I would wager that they don’t even care about survival because they don’t think it’s threatened.
The idea of waiting for Normies to come around one of my biggest problem in my doubts about believing that there is a plan. Why would anyone want to wait for those fucking idiots? Some will come around but if they haven’t by now, fuck them, they won’t. But on a “believing” note? Hey, you know what? Maybe that’s why everything is accelerating right now. Because it is, I’m a very big doubting Thomas around here, but it does seem like everything is beginning to accelerate.
Sometimes I think about the plan and doubt it’s real but if it’s real - you know what? Even I have to get to admit that THIS is what it would look like.
But remember, supposedly timing matters. And if they are into a new phase of this operation that I am token exists, and may, perhaps this is intentional?
So all of a sudden they are on our side? And not setting up to frame and prosecute patriots? I mean this is promising, but I’ll hold my breath until it leads to arrests and punishment of the people who are actually working against our cause.
I have learned from the last 10,000 “we GottEM NoW” moments not to get my hopes up.
Seems to be what we’re left with.
Cool. Now we’ll see arrests.
Sounds great. So arrests soon?
I’m holding out for tangible results. Not promises, not prophecy, tangible results. I guess I’m crazy.
Oh you mean the guy who claims he has mountains of undeniable proof including video, pictures, names dates and places, and has never released it? That guy? I agree with you. He always says just enough to make it look like he’s got something and then never does anything about it. And no, interviews with known and proven liar Johnheretohelp is not proof of anything.
Yeah he’s scum, but I don’t care about him. I want Clinton, the podesta’s, and their ilk.
Fuck no! Are you nuts?!?!? As long as she is alive she’s a repository of dirt on all of these evil motherfuckers. No, I want her to squeal. Squeal like the little piggy she is.
I’ve heard of this place in Cuba…
Jim Norton once made a joke on the Opie and Anthony show about how the inside of her stockings stunk so bad that sea birds followed her home. At least I think it was Hillary, or it might’ve been whatever random person they were making fun of that day, but it seems appropriate for her here.
Rimshot! Tip your wait staff ladies and gentlemen, he’ll be here all week!
Well if you’re going to go that path of white hat interference, wouldn’t it just make more sense that they stole the damn thing from him and worked it into the public consciousness by method of the “left at the repair shop” narrative? I mean that’s a lot simpler. If White House were involved, isn’t it just more likely that they got their hands on it?
Or maybe he never knew? He was a mayor. A mayor. I’m not sure how much power you think they have. I actually don’t like the guy, from what people who are behind the scenes are saying, he couldn’t get out of his own way with election fraud. There’s something about him I don’t trust and don’t like, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a patriot. And I can’t reconcile the good guys working with someone who knew about 911 in advance and did nothing about it and then lied to cover up afterwards. I’m not sure you can atone for that.
Wait, is the implication that the white hats knew 911 was coming and allowed it to happen?
The general consensus at the time was that Q was indicating that the election was safe and secure. The people (most anyway) pretending now that it wasn’t are lying. That doesn’t mean Q lied, that doesn’t mean he was wrong, that doesn’t mean this wasn’t part of the plan all along. Of course it could’ve been. But that’s not what I’m talking about. If the plan exist, and it might, this might damn well be part of it. That’s fine.
The issue I take is with the people who called everyone a communist or a shill if they didn’t believe the election was secure back then pretending two years later that they knew all along that it was going to be a fake loss/secret win. Those exact same people who whine constantly that no one believes them when they tell you in no uncertain terms exactly what the plan is because they know exactly what’s going on and if you don’t buy into everything they think you’re a communist and a shill. And they wonder why fucking people don’t fucking believe them. Those are the same people, that when you cut and paste their OWN UNEDITED comments from two years ago, ban you from their forum (I don’t mean here obviously) or block you on social.
Simply for showing them their own words and their own predictions with no other comment other than “but this is what you said back then.”
And they claim to be TruThErS who care only about truth and accuracy.
Yes it’s revisionist history on the part of many people who are now pretending that they knew all along. They act like we don’t still have access to the forums and the Twitter accounts where they posted their guarantees of a safe and secure election and trumps victory. I’ve called some of them out specifically, show them the things they said, used their own words, not my interpretation, their own words, and then would get banned for simply copying and pasting their own words.
Some of those exact same people are now claiming they knew all along that we had to fake lose in order to secretly win. They’re lying. Not all of them, but many of them. They continuously revise the meanings of drops or the meanings of key words, or the things they themselves predicted after the results on the ground don’t match what they expected. And they wonder why some people don’t believe them.
I remember when Amy Coney Barrett was the leaked nominee and everyone shitting on it saying that it was a distraction, it was fake, she wouldn’t be the real nominee. Then she was. And the same fucking people 20 minutes later were talking about how it was the most goddamn brilliant nomination in the history of mankind. And again, they wonder why people don’t believe them.
It might be more meaningful to win a second time than to simply win by forfeit. Because some people will claim that even with the cheating Biden should’ve won anyway. Either way, I don’t remember the mechanism for solving such a scenario - if they would even follow it, because these people are demons and do whatever the hell they want.
It would be nice if, for once, there were real world consequences for these people and not just memes.
But I mean we already have it all, and we are in control, so why don’t we just expose these people? Just go ahead and expose them. Why do the people on our side continuously hold onto information they claim to have?
Why do we always slow leak information that we claim to have and then never fully release it and why do we let those people get away with it by forgetting they ever said it? Why don’t we demand results instead.
At some point, prophecy, predictions and promises aren’t enough. They just aren’t.
That’s a cop out. Every time we’re handed a setback or a loss we are told it’s on purpose because secretly it’s win because we’re going to wake more people up by allowing the suffering to continue.
Every time that happens, people say that it’s OK because “millions of people” are waking up from it! After thousands of setbacks there should be many billions of people awake now that weren’t before.
As everyone here already knows, there is a very high percentage of the population that just won’t wake up. They refuse. They want these things, they want an energy crisis, they want food shortages, they want masks, they want vaccines, they want patriots locked up, they want this. They will never wake up, they are on the other side. They don’t need to be woken up. They chose their side and they hate us. They hate our country, they hate Trump, they hate patriots, they hate the United States. There is no waking them up, they are awake, they are awake and on the other side.
The people who can be convinced? Why should we wait for them? Why? We have it all, we are already in control, we have a plan that’s so detailed and organized that we can predict four years in the future what’s going to happen (supposed deltas).
Let’s say there is a purpose in waiting for them. Okay. Fine. How many more do you need when the same people who say we need to wake people up also claim we are in the vast, quiet majority?
I mean every single time we get our ass handed to us and these people walk away Scott free, we are told that millions of people will wake up because of it. Well either it’s not working because they aren’t waking up, or there are millions of people already awake that weren’t before. Billions probably, because every day we come across a new slap in the face that we shrug off is a secret victory because “millions will wake up”.
How about this: how about major arrests? How about tangible results? How about that? Nothing would wake people up more than to see these criminals hauled off in handcuffs, tried and prosecuted.
Whatever it is we are waiting for is probably more closely related to lining up our chess pieces and getting ready for the big event. It’s not because we need to wake more people up.
Presenting the evidence we have supposedly had all along and prosecute them?
Or if I was trying to cover for predictions that might prove false I would say exactly that.
Misinformation/disinformation might be necessary.
So when it goes as stated, I was right. When it doesn’t, I’m still right.
He’s coming for you Michael…