Skellington 1 point ago +1 / -0

why? it doesn't really work and even if it did its not the true source of power. the institutions that govern political opinions are not democratic and neither can they be. you dont elect teachers or academia or the media and if you control those things (like they do) then popular sovereignty is easy to control. if you can control the desires of people you win. any serious political force ignores vooooting and goes for the throat instead.

Skellington 1 point ago +1 / -0

they want to impeach trump to bang the drumb about trump causing an insurrection and to spite him even more. they want to make an example of him to everyone.

Skellington 1 point ago +2 / -1

epic. call anyone who hates trump a pedo.

Skellington 1 point ago +1 / -0

with regards to number 3 that's not really proof of anything. the left are deeply enamored with the idea of being a rebel. so when they get power and responsibility they get cognitive dissonance when the utopia they thought would come about never comes so they never believe that they really have power. that there is some greater enemy to fight, that they are still the rebel, that really secretly fascists are still in charge or whatever. they want to live in an eternal revolution because to admit that one actually is the establishment or has power is to admit that one is responsible and that the utopia promised turned into ashes in your mouth.

you can see this in stuff like the star wars sequels. when George Lucas wrote the prequels he was like "well this takes place before the empire took power so the republic will be in power in this setting" simple logic really. but in the sequels the leftist writers are so enamored with being the rebellion that they had to find some convoluted way for the good guys to be the resistance again so they made up some bullshit and never explained what happened to the republic and what they are even doing. the first order despite being a remnant of the empire are in charge of the galaxy basically again for some reason.

the left are perpetually convinced that they are always the losers and always justify their exercise of power over you as them lashing out against opressors when in fact it is they that are. and it really is quite effective. putting people in an eternal mindset that they are beset upon by some opressors at all times is really good for politics because it motivates them to always grab power and they just justify it because they dont really have power and they are just trying to be equal with those that impose upon them. and people are more loss adverse than they are happy when they gain. so telling people that they need to grab political power because they are imposed upon by cheeto hitler is more motivating when getting political power than telling people "hey lets gain some power it will be great to gain"

so point number 3 is no proof at all because that's just their default state.

Skellington 2 points ago +2 / -0

they shill anti-q propoganda not because they are afraid of you but they want to inflate the "threat" you pose in order to have a strawman enemy to justify their narrative about the rising threat of fascism in america or whatever in order to justify their own power

Skellington 2 points ago +2 / -0

maybe everything is a cult

Skellington 3 points ago +3 / -0

he is, they just be dooming a bit. fell for the blackpill. just a stumble we all have faced at one point or another. in a couple of weeks when the military takes over he'll be shaking his head at how foolish he was

Skellington 0 points ago +5 / -5

ok shill. don't you get it yet? TRUMP ALREADY WON. if your son joins the military he will be apart of the organization that takes down CCP pedophile agent sleepy joe. Within the MONTH ol boy joe there will be staring down the barrel of an M16 and wondering how he fell down there. there is no reason to quit the marines because this whole shit will be coming down on the satanic pedophile elite within a month, tops. trust the plan. we already won years ago. tell your son to go back to his destiny.

all you need to do now is kick back, relax and watch the final act of the plan.

Skellington 4 points ago +4 / -0

If hes going to be a shadow president then how would impeachment do anything.

Skellington 0 points ago +0 / -0

i wouldn't put trust in peoples oaths during a political struggle. At the end of the day its just words and you cant rely on it. and i seriously doubt many people in the military sees the election as fraudulent as we think, and then even further see Biden as bad as you do, and even further have the will to do something so rash. in order to get a military intervention or something you would need the support of the top brass not just the soldiers and i don't really see that.

also you do realize just how bad a military intervention would look? its the move many would look on and see it as a "fascist coup" or whatever. the images of military guys locking down the capitol, installing someone else as the leader, it would vindicate the propaganda the media and Hollywood have been pumping out for years now. all the images in movies of big scary military guys overthrowing the results of some democratic election will come flashing into peoples minds and scare them.

and its called globalism for a reason, those images of the military stepping in, taking out their favored guy biden to the rest of the world would be a reason to step in and take action to "save" democracy. their not just going to let you do this.

like what are you going to do about the propagandistic media after you launch your military coup anyways? just line up the lying media and shoot them? more people than you think will just go along with what the "experts" say.

i also don't see the average person stepping up to fight a protracted guerilla war against the government. most people are sated with bread, circuses and netflix. the quality of life isn't bad enough to motivate people to risk their life fighting.

I just don't see anything like a civil war or the military stepping in at this point, their just not going to do it.

Skellington 0 points ago +1 / -1

how does the military answer to the people and constitution exactly?

Skellington 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the entire legal structure afforded to the American people is willing to ignore the fact that this election was fraudulent, then no elections going forward will ever matter again.


Skellington 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok i understand the plan now, i was just being retarded, its pretty simple when you actually think about it. in fact its so elegant in its pragmatic simplicity im surprised I never thought about it before. This is why Q makes plans and not me lmao

by Evspra
Skellington 0 points ago +1 / -1

seems out of context. don't know where this is from but this easily is probably referring to his claim that child trafficking is an extremely misunderstood issue in that he thinks its overestimated.

Skellington 2 points ago +2 / -0

"At this point, our government controls all of the media and they are slowly drawing "bad attention" to Q with the intent to show people the media is lying to you. It's forcing people like us to go against the grain, thereby creating leaders and debaters. Many of us are fully awake to this, many of us are half way through the journey and think there is still a chance the plan failed, and the rest are a mess."

are you saying that the government which is controlled by the satanic pedophiles are drawing bad attention to q with the intenet to show people that they are lying? why would they do that.

or does Q control the government which controls the media which is drawing bad attention to himself in order to wake up people that he is real.

why would the media lie to people with the intent to show people that they are liar?

by Evspra
Skellington 3 points ago +4 / -1

whats your evidence that hes a pedo? i didn't see anything about that in any of the links

Skellington 1 point ago +1 / -0

globalism isn't fascism or communism.

fascism is conservative authoritarianism and about keeping up traditional boundaries and culture with a corporatist economy where the state and private sector are intertwined

communism is more broad but is generally about dissolving traditional boundaries like nationality race religion etc and about distributing the means of production to workers in order to bring about a utopian order where private property is abolished

globalism resembles communism in some ways because it has a leftist morality about dissolving traditional boundaries like nationality race religion sexuality gender etc, but they don't do this because they believe in marx or the proletariat revolution. they dissolve these things not to bring about communism but in order to expand their markets so they have more customers and can make more money. they dissolve gender roles so that they can get women to work for them and so they can dilute the labor pool. they encourage multiculturalism and mass immigration because they want a bigger tax base, they want to dilute the labor pool so that workers have more competition so that they are in a position of power to choose the most productive workers from across the world and damn everyone else.

so globalism is like fascism i suppose in the sense that they have a corpratist eque economy where there is collaboration between private companies and the government but is like communism in that it is based on leftist values that breaks down culture in order to let them invade every area of life.

its just dumb to call what we have now communism or fascism because its just not true. its not fascism. and by calling it fascism your only playing into the idiot frame the left has set up. the left has set up this "brown scare" where they tell you fascists are hiding around every corner and you need to be vigilant on the look for evil conservatives. its just dumb and when you try to turn their rhetoric around on them and say "nooo ur teh reel fascist" all it does is bolster the brown scare they have going

Skellington 1 point ago +3 / -2

literal idolatry, trump is not anointed by God

Skellington 2 points ago +2 / -0

fascism isnt just whatever you dont like

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