TartarianUprising 2 points ago +4 / -2

A giant solar flare is on its way to hit us, causing an interplanetary shock

Seven days?

TartarianUprising 1 point ago +1 / -0

Humans cannot change the climate. Humans (if you can call them that) completely control the weather. It's completely obvious. But, I won't post it if it's against the rules

TartarianUprising 6 points ago +6 / -0


The history of the era beginning with the Avignon Popes is so complicated that it would require a super computer to keep track of all the Popes that reigned during those dark days. Here is a CHART that will help you keep track of them.

It is beyond belief, but the Avignon Pope Benedict XIII is listed as an ANTIPOPE, while his Avignon predecessor, Pope Benedict XII, is considered a legitimate Pope.

Prior to the 7 Avignon Popes, the Papacy was just a football to be kicked about by England and France. Depending on which country had possession of the ball, that country "elected" their Popes, and manipulated Papal policy in their favor.

All that changed during the 70-year Avignon era and the "suppression" of the Knights Templar fighting monks. 3 new countries emerged out of the darkness and chaos of that bloody time: Switzerland, Portugal, and Spain. The Templars created Spain by uniting the kingdoms of Aragon and Castile.

Pope Benedict XIII (1328–1423). Pope from 1394 to 1423.

After returning the Papacy to Roma in January 1377, Pope Gregory XI only survived another 3 years.

3 factions vied for control of the Papacy: England, France, and the "Romans" who survived the Black Death wanted an Italian Pope.

A new contender also entered the lists, namely the Catalans or Spanish.

Pope Benedict's coat of arms with the Muslim crescent moon.

That was the beginning of the Western Schism or the Papal house divided which continues to this very day!!

Crowning of Pope Benedict XIII at Avignon, Oct. 11, 1394.

In September 1394, the vigorous 52-year-old Pope Clement VII passed away suddenly.

On October 11, 1394, Pedro de Luna was crowned as Pope Benedict XIII.

He was not even ordained as a priest at that time but that didn't matter became he was a Muslim.

A modest monument to Benedict XIII on the Rock of Peñiscola.

Pedro was a canon lawyer by profession and not even a priest at that time. He quickly found a cardinal to ordain him a priest and bishop after he became Pope.

Pope Benedict was recognized as the legitimate Pope by the following countries: France, Scotland, Castile, Aragon, Navarre and Portugal. His predecessor, Pope Clement VII, had just met a timely death, so Pedro promised to resign immediately after his crowning . . . if his counterpart in Roma, Pope Boniface IX, resigned also.

Pope Benedict XIII withstood a 4.5 year siege in the Palace of the Popes! The massive Palace of the Popes was built by Pope Benedict XII. It was almost as if he was prescient and knew the future.

When Benedict was crowned in October 1394, the Pope in Roma was Pietro Tomacelli, aka Pope Boniface IX. Pope Benedict promised to resign right away after his election . . . if Pope Boniface also resigned. Of course, he had no intention of ever resigning.

King Charles VI (1368–1422). King from 1380 to 1422.

To end the Western Schism, Pope Benedict XIII promised to resign right away if Pope Boniface IX also resigned.

He had no intention of ever resigning under any circumstances, so in 1398, King Charles VI sent an army to force him out.

Holed up in the massive fortress, and assisted by the Knights Templar, the stubborn 70-year-old Spaniard withstood a brutal and bloody 4.5 year siege.

The massive Palace withstood a 4.5 year siege. The king sent one of his top generals, Marshal Boucicault, who boasted that within days he would be bringing Benedict back to Paris in chains. The siege began on September 22, 1398:

Boucicault led his troops into Avignon on September 22, 1398, and took over the city, replacing Cardinal Jean de Neufchâtel and proving to the citizens that they had not bought peace by turning coats. His men seized the house of Cardinal Pérez, one of Benedict's loyal five. (Gail, The Three Popes, p. 129).

The garrison of the Vicar of the "Prince of Peace," augmented by his Spanish Knights Templar, made a ferocious defense of the Palace. By the middle of November, Marshall Boucicault was relieved of his command and replaced with Georges de Marle, Seneschal of Provence. He had no better success that his predecessor.

