Sibyllaus 1 point ago +1 / -0

You mean by the corporatists.
The democrats nor the corporate media do not support leftist policy.

Sibyllaus 2 points ago +2 / -0

You mean corporatist rant. Democrats do not support leftist policy.

Sibyllaus 2 points ago +2 / -0

When you come across a person who claims to be a Communist or a Marxist, ask them whether they advocate for the government seizure of BOTH all of the means of production AND of ALL private property, two ESSENTIAL policies without which you have no communism? When they look at you dumbfounded, mouths open, point out to them that they aren't actual communists, just fools who were never taught what communism ACTUALLY means.

Feel free to then point and laugh at them.

Sibyllaus 1 point ago +1 / -0

To clarify, the god of the bible COMMANDED genocide, is fine with human slavery, rape and genital mutilation of infants, and demands that you love him.

Sibyllaus 1 point ago +1 / -0

So the 1st commandment is redundant?

So few logicians here...

Sibyllaus 1 point ago +1 / -0

To clarify, the god of the bible COMMANDED genocide, is fine with human slavery, rape and genital mutilation of infants, and demands that you love him.

Sibyllaus 1 point ago +1 / -0

To clarify, the god of the bible COMMANDED genocide, is fine with human slavery, rape and genital mutilation of infants, and demands that you love him.

Sibyllaus 1 point ago +1 / -0

To clarify, the god of the bible COMMANDED genocide, is fine with human slavery, rape and genital mutilation of infants, and demands that you love him.

Sibyllaus 1 point ago +1 / -0

To clarify, the god of the bible COMMANDED genocide, is fine with human slavery, rape and genital mutilation of infants, and demands that you love him.

Sibyllaus 1 point ago +1 / -0

So the 1st commandment is redundant and worthless?

Why not replace it with do not rape?

Sibyllaus -5 points ago +1 / -6

Too many uneducated fools without the intellectual capacity to understand the political spectrum keep referring to the Democrats as the Left, even though the DNC's policies are clearly center-right. These uneducated fools don't have the cognitive ability to understand that a spectrum is not binary. Left-right, Us versus them..

You don't mean the Left, you mean the CORPORATE ESTABLISHMENT and their purchased possessions, the civilian ABC agencies, the media and the DNC.

DO NOT CONFUSE THE CORPORATE DEMOCRATS or THE ESTABLISHMENT CORPORATE MEDIA as "The Left". Not only are you wrong, but you are letting the center-right Corporate Establishment Oligarchy off the hook. Democrats know that they are NEITHER Liberal nor the Left.

The political spectrum MEANS something. It is measure of POLICY.

There are 4 main players on the US political spectrum: (from left to right)

(left) progressives (most of whom are independents, about 42% of the populace),

(central) Trump,

(right) neoliberal Corporate DEMOCRATS (26% of the populace), and

(farther right) REPUBLICANS (28% of the populace).

None of the main players is communist (advocate for government seizure of BOTH the means of production AND private property), nor totalitarian. Only progressives are on the left. Progressives IDENTIFY STRONGLY as the LEFT. Measured by historic norms of the political spectrum, currently, both the Democrats AND the Republicans are on the right.

The GENUINE left seeks POLICY such as single payer healthcare, a living wage, money out of politics, a strong EPA, removal of banking, media, oil, food, and pharma monopolies, infrastructure investment, removal of corruption, zero wars, zero empire.

Corporate democrats AND ESPECIALLY THEIR DONORS want nothing to do with any of this.

Search YouTube: California Democratic Party Openly Che ating Progressives Again

Progressives support draining the swamp, in fact, THEY WERE THE FIRST TO PROPOSE SUCH A GOAL, and that would include draining the DOJ and the FBI, in addition to the civilian intelligence forces, the C_A, et. al.
We are watching for the year of prosecution of over 100,000 sealed indictments to begin shortly. FISA DECLAS. Durham and INDICTMENTS.

If President Trump can accomplish the genuine removal of establishment, permanent government, C_A corporate bankster media deep state corruption, then the GENUINE LEFT see hope that President Trump, who has talked about the superiority of some progressive policies in other countries, will reverse the terrible conservative policy he has HAD to implement in the US in order to keep his republican support strong to avoid impeachment.

Biden and the Corporate Democrats do NOT support leftist policy https://youtu.be/mk5HaoV5CAI