Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

You talk condescendingly a lot. Ever wonder if it's because you are subconsciously defensive?

You think you know a lot of cosmos, regurgitating the massive scale and that's why it 'appears' that we are stationary.

Aren't you tired of just believing that? Everything you know about the planets and space is just shit your trust and believe. You're in a cult then.

I told you several times, you aren't dealing with a flat earther. You mind can't understand that someone who says the earth is not round is also not a flat earther. And I shows to why. Gave you a link about the history of the Flat Earth Society that your gullible sources all think is real. I even asked, why do you think there exists a fake flat earth society. Crickets.

You like the sounds of things, but don't really take stock on them. Intellectualism is emotional and poetic to people like you who lack the self reflection to realise they speak shallowly.

Like when you said I am detached from basic physics....I literally told that to you and said it's because you don't understand optical law, like vanishing point. It's not a curve thing and you don't get it, you have said you were info flat earth but you don't even know the most basic physical principles of a horizon.

That's why you aren't ready for a real discussion and why you can't take me seriously. Your little mind still need a lot of catch up before you can hear without layers of programmed doubt preventing you from applying yourself.

I'm too good to waste time being disrespected by you.

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

I sent the link to refraction image, backed it up when I told you what refraction does. Moves the horizon down, artificially. It doesn't explain the point I nailed down about objects being visible well beyond the supposed mathematical limt

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

You just easily bought onto the deception.

Understanding your optical range while you observe stars is difficult.
But you are still stuck on basic physics and laws of optics.

Here you go. But you aren't ready for this.https://rumble.com/v142kjq-eric-dubay-southern-stars-in-a-stationary-non-spinning-earth.html

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have ignored that I said refraction doesn't explain why you can see beyond the curve.

The curve is a belief, not verifiable. No laser test, no camera, nothing except government provided images of earth from space, nothing that proves anything.

I can send you a video that totally explains southern starts appearing rotation, so what, you won't get it, you won't even watch it. You changed the subject because you can't solve the missing curve problem.

So, misusing the word refraction is not address the main point that debunks all globe and space. No curve. Literally no other points matter.

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

I schooled over your head, you can only resort to name calling and calling out typos. You're a lost cause, like most

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol, ok. You clearly have no respect for conversation. You kind of articulated some of the points i said but forgot to ever address anything. Just change the subject everytime. Now you want to ignore discussion about why the southern stars appear to support the theory we are in space, on a huge sphere.

I don't ignore anything. You project hard though

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're a dick. I'm not a shill. You're simply cog dis and can't process my words.

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

The laws of refraction, so you put your faith in theory that the things we can see that are behind the curve are a mirage.

That's a hard cord believe system, telling you not to believe your own eyes. When I see a boat 7 miles off shore, i have to believe I am looking at the reflection of light photons off the moisture in the air several times to bounce light and create a perfectly crisp image.

Whether you realise it or not. That's your refraction argument.

When you look at what refraction really does, it creates an article horizon. It doesn't reflect objects in perfect clarity. This is what refraction is https://images.app.goo.gl/r3GTSLtzkQ2nXPMe7

So, how can you see a fishing boat 7 miles off shore? Why is it possible if the earth is curved?

I'm not in the position where I have defend flat earth, I am questioning what we see.

You have defend the globe because observations don't match the globe model.

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

You missed the data. It wasn't what you expected. It was reasoning. Applied logic. It went over your head while you expect 'data' in some other form

You lied and said you have gone down the flat earth research before., but you don't even understand very basic physics.

You don't have what it takes to challenge the globe theory.

Tallester_Skittles 0 points ago +3 / -3

Sad. There's actually a threat. You don't experience health decline, so it must be a fake conspiracy planted so.....what's the point of making content that exposes the dangers of 5G EVEN THOUGH it's safe? Who and why would they create a huge, grass roots, anti 5G movement? It's not profitable.

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +2 / -1

Wait, so did you disqualify evidence that 5G doesn't cause harm? Or just lack the resources to find content that supports that 5G causes cancer?

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Imagine the size the movie deals thrown at him. He should make sure not to take any with backing from the you know whews

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

You don't think you're the disingenuous one. That's fuct up.

I don't see how you think data should look like. I guess you are expecting peer reviewed, right? Orbital telemetry, angular acceleration data that has been processes and debunked?

I told you already there are laser tests, does that mean you asked me to show you? No. You lie and claim there are laser tests that measure the curve. That's what disingenuous is.

I explained that the math that would describe the curve is inconsistent with observations that you can easily see a boat on the sea, several miles out, using binoculars, this, the earth cannot possibly be curved.

That. Is. Data. Can you process it?

Tallester_Skittles -1 points ago +1 / -2

That's the kind of condescending, non inquisitive mindset that has you trapped in their construct you think are your world views.

You aren't ready. You have to learn to teach yourself before you can take this path

Tallester_Skittles 0 points ago +1 / -1

I would never defend a psy op so obvious as flat earth. But are you willing to scientifically discuss the facts? Fucking laser tests, and obvious observations, conflict with the Math that supposedly describes the earth curvature.

You can bullshit all you want. But until you fucking seriously look at what I am talking about, don't respond. I've heard enough faggots cling to institutionalized dogma we all learned. I'm beyond that shit. I saw the world get fooled by a fake virus, so ya, thinking they are lying about this place being a planet is not off the chart.

The FACT there is a bunch a fake shit like the Flat earth society, that isn't ever fucking real, and claims stupid shit like we are on a disc accelerating in a vacuum...bro, the dumb shit people expect you believe extends to schools, university and our compartmentalized Engineering careers. All you need to do is be willing to check the things you take for granted. The things you think you know. Like, you should not be able to notice the curve of earth from an airplane, right? Right?

You know the math on that? I do. I took the 2 hours to question the basic question here. Would you? Probably not. You're not willing to. No one here is. They are all NASA space boys, globe institutionalized and cant even consider asking this basic question.

Good. Fucking. Luck.

Tallester_Skittles -1 points ago +1 / -2

Also, you need to basic, rudimentary, education about laws of optics. The physics of it, how objects collapse into the horizon. Even a basic check, if your were not so incredibly stubborn, would show you how clearly mistaken you are.

You maybe beyond help, not because you lack IQ, but because you're programmed and not willing to admit it

Tallester_Skittles 0 points ago +1 / -1

Probably just this fed site labelling me. I'm on my 30th account. I'm not a flat earther, I fucking think that shit is dumb, but, I also think you're stupid to just blindly believe the mainstream, so, I looked, and I found what you're too stubborn to see.

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