ShariaBlue 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also, we're almost sure we are declining every single one. The Hibb one seems pretty low risk as it has no heavy metals but we're leaning towards none

ShariaBlue 1 point ago +1 / -0

We declined as well, most are a 100% a no brainier to absolutely skip over them.

There are maybe one or two you might want to consider but almost every single one you are better off not having.

Hep b is only transmitted through sex/blood transfusions absolutely pointless to give your newborn.

Here's a quick summary of why current vaccines are bad:

Ever since we moved away from live viruses and then weakened viruses to straight up dead viruses the immune system stopped recognizing vaccines as a threat to develop antibodies for.

When that happened we needed a new way to develop a "robust immune response" the solution was to combine the virus with a toxic substance (aluminum, mercury etc) these only serve the purpose of aggravating your immune system and that's because they're toxic to you

The side effects on pumping these things into a baby with a poorly formed blood brain barrier are countless. Your wife made a good call

ShariaBlue 6 points ago +6 / -0

Looks like a radiated ghoul from the Fallout series

ShariaBlue 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dallas county checks ID and prints ballot all at first step.

Then you feed that ballot into the voting booth, make your selections and it prints it back out

Finally, you take that and feed it through the tabulator yourself

ShariaBlue 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is no standalone tetanus shot available in the states anymore, just the dTap which is a combination shot with an absurd amount of aluminum.

by not using live viruses they have to couple the dead virus to a toxin in order to generate a "robust" immune response.

When they combine multiple viruses into one vaccine (mmr / dtap) they have to ramp up the amount of the toxin included. Most new shots use aluminum, some still use mercury