ThaVos 22 points ago +22 / -0

I hope your view of her is right but many signs point to complete and utter corruption even of her. At this point there would need to be some compelling evidence she fought to stop the things that were happing and sadly that’s not the case atm.

ThaVos 1 point ago +2 / -1

Agree there is no saviour but Christ Jesus. I think and hope Trump is for us but he will not replace my saviour.

To be honest I am seeing more people find boldness in their faith. I think once the awake people start entering the church we are going to from the great awakening to the great revival.

ThaVos 2 points ago +3 / -1

I have my own thoughts as to why. All I am saying is we need to honest with what we know and don't know and demand these things get fixed. I assume hopefully correctly that this was the only way to save more lives. Because this vax has already cost so many so much.

ThaVos 0 points ago +1 / -1

All I am saying is I don't know why he is for them or the choice for them. I can imagine multiple scenarios as to why he did it. BUT We need all people held to account going forward and not assume our side is without fault without taking action to correct it.

ThaVos 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah I get it, it feels like this taking for ever. The people need to wake up on there own they cant be given there information and opinion all at once that’s how we have so many main stream robots. People need to search, investigate and fight for truth. Otherwise we be here in 4 more years.

ThaVos 3 points ago +3 / -0

How many convos have you had with the Normies they are not yet ready to hear what they need to hear. This is more than a vaccines lockdowns and the economy. This is about the ritual satanic abuse and slaughter of children.

WE GOT HERE BY GOOD MEN DOING NOTHING WE WILL ONLY GET OUT WHEN GOOD MEN AND WOMEN STAND UP. We traded truth for lies. We traded morals for pleasure We traded justice for security We traded God for the world.

Then are surprised when we are surrounded by lies We are surprised when people only care about themselves We are surprised when there is injustice and the innocent are slaughtered. We are surprised when Satan is worshiped and God is mocked.

Then is our bed we have made it we are lying in it. The next move is on us all. Speak the truth boldly, become selfless, fight for justice and love the the lord your God.

ThaVos 4 points ago +4 / -0

WOW at this this proves they can have two different thoughts at once.

What do you call a liberal with 2 brain cells???…..Pregnant

ThaVos 3 points ago +3 / -0

No banned a few years back

ThaVos 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nothing is clear cut. The same way there are patriots and traitors in America is not one group with the same ideas. China has a mix of people fighting as well and those asleep. Ask this question why did hitler kill and target the Jews why are the Jews getting the vaccine first? There are two groups in Israel the DS and the 12 tribes. This one of the things I think fall cabal gets right the kazarians posed as ashkinazi Jews and have worked to destroy them since leaving karzara (don’t know how to spell it). There goal is to pretend be Jews and wipe them out.

by Quelle
ThaVos 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am in bro. It been a while I think my spirit is staring for the word.

by BQnita
ThaVos 2 points ago +2 / -0

In one of the q proof videos that quote Was tied to trumps appointment to the treasury and her last name was gold. The post happened then a short time latter trump made the appointment. Are there any other proofs around gold.

ThaVos 63 points ago +63 / -0

I did it 1 v 7 last night at a restaurant.

First don't argue the facts they "think" are impenetrable. I listened to their thoughts and then realised how they make up their minds. Emotion, great, that I can work with. First I come out quite forceful not aggressive but upset / mad and frustrated.

I then made them aware that for the first time in in like 50 years extreme poverty has risen and risen a lot since the start of covid 125million more people are now in extreme poverty and it rising fast. About 10000 children CHILDREN are dying a day. Then I turn it on them I say a people don't give a shit because of a 0.002 chance they might die. More people by an order of magnitude great have and will die than compared to covid. If they really cared about saving lives they would take the risk and open up the world to start getting aid, food and help back to these places around the world.

There was a lot more convo but this shut down all their self righteous we are helping the world bullshit.

ThaVos 2 points ago +4 / -2

In this case Biden.

ThaVos 7 points ago +7 / -0

You always should demand results or we will right back here every time. No more excuses less talk more action. Vernon is all talk. Wendy seems good but demand results.

ThaVos 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think people are right but I don’t know what Mossad agenda is. If he is Mossad is that all bad, some what bad or all bad.

What is Mossad plan what is the game paan. Do they have white hats and black hats. I have no idea who is and who isn’t a hero in this movement. Time will tell.

ThaVos 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have heard that there is a similar battle in China for hearts and minds. White hats vs black hats. Media pushes a very harmonious china I doubt thats the case there will always be those that fight and dissent. Its hard to read people and engage in the culture if you don't speak the language. I just keep an open mind on China. They did welcome Trump when he visited.

ThaVos 1 point ago +1 / -0

I get it mate a lot we don’t know the Trump approval is the hardest part of this whole trust then plan idea. I get that if he didn’t come out for it the media they would have made every anti vaccine thought his fault and have pinned every anti vaccine death on him it would be wall to wall and the only thing the normmies would think is trump and his people are dumb because he is dumb.

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