Got mail muddafucqqers
There's a board meeting tonight. The more you know.
People are cleaning up mud because they live in a flood zone. Just like after every storm.
If you have a cell phone and use it for information other than just phone calls your playing the game. They say they do not track us but we all know better. If you don't want to be tracked don't play the game it's that simple. No one is forced to use the technology given to us. I'm fairly certain that user agreements for all communication services reserve the right to listen track and gather info on everyone.
The increased activity is because our solar system is starting to pass through a quantumly charged area of the galaxy that is causing the antennae of many life forms to stop and go "huh"
We had a horse vet tell us 15 years ago that he dabs ivermectin daily. This doctor was 80 + years old and still making house calls.
Obama HHS director
Kathleen Sebelius Ms. Sebelius has served as a member of the Humacyte Board since September 2015. From April 2009 to June 2014, Ms. Sebelius served as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, or HHS. Sebelius holds a Master of Public Administration degree from the University of Kansas and a B.A. in Political Science from Trinity Washington University. Ms. Sebelius serves as the Chair of Humacyte’s Board of Directors
He knows more than he stated yesterday. He may know where some bodies are buried.
I can confirm this. Major food distribution houses are not able to keep up with demand. Some distributors are completely eliminating large scale deliveries to hospitals education etc. Major food general mills, mondelez and other manufacturers are completely eliminating top selling items for no apparent reason. As of right now there are items currently not in stock that before had lead times of less than a week are currently running at 4 to 6 weeks. Buckle up
I'm far from perfect. If it's wrong I apologize.
2028 31-Aug-2018 10:45:40 AM CDT 8ch/qresearch
2816069 Information comes in many forms. Q
New financial system in America will make all cash floating around the world worthless. All that cash all cartel cash all red cross cash in boxes worthless. Now say you got a mattress stash ? My guess is you'll be allowed for a certain time period to trade said cash in for new. But if you got mattress drug money you better get working on exchanging it or else you can pull a Jesse and just drive thru neighborhoods tossing G stacks door to door.
Thats fucking Ronald McDonalds fault. Burger King may have a hand in it as well.
A cancer cure alone would completely eliminate oncology and its employees.
Lots and lots
Med beds
Think lots of unemployed health care workers.
I'm not knocking this post OP. If you're paying attention we knew this on Monday afternoon
Zero fuqs. They can track deez nutz!
He states multiple times that he's paranoid. Coming from someone who states he is in tune with his body is concerning. The paranoid part could be a mental weakness that is being taken advantage of by the dark powers.
We cannot be scared too many people are scared to death of this.
Mentally weak?
Are they protesting in Delaware?