As the siege dragged on, many saw the defense of the Palace as supernatural, and public opinion in France began to turn back once more to Benedict as the legitimate Pope:

On the night of March 11, 1403, Benedict made his escape from the Palace disguised as a Carthusian monk: Fear nothing was his last goodbye to them. Then he turned and started down the narrow way. He reached the hidden opening, carefully felt his way through. Nine years before, as Pope, he had entered this Palace with panoply and splendor, the trumpet blowing triumph. Those years were gone in a single breath and here he was, creeping out like a thief in the night. (Gail, The Three Popes, p. 152).

One of the main supporters of Pope Benedict was a Dominican monk and Inquisitor named Vincent Ferrer.

Dominican friar Vincent Ferrer (1350–1419).

Dominican friar and Inquisitor Vincent Ferrer was one of the main supporters of Pope Benedict XIII.

He is the "patron saint" of chopped-up babies.

Joan of Arc sided with the Benedict faction in the burning issue of who was the true Pope: Martin V or Benedict XIII.

Joan was burnied at the stake as a WITCH because she led men into battle!

Joan of Arc (1412–1431). Many people were burned alive at the stake for choosing the "wrong" Pope. Joan of Arc prolonged the controversy by supporting Pope Benedict and that was the real reason why she was burned alive at the stake.

In November 1415, after many peregrinations, Pope Benedict finally ended up on the Rock of Peñiscola—a castle built by the Knights Templar. He was 87-years-old but still as feisty and stubborn as an Andalusian mule.

The Rock of Peñiscola where Pope Benedict spent his final days.

In 1415, Pope Benedict finally ended up on the Rock of Peñiscola, in the kingdom of Aragon.

When Benedict went to "Purgatory" in 1423, Pope Martin V was Pope in Roma.

Martin was elected by the Council of Constance. Benedict said that he alone was authorized to call a council, therefore Martin was an illegitimate Pope.

Pope Martin V (1369–1431). Pope from 1417 to 1431. Just 2 years after Benedict arrived at Peñiscola, the Council of Constance excommunicated him, and elected Otto Colonna, who took the name Martin V:

Constance declared Pedro de Luna among other things "a man rejected by God," forbade him "to represent himself as Pope," absolved all Christians of oaths sworn to him before, and cut off any man, ecclesiastic or lay, who should support him or give him asylum, "on pain of being deprived of their benefices" (Gail, The Three Popes, p. 273).

According to their own canon law, only a legitimate Pope could call a council. Benedict never authorized that council so all its enactments were illegal. Furthermore, any cardinals created by Pope Martin would be ineligible to vote in a Papal election.

Pope Benedict was buried in the Palace of Illueca, Zaragoza, in the kingdom of Aragon.

By 1417, Europe was a house divided between Benedict and Martin.

Joan of Arc refused to cast her lot with Martin so she was sent to the stake.

All that survives of Pope Benedict is the top of his skull which is kept in the castle.

A replica of his skull is on display at St. Andrews University in Scotland. Scotland was one of the countries that supported Pope Benedict so a replica of his skull is on display at St. Andrews University in Scotland.

The day before his death, Benedict appointed four cardinals of proven loyalty to ensure the succession of another Pope who would remain faithful to the newly created Spanish Papal dynasty. Three of these cardinals met on June 10, 1423, and elected Sanchez Muñoz as their new Pope, with Muñoz assuming the papal name of Clement XIV.

The fourth cardinal, Jean Carrier, the archdeacon of Rodez near Toulouse, was absent at this conclave and disputed its validity, whereupon Carrier, acting as a sort of one man College of Cardinals, proceeded to elect Bernard Garnier, the sacristan of Rodez, as Pope, with Garnier taking the name Benedict XIV.

Pope Callixtus III was the second Spanish Pope! Alfons de Borja (Borgia in Italian) was the founder of the Borgia dynasty. He took the name Callixtus III went he was crowned Pope at Roma.

One of the highlights of his Papacy was the canonization of Vincent Ferrer and the attempted canonization of Joan of Arc.

