They are NOT on our side in total. Some are patriots, maybe many. But too many are “just following paychecks- er - I mean, orders.”
Which shows their hypocrisy. Let’s pretend that was true, they are the ones to blame for making it so goddamn hard to see your fucking doctor
That’s not what he’s trying to do and you’re being obtuse.
And he’s right that the number of people who know of Q and talk about Q are dropping. I know I used to run a forum and the numbers dwindled so bad because of people like you that I closed it. People who have absolutely no tolerance for anyone with different opinions and then blames the left for doing the same thing, yes people like you.
I mean I went from re-posting drops every day and analyzing them and people coming to my forum to see what was new, to completely out within a year and a half because of what I witnessed. People like you, and others, who have absolutely no tolerance for someone else not believing everything they believe immediately. People who make predictions, but say that they are not predictions, and are ALWAYS wrong, never admit it, make excuses, and demand I believe them the next time even though they are always wrong.
I had people telling me I was a dumbass for not thinking that Wendy Rogers was gonna have people in handcuffs in five days. Biden was never going to be inaugurated. Fake or otherwise. And then watch those mentally ill retards fall for fake videos of shredded ballots that they told me would land Democrats in jail within two weeks. It’s been a year. I was told I was a communist for not thinking that the fences were up in Washington DC because mass arrests were coming before the inauguration. Then when they didn’t happen, I was told I was a communist for not believing it was going to happen shortly thereafter, and the crime needed to be completed before they could be arrested, and how can I be so stupid as to not know that. Still waiting. Those people lied, moved the goalposts and then lied again and then forgot they ever said it. Still don’t admit it to this day. I have their posts and comments.
Regular people see that behavior and I don’t blame them for doubting the wisdom of the people who tolerate and make excuses for it.
I mean I can go on and on and on and on for hours with things I was told that never happened but I’m not allowed to question the people that told them to me. And I watch those people move goalposts and lie say they never said it, or that’s not what they meant, on and on. So excuse the rest of us if we don’t take everything people like you say as gospel and we have a different perspective on when we think things might happen or why they might or might not.
Not everyone is going to believe everything you believe in exactly the moment you believe it and be rude to them for not believing is a dick move. Thank God when I was first becoming a Christian and my eyes were opening, I had Christians to walk me through it, help me with my doubts and let me be open about them, explain things to me and let me go at my own pace. If I met Christians like you I probably would have remained an atheist. You’re just a jerk off.
Agreed, it sometimes is.
I was kidding!
I heard they’ve expanded and are open for business!
Fascinating read!
Fuck yeah.
Enemy number one, even more so than politicians - THE MEDIA.
Politicians could never dream of getting away with what they do without media help. And let’s not forget that the media also includes publishing, books and magazines, the music industry, television, Hollywood, etc. People who write textbooks for our children, the list goes on and on.
Without them, absolutely none of this evil is even possible.
Maybe not a POC but he is a POS and also gay.
Wait - what? That’s a new one on me.
Edit - oh, wait, yeah, I remember now.
Wow, good info. Well done.
Spreading info like this has literally saved more lives than the CDC ever has.
Never said I spoke them well.
Surprised he’s there in the first place.
Yeah - part of what scared me off from learning the language.
I speak four languages. Going from English to Spanish is easy. I haven’t even attempted Russian. Looks really tough. Good for you!
Covid Squid Games?
Your keyboard to God’s ears, sir. Or ma’am.
I assumed your gender!!!!! I am a bigot!!!
Well, being familiar with the radio industry and podcasting, some of this is the function of wanting to cover current topics. In my personal beliefs, I am way to the right of Joe Rogan. I don’t agree with him on a multitude of topics. I am a Christian, he is not. Not that I’m aware of anyway.
I do think, however, that he does a good job of trying to balance his guests. He challenges them, asks them questions out of genuine intellectual curiosity, and lets them speak.
Not everybody who is going to be on our side is going to agree with us on everything, but the idea is that they support the first amendment, they support anti-corruption efforts, and those people can come from all across the political spectrum if they are intellectually honest and genuinely despise corruption, liars, hypocrites and tyrants.
I mean I know big-time lefties who absolutely can’t stand Joe Biden and feel that he is an illegitimate president and a crook and is at the head of a crime family. They might not agree with us on abortion, they might not agree with us on taxes, but when shit hits the fan and everyone realizes what’s going on, they will be on board with bringing justice to the people who have stolen from our nation and have tried to destroy our republic.
I mean, it’s called an awakening for a reason. I don’t think that means everyone’s going to suddenly become a traditional conservative Christian Trump supporter, I think it means their eyes will be open to something that’s even worse than what they think we are. Lifelong Republicans aren’t going to be against stringing up a Republican that molested his children. Or other peoples children. Remember, whenever justice finally comes, it’s not coming to one party, it’s coming to both.
There will be people who are diametrically opposed to many of the things we believe will be just as outraged as we are when they find out what’s been going on. That will cross party lines.
For as much distaste as I have for most atheists, many of them are against corruption and child molestation and trafficking, they just don’t realize yet what’s happening. Thus the word “awakening” in the great awakening.
Well, almost by definition, if there’s going to be a great awakening many of the people who wake up and are allies to ending corruption might lean to the left. Some of us here know lefties who can’t stand Biden and his criminal ties and hate his corruption, even some people who might’ve been fooled by Obama. I know lefties who, if confronted with overwhelming evidence that Democrats cheated in the election, would be in line to cheer for their justice. They just don’t understand what’s going on at the moment because the mainstream media is so good at lying to them. I mean it’s not called the “great continue in your beliefs”, it’s the great awakening.
I mean there are lifelong Republicans here and elsewhere who turned against the party because it’s corrupt and because of its role in helping the deep state.
For Rogan I’m not entirely sure he’a being disingenuous, I think he’s genuinely intellectually curious. There are a mountain of things I disagreed with him on over the years but he at least lets people talk and is genuinely interested in viewpoints that he doesn’t agree with.
Works for me,
Yeah, we’d like to make some reservations for a number of politicians….
Have any openings?
Doing what he loves? You mean screaming in terror?