SpeQulator_17 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's literally RSBN so I don't think this is very red-pill anyways considering that this is a significantly right leaning network with clear benefits of going along with Trump and the Q narrative

They only became relevant when they started covering his speeches after the MSM shut him down due to the election narrative and events on the 6th

SpeQulator_17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Answer— it’s because real estate is an income producing asset no different than stocks.

Real estate (e.g. Commercial, Industrial, Residential) is valued not on it’s present value but on its potential future values of the cash flow that it can produce.

REIT’s, Blackrock, and many other funds have long been investing in real estate and buying neighborhoods (including single family) because it is a stable asset

SpeQulator_17 1 point ago +1 / -0

And how many of y’all here are fat? Lmao

I wouldn’t make that big of a stretch when weight gain is caused by so many different variables.

SpeQulator_17 1 point ago +1 / -0

This should absolutely be the case, and I support this as a developer/architect

Malls are not efficient use of real estate, and high-density housing can still support ground level retail and F&B without wasting the majority of land on brick and mortar for big businesses that are already transitioning mainly to direct-to-consumer and ecommerce

Outdoor malls are a different case, such as the Irvine Spectrum, Grove, Promenade, etcetera-- mainly because that is a completely different class of real estate compared to the malls that are failing.

We don't need millions of square feet of indoor shopping that is only activated until 8-10pm when it can be developed into apartment/condominiums with retail and restaurants on the bottom level. When you do that, you accommodate a better use of the land by increasing the inventory of housing in California (which is largely short of what is needed) but you also create a safer area due to the foot/vehicle traffic occurring at all hours. Additionally, housing supports brick and mortar, grocers and small businesses a lot more than destination travelers/shoppers.

SpeQulator_17 2 points ago +2 / -0

100% Texas

Moving to Houston from OC/LA area

SpeQulator_17 1 point ago +3 / -2

If you think bashing on LGBTQ individuals and perpetuating that they have no place in society, film, art, literature, then you are part of the problem

Discrimination has no place in society

SpeQulator_17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Of course it is good in the hands of ‘white hats’

Because there will ALWAYS be evil, and anyone that believes this ‘awakening’ will purge evil from Earth they are very mistaken.

We must have safeguards in place to always protect us from the worst of evils taking control of our world.

SpeQulator_17 1 point ago +1 / -0

I question anyone drinking dairy milk in 2021. Almond, oat and macadamia milks are where it is at, peasants.

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