Pope Callixtus III (1378–1458). Pope from 1455 to 1458. , Callixtus III was the "uncle" of the infamous Pope Alexander VI which means that he was his real father.

One of the "miracles" attributed to Ferrer was putting a chopped-up baby back together again.

Pope Callixtus was also determined to make a Papal saint out of Joan of Arc, but he died before he could accomplish that mission.

Vincent Ferrer (1350–1419). Joan of Arc was convicted of heresy by the English and burned at the stake for supporting the "schismatic" Pope Benedict. Callixtus had that verdict changed but he couldn't bring her back to life again. He went to meet his Maker before he could have her declared a Papal saint.

Pope Alexander VI—the infamous Rodrigo Borgia was the third Spanish Pope! Rodrigo Borgia, aka Pope Alexander VI, needs no introduction. He not only committed the 7 deadly sins on a daily basis, but 70 deadly sins. He was the Pope that "donated" the New World to Spain.

Pope Alexander VI (1431–1503). Pope from 1492 to 1503.

Rodrigo Borgia, aka Pope Alexander VI, was the son of Pope Callixtus III.

After Portuguese Christopher Columbus arrived back from the New World in 1493, Alexander donated the entire New World to Spain.

That Papal Bull even banned Italians from the New World without obtaining a license from Ferdinand and Isabella.... and their successors!!

Coat of arms of Pope Alexander VI with the Bull and keys of Romulus and Remus. Here is a brief excerpt from the Inter Caetera Bull:

Furthermore, under penalty of excommunication late sententie to be incurred ipso facto, should anyone thus contravene, we strictly forbid all persons of whatsoever rank, even imperial and royal, or of whatsoever estate, degree, order, or condition, to dare, without your special permit or that of your aforesaid heirs and successors, to go for the purpose of trade or any other reason to the islands or mainlands, found and to be found, discovered and to be discovered, towards the west and south, by drawing and establishing a line from the Arctic pole to the Antarctic pole, no matter whether the mainlands and islands, found and to be found, lie in the direction of India or toward any other quarter whatsoever, the said line to be distant one hundred leagues towards the west and south, as is aforesaid, from any of the islands commonly known as the Azores and Cape Verde; apostolic constitutions and ordinances and other decrees whatsoever to the contrary notwithstanding. (Inter Caetera Bull of 1493).

Borgia's own son Cesare was known as "The Strangler." During mass he would slip behind one of his victims and strangle him in the pew. His sister Lucrezia was known as "The Poisoner."

Cesare Borgia (1476–-1507).

Cesare Borgia was the executioner for the "Holy Father."

Best selling author Mario Puzo said that he never met a gangster in his life.

The author based The Family on the real crime family of "Godfather" Rodrigo Borgia, his sons Cesare, Juan, Jofre, and his infamous daughter Lucrezia.

The "Borgia" Family by best selling author Mario Puzo. Millions of Catholics watched the blockbuster Godfather movies, never realizing that they were watching the deadly antics of their own "Holy Father" and his crime family.

After Borgia—Pope Julius II banned Catalan or Spanish Popes forever! Cardinal Giuliano della Rovere fully expected to be Pope in 1492 following the timely death of Pope Pius III. That never happened because Borgia bought it.

TartarianUprising 4 points ago +6 / -2

Great Tartaria (America) was the largest empire during its time and would have still been the largest empire today. The Tartarian empire flourished due in part of the civilization being a leader in advanced technology, free energy, and grand architecture.

The Tartarian Empire was the biggest Empire in the history of Empires. What happen to Tartaria and why haven't we been told about this history? Is this a massive cover up by the world governments? The question is why would they go through such lengths to keep this information from us? Who were the Tarters? Is there evidence of their existence? Special thanks to everyone researching mud floods & the hidden history of Tartaria.

Tartaria is also where the Greek word “Tartarus” originated from.

The denotation of lost souls spending eternity in Tartarus the underworld is due to the Tartarian Empire having been buried and wiped out during the mud flood. The world of the Tartarians is literally the world under our world.

