posted ago by QuantumRemedy ago by QuantumRemedy +22 / -2

I'm not a 2024 or bust guy, because this is the most legitimate gripe there is right now, but I think voting is part of the plan or a plan.

We're expecting the military to straighten everything out and then we can vote, but it may be that the plan is for us to keep fighting voter fraud and get shit done at the local levels so they can't pull this again at this scale.

2 things to consider:

  1. They really pulled out all the stops and were not able to make it any less obvious. They may try but it will be harder to pull the mail in ballot fraud again now that Covid is being forced out the door with select states calling the Covid bluff and looking greener on the other side for the prisoners of blue lock down states.

Autists have uncovered so much that they need to be really careful next time or the military can much more easily step in and prevent fraud, like I think they secretly did in 2016.

  1. No one wants to fucking listen, but states' rights are our saving grace as a nation. As much fraud as they pulled last Nov, they could not have stopped the avalanche that would have unfolded if the GD Republican pussy legislators in PA had stood their ground and forced the issue of the legislature being illegally bypassed.

I don't have the answers but I think this is Trump's play. He is going to begin orchestrating change events at local levels and all he needs is for us to stop whining and do what he says. Do I trust Republicans anymore? Hell, no! But if Trump says jump I will jump, politically, because I trust whatever his plan is. It may not be in places like CA or NY or PA, but we're already seeing voter ID laws rearing their heads in some states this week and in my state, NC, we voted for voter ID in 2018 and a judged stopped it for 2020. Let's get that moving again!

We know this has to be done the right way and while I do not waiver in my faith in the military's role, I think taking back legitimate voting is part of that plan. Maybe the military does do that all for us, Mayne we play a small role, maybe that part of the plan is our part and Trump showed the horrific reality that voting has been fake for decades and he's about to show us a path forward that we will help with.

If Trump can get us to take back our local governments, then forget SCOTUS and Covid and Federal judges, we can fight back, not against Dems, but against voter fraud. Trump's real plan, I believe, was to show us that it's more of a cancer than we could ever imagine. Now we can quietly die or route out the cancer. If you cannot fight this unless SCOTUS agrees with you or the military arrests congress, then you aren't being serious or practical (you in general, not you specifically).

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Ephesians 6:12

We don't win by playing by earthly rules or being subject to the small-minded concepts of our imaginary but powerfully corrupt institutions. Maybe we win by changing the culture or awakening enough people, maybe we win by taking back the corrupt institutions at the more manageable and more important local levels. Maybe we keep fighting like hell everywhere we can (not physically) because we won't be stopped and NCSWIC, whether that's Q or Jesus, there is a judgement coming and we can lay down and die or fight for glory like Spartans, even if it is in our final hours.