebody 1 point ago +2 / -1

This has to be old footage, that whole area is under construction now. I see none of the lane blockages, cones, barriers and stockpiles of stuff to be used. I’ve seen this same vid pop up several times in the past 2 or 3 days. Fuck of fed faggots.

Edit: so I’ve seen a longer version and I can see a few of the lane dividers in the background. Did some searching and it does appear to have happened a few days back, probably on a Sunday. I don’t work on Sunday so that’s why I didn’t personally get affected by it. If I was there, let’s just say yelling isn’t what I would have done. Enough of these commie fucktards and their cuckass enablers.

Schmoebody 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your suggestion of checking AAPS was the best thing healthcare-wise that’s happened for me in a long time. Found a great doctor who is on the level and I felt like a great burden was lifted. Everyone had some good suggestions and I explored them, but yours was gangbusters, thank you fren!

Schmoebody 4 points ago +5 / -1

Good for you!! Never fear a confrontation about blatantly anti-human practices. Those that have a “problem” with you not wearing a mask are a weak, feckless bunch. They’re actually incensed you’re not compliant ninnies like them.

I always say to anyone I see without a mask on in public, when appropriate, that it’s nice to see a fellow human face again. Every time they’re initially perplexed but then you can see it clicks in their mind what I meant.

Hopefully it reinforces their strength to go anywhere they want without one on in the future. I’ve also had some really human conversations from these interactions. It can be chicken soup for the soul I tell ya!

Also if anyone does give you shit, tell them to sit and rotate and continue about your business because, as I said before, they’re weak compliant ninnies.

Schmoebody 4 points ago +4 / -0

Recently rewatched this show. I’ve always loved it, but it seems even more relevant now than ever before. G’Kar, Delenn, Vir, and even Londo....the arcs they go through are amazing. Who are you? What do you want? Brilliant.

Schmoebody 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks fren! I absolutely see the re-examining of my disdain for the “religious” thing more as you put it, a “spiritual” rekindling if you will.

I definitely do not need someone else to interpret a book or its teachings for me. It’s great that you responded with this sentiment as that was a major issue I had with the whole thing that pushed me to swear it all off as a controlling boondoggle.

I speak with God when I feel the need in my own way. I don’t need nor want a special building with “special” people to have those moments. I agree with you that if other folks need/feel like it helps them then more power to them etc. I’m really glad I commented on this thread.

Thanks for your input and response as well, it helped awaken a lot of buried decisions made in the past for the wrong/twisted reasons.

Schmoebody 16 points ago +16 / -0

This is something I had to come to grips with. A long time ago in school I realized if I kept spouting off the truths of reality I wouldn’t have any “friends”. So I started playing dumb and turned to drugs and alcohol to fit in and get some poon. Had fun and had all the ladies I never wanted etc. but I was dead inside and surrounded by retards.

This whole past year has truly awakened me, the REAL me. The me I shunned and ignored for vanity’s sake. It’s cost me everyone I’ve known outside my parents. And you know what, totally worth it. I’m making more money now than I ever have in my life, one of the benefits the covidiots have done by making the game easier to game and them being afraid of their own shadow.

New place to live in a nicer area in the works, I’m the healthiest I’ve been in 20 years, I’ve finally kicked cigarettes due to less stress and self loathing. I’m working out and feeling great.

I’ve gotten back into God a little, baby steps and all etc. I used to hate the whole religious thing but I forgot why over the years so I’m beginning to re-examine why.

I truly believe the best is yet to come!!

Schmoebody 1 point ago +1 / -0

That’s great. Wish I had a similar story but my “friend” keeps jamming blue suppositories up his ass like it’s going out of style.