The Tartarians (original Americans) were the people (quite possibly founded by Noah’s sons) making up the world renowned Tartarian empire. They were a tall people, averaging some eight to twelve feet in height. They would have been considered giants to our current average height of only around six feet; however, back then the height of ten feet was the average. Like the civilizations before them whose heights averaged twelve feet, fifty feet, two+ miles, etc…

The Tartarians are thought to have been “Breatherians,” a being who does not rely on the digestion and burning of calories from food/water, but instead rather receives energy straight from the aether. The aether is thought to be the very fabric of the space time continuum that some would associate with electrons, the wind, the holy spirit, the atmosphere, and the gasses in the atmosphere such as oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen. Since the The Tartarians quite possibly had a completely altered digestion system than the one we now have, they had no need for toilets in their bathrooms. Which could hint at one of the reasons why bathrooms in the recent past have been used quite extensively more as social gathering powder rooms to not only freshen oneself up but to hear and spread local gossip.

San Francisco was a Tartarian Imperial City With more than 10 royal palaces. Only the small remnant of one remains at what is now Golden Gate Park. A large number of the elaborate Tartarian buildings left are many hundreds of years old. There was also artificial islands. The many piers were one huge port with ships sailing under free energy to Europe and Asia. All of North America was under Tartarian rule From the capital of Tabory in Russia. The empire was plummeted by energy weapons over 200 years ago. The 1906 earthquake was just an energy weapon assault. To destroy and erase the memory of many sophisticated Tartarian buildings.

Similarities between Tartarian, ancient Sumerian, and contemporary cultural imagery suggest deep links between these cultures and present-day centers of power. For example, mentions of an ancient mythical creature known as the griffin appear repeatedly in Sumerian mythology. The griffin also appears on the Tartarian flag and on many other well-known contemporary cultural artifacts, such as the British royal seal, the Masonic seal, the flags of many nations, and statuary in the Vatican and in Washington, D.C. The eagle, symbol of America, can be seen in the griffin.

The Scythians, the society that preceded the Tartarians, made gold adornments, one of which shows a double-helical structure, reminiscent of DNA or “the tree of life.” We also see this structure in Sumerian art, and we know that the Sumerians were ancient purveyors of genetic manipulation.

These connections raise more questions: Was the nation of Tartaria a development of the ancient Sumerian Empire and their gods, the Anunnaki? More importantly, did Tartarian society promote the Anunnaki’s project of human enslavement? In other words, was it the first NWO — the ancient prototype of the “one nation, under God, indivisible” that children pledge allegiance to today in classrooms all over the US?

Besides the well-touted issue of educational indoctrination, the issue of humanity’s lost history concerns our children in a deeper way — and this is not some tear-jerker, bleeding-heart appeal.

Our children are our seeds, the carriers of ancestral memories housed in the DNA. And if that genetic material has been manipulated for thousands of years — as the image of the tree of life/double helix in some pieces of Sumerian art suggests — then some serious untangling and repairing needs to be done, and on the double.

A lot of deceptions plague us today. We truly are living in a matrix, where lies and reality are completely backwards. The truth is inconvenient even when the truth is in plain site. Our chronology is obviously wrong and history has been rewritten by the winners of war. We are govern by psychopaths and evil bloodlines that control the sleeping masses of today. All of our history has to be excavated and the real truth is buried under millions of metric tons of mud. Once the spell is broken, you will be able to see the evidence all around you with your own eyes. There was a mud flood event a "cataclysm" that took out majority of the worlds population in the past. How and why this event happen is still being investigation today. Sometime in the so called 1400's to the 1600's this mud flood came from the ground itself. Somehow this mud flood event encased building structures and whole cities in mud. There is overwhelming evidence of this event all over the world that still exist today. The mainstream researchers of this subject, have also found out that the Tartarian Empire and the Tartarian era were buried deep in this mud as well. Did we find evidence of a previous reset? If so by whom and why did it happened? We don't know the whole story yet but we do know this, that the history that we've been taught by academia and the scientific establishment is 100% completely wrong and incorrect. The same architecture that was built on mostly every land mass across this plane was built by an advanced society. This society was much more advanced than society of today. Join us and follow us while we uncover the truth about our hidden history. We'll dive into the history of Starforts, Foundlings, Ghost Cities, Giants, Free Energy, Ancient Maps and Mystery Photography.

