Tallester_Skittles 0 points ago +1 / -1

He said the water was 'pregnant' Interesting. It's strange way to say it, wonder if it means something else also. Usually multiple layers to analyse

Tallester_Skittles 0 points ago +4 / -4

The world won't find out. Even though it's obvious. Viruses are an obvious hoax. There are books about it. Makes no difference

Tallester_Skittles 3 points ago +6 / -3

Veggies cause cancer. Look up a book on Carnivore diet

Tallester_Skittles 5 points ago +7 / -2

They did with AIDS hoax. HIV is harmless and doesn't cause AIDS. What killed all AIDS patients? The different drugs they took before and after they got sick, doing poppers and partying all nigt. Gay life. Then they get a less reliable than covid test, they are positive, and they take pharma drugs that kill them faster.

All detailed in science journalism book called "Virus Mania"

Tallester_Skittles -1 points ago +1 / -2

Sure. Answer just one thing i have asked many times. Show me what you mean. What observation proves the earth is a globe

Tallester_Skittles 0 points ago +1 / -1

Bro, I don't know what you are on about with that. I type fine, a few little typos, big deal. Maybe you can't read.

Tallester_Skittles -1 points ago +1 / -2

The globe model is not consistent. That's why I am trying to bring it your attention. But no. You are not patient or anything like you think you are. You're a programmed glober like I was, and you're father from the truth than when I met you, so no, I won't post it either. I will get banned.

Tallester_Skittles -1 points ago +1 / -2

How far until just the feet disappear. What does that mean is happening? You're too busy thinking you're smart. That's a sign you're dumb

Tallester_Skittles 0 points ago +1 / -1

You just shaped a narrative for yourself. I provided evidence and facts, logic and reasoning, I put up with your condescending attacks and insults to help show you I don't get triggered by flat earth cult name calling. I'm more scientific than you, you can't keep up with any of this because you're too busy ignoring it and feeding into this fake fight about flat earth. I just wanted you to stay focused on the missing curve. I asked you to prove the earth curves, you ignored.

You made a logical fallacy with your red herring about star rotation, but I answered it and provided a video that you refused to watch or respond to.

You're the little prick that doesn't belong, most people here are nice. You are dick who took out private conversation and posted it publicly to laugh at me, only to be scolded for violating forum rules.

Fuck. You. Hypocrite.

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's directed chaos too. They win even if the don't cheat, since they control voting too

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ya, stuff vanishes from your vision, it's gone. If you want to be super faggy and be mathematical literal, then ya, it's an exponential so a distance object can never touch the horizon, but as far as anyone can see, as far as the limits of beers law allows, an object won't vanis, but eventually your optical range or beers law will limit your view of an object as it vanishes in to the horizon and completely and utterly is not visible to you

You don't even watch the videos, I'm stupid for falling for your dumbness

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

You failed to establish the video is non sense. This is why you will never learn, you are too programmed to hate anyone who questions your belief system

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look up "vanishing point" How I described things isnt up for argument, it's a law of physics

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also, the sky rotation is easy to understand, but you have to watch a video to get your head around how the physics of optics works.


I'm sorry that you can't take any of this seriously, it's hard to realise that's part of the programming in you still.

I am not a flat earther. I fucking hate cults, dogma, and most things unscientific. I'm just like you, but I realised that they are lying, so I guess you could call me an ex-glober? I used to make of flat earthers too

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

When you let down your ego and start questioning the theories. Flat earth is full of shills, this isn't about that stupid cult

This is about the fact that the cult is just level one psy op to hide the real truth in plane site.

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

We lost point because you don't understand the physics of optics.

as an example to demonstrate how things disappear at the horizon, you suggested that i lay down on a football field

This was so that you could reduce you optical range by getting your line of site close to the ground. And then, you will see how objects vanish into your horizon as they get further from you.

A person's feet first, then waist, and then completely, just like a boat on a flat plane.

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, that's dumb. Really not feeling the water boil kind of dumbness/numbness that makes all lives suck

Tallester_Skittles 2 points ago +2 / -0

At what point do you say it's too late? Someone before you didn't stop it, and you haven't stopped it. So, when do you just admit it, we are, always have been, economic slaves. Across all "nations". These globohomos took over nations before we were all born

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

You talk condescendingly a lot. Ever wonder if it's because you are subconsciously defensive?

You think you know a lot of cosmos, regurgitating the massive scale and that's why it 'appears' that we are stationary.

Aren't you tired of just believing that? Everything you know about the planets and space is just shit your trust and believe. You're in a cult then.

I told you several times, you aren't dealing with a flat earther. You mind can't understand that someone who says the earth is not round is also not a flat earther. And I shows to why. Gave you a link about the history of the Flat Earth Society that your gullible sources all think is real. I even asked, why do you think there exists a fake flat earth society. Crickets.

You like the sounds of things, but don't really take stock on them. Intellectualism is emotional and poetic to people like you who lack the self reflection to realise they speak shallowly.

Like when you said I am detached from basic physics....I literally told that to you and said it's because you don't understand optical law, like vanishing point. It's not a curve thing and you don't get it, you have said you were info flat earth but you don't even know the most basic physical principles of a horizon.

That's why you aren't ready for a real discussion and why you can't take me seriously. Your little mind still need a lot of catch up before you can hear without layers of programmed doubt preventing you from applying yourself.

I'm too good to waste time being disrespected by you.

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