Sneccob 2 points ago +2 / -0

Queens die everyday and no one bats an eye.Things keep moving, but when someone from the big club gets clubbled the whole world is forced to stop. We're forced to recognize the absence of someone who never knew our names while our own flesh and blood struggle for support, screaming for recognition.

Mothers, wives, sisters and daughters thrown into the same system that's been stripping soul from man for millennia now. The women's suffrage movement ushered in a new era for humanity, an era in which all men and women are created equal and as such should be taxed accordingly till death.

The old adage rings true as two things are certain in life: Taxes and Death, albeit time and time again those of us humbled in humanity are consistently confronted with the stark realities that among us are others who feel the obligation to share the burden of taxes to be beneath them. Coincidentally these same individuals just so happen to usually be the most financially well off which reinforces another principal: "We unconditionally love the ones that hurt us the most."

The sensing of clear utter rejection ignites our innate yearning for validation so effectively that we'll shower those aforementioned monsters with every bit of societal recognition we have and inevitably it's never enough. All they want is to get as far away from us as humanly possible.

The hate they have for others is what drives them; it's the same hate they have for the weakest parts of themselves that are so clearly visible in others outside of themselves.

This perpetual pendulum of protective identification is what catalyzes the deeply rooted hate that creates a foundation from which the ego is able to expand upon.

Black holes are never satisfied. We must all recognize this seemingly inescapable aspect of the human condition and check ourselves accordingly.

Sneccob 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hey newbie here. Can anyone help me by describing the best most concise way to read Reddit user: 9mother9horse9eyes9 's "The Interface Series"

I'm interested in going down that rabbit hole, but want to do it in a way that best facilitates comprehension.

Sneccob 1 point ago +1 / -0

Double entendres open the Gates of girth and growth! There's nothing in the world that get's this dude harder than R.I.P.ing up retards while simultaneously spelling it out for the whole world to see in public.

For example: "Global health"

Taken at face value one would assume that he's referencing the cumulative health of humanity on earth.

Another more realistic interpretation as the fallout from this "plandemic" has brought to light, is that "Global health" is a term Bill and others Satanists use to describe their interpretation of a Utopian symbiotic relationship between the population of humanity and what the earth can theoretically sustain.

"Global health" as in the planet's health. In which case his propositions of widespread vaccines accurately support this definition of "Global Health" by reducing the population via the plethora of detrimental health effects that are increasingly occurring.

We're all gunna need robot hearts by the time we're 40 if this guy gets his way.