The more you delve into this subject matter, the more irate you will become as you come across all the eye-poppingly spectacular, GLORIOUS(as Jon Levi would say) architecture that was hastily torn down by the controllers who facilitated our last global reset and rewriting of history at the turn of the 20th century. They simply held a bunch of “World Fairs” to showcase these spectacular buildings for one last time before tearing them all down and then lying to all those who came after about how they were all just temporarily built facades that were thrown up in a matter of months for that cities “World Fair”. They’re serious. They expect you to believe that the below buildings were hastily thrown together temporary structures built for a damn fair in as little as 8 months. FOR A FAIR!!! HELD BETWEEN 1890 & 1910!!! A F******G FAIR!!! A FAIR!!! Are you going to let them play you like that? We need to show them that they’ve been caught and that we don’t play that shit. ENOUGH!

I’ve been saving all the best examples of these “Tartarian” style buildings that I come across on a Pinterest

This is like no history book ever written. A total rewrite of his-story as we have been told/sold over decades and centuries.

What if One World was united and connected up until the Great weather events of the early 1800’s?

What if you learned all carbon dating was now debunked due to gross inaccuraccies?

What if The One World America Moors were the Other Great Civilization to

Be Whitewashed From History?

What if history now is proving that the One World Ancient Moors were the Oldest Indegnous people on Earth and came from One America

What if the white Giant Tartarians were able to intermningle with the brown skinned Moors because the One World was all connected only a few hundred years ago before the great mudfloods, earthquakes, volcanoes and comet storms of the early 1800’s destroyed much of them and their culture?

What if the first people in the garden of Eden were actually in One America and the Cairo, Judah,

What if they used terms like “black”, “indian”, “red skinned” “colored”, “Latin American”, “African American”, etc. to hide the native Moors of One Brown/Copper colored skin who thrived in One America?

What if One World was so connected to Source they could create free energy at will for everyone?

What if California was an island until the early 1800’s and could not be conquered until the Great Floods of 1810?

The old very tall water towers That you see everywhere Were Tartarian

And were receivers and transmitters Of electrical energy

They had antennae on top Copper projections on the sides And water in the tank

The towers attracted atmospheric electrical currents And radiated them to the surrounding area

The Tartarian Empire had free energy for all!

What if the name “Columbus” really re-presents “Augustine de Coulumb” who discovered plasma free energy that Tesla would demonstrate later?

Why did most of the worlds civilizations build similar, yet unique, magnificent pyramids, cathedrals and government structures?

Where did they get the knowledge and ability given it was said to be “horse n’ buggy” days?

How did these world cultures assimilate and communicate with each other to share the same knowledge ?

Why were/are most Tartarian and Moor Structures aligned with the luminaries in the heavens using sacred geometrical designs ?

How did the Giants of Tartary and Moors live amongst the One World natives?

The stars rotate around Polaris Which is fixed on the north celestial pole The stars return to their exact position every year

The earth is stationary

If the earth was a spinning planet Orbiting the sun and racing through space

The stars and constellations would continually change And never return to their original position

When we look at history we see grand buildings of amazing design But at the same time people are running around on horses and buggies

All the massive stone structures and their elegant interiors Are supposed to be hauled either by slave labor or carts pulled by horses Or by rolling or dragging them on the ground

Railroad tracks are supposed to have been laid by the sudden appearance Of massive amounts of Chinese who had superhuman strength

They are said to plow through mountains of granite at incredible speed While building remarkable bridges and tunnels and turntables

And hauling in foundational gravel and wood along with iron railings That weigh approximately 1 ton every seven feet

Places like New York City and Germany Had electric sky trains or monorails

The current narrative has them before the advent of the car Which is supposed to be in 1908

The first airplane was supposed to be in 1914

After the reset of 1811 to 1817 Many Tartarian cars were incinerated or hauled off to wrecking yards

Luxurious blimps which were the Tartarian preferred method of travel Were used until the manufactured Hindenburg disaster and declared unsafe. <...> World War 2 destroyed many grand old Tartarian buildings in the cities of Japan and Germany

China has covered their pyramids with soil and trees and declared them off limits While the ones in other countries are passed off as burial mounds for Kings and Pharaohs

Buried cities all over Europe annihilated by high energy weaponry Are passed off as ancient Roman towns

When we realize we had free energy And highly advanced peaceful civilizations in the past

That we are part of a grand celestial design

We will quit allowing ourselves to be played!

TartarianUprising 2 points ago +5 / -3

Honestly, I don't really believe the myth that Americans came from Europe. I think that's just intended to undermine us... we've always been here.

TartarianUprising 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure I get it? Climate change is a MYTH and a fringe theory supported by crazy lunatics who've drunk the political Kool Aid. Weather manipulation is a widely recognised phenonemon supported by tons and tons of reliable science. I guess someone could turn it around but it would look completely ridiculous, and obviously so.

TartarianUprising 8 points ago +9 / -1

Just my little conspiracy theory, but the Italian Genoese "Christopher Columbus" is just a 500 year old MYTH created by the Vatican to take the place of the real Genoese Discoverer of the New World–John Cabot!!

Washington Irving–a famous 19th century U.S. writer–was just one of the creators of the fictional Christopher Columbus:

Christopher Columbus, or Columbo, as the name is written in Italian, was born in the city of Genoa, about the year 1435. He was the son of Dominico Colombo, a wool-comber, and Susannah Fonatanarossa, his wife, and it would seem that his ancestors had followed the same handicraft for several generations in Genoa. Attempts have been made to prove him of illustrious descent, and several noble houses have laid claim to him since his name has become so renowned as to confer rather than receive distinction. (Irving, Life & Voyages of Christopher Columbus, p. 17).

According to Irving, Columbus–the son of a wool-comber–was a manual laborer who prepared WOOL for spinning. There is an expression in English: "to pull the WOOL over your eyes" and it means to lie or deceive somebody....That is what Irving did with the wool!!

It is almost impossible to unmask the real Portuguese Columbus without looking at the career of another fake Portuguese discoverer named Ferdinand Magellan.

The 2 greatest fake discoverers in the entire history of the world came from the Vatican created country of Portugal!!

After Zarco arrived in Spain from Portugal in 1487, he joined the witness protection program. That means that he assumed a totally new identity and became known as Christopher Columbus from Genoa, Italy. This was done to protect him from the wrath of the Portuguese and substitute him for John Cabot–the real Genoese Discoverer of the New World.

The Dominican and Franciscan monks normally bitter enemies–cooperated in creating the myth of the Italian Columbus. During the past 500 years, vast fortunes and oceans of ink have been used to perpetuate and keep the myth alive.

We feel confident that Christopher Columbus was Portuguese and that his real name was Salvador Fernandes Zarco and his ancestors were probably VIKINGS!!

TartarianUprising 8 points ago +8 / -0

Lockheed Martin have a weather manipulation research campus Vandenberg AFB Space Launch Complex 4, Lompoc, CA 93436, United States

Raytheon actually run the machine at 37.27231779894603, -115.79870280132772 censored on Google Maps.

SecQnd Amendment. Clean the Slate. Deuteronomy 20:13–20:17.

TartarianUprising 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh yeah. Basically 100% of it is faked, and has been censored.

It's run by Brewster Kahle, who is widely believed to be a paedophile

TartarianUprising 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, looks like it's being closed in time for the fake election, and it's spreading slowly

TartarianUprising 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hmm...looks like its still spreading, though?

It'll happen eventually- it's probably the main mouthpiece of the DS

TartarianUprising 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then how did they afford them back then? Either they didn't cost more or the economy was so much more advanced it didn't matter.

Either way, the skeptical explanation doesn't stack up

TartarianUprising 1 point ago +3 / -2

Where: Iceland

What: The official narrative is that that is a church. Do you believe it?

Why: Good question. Why would you build this in such a remote location?

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