Meme War 3
yeah this is a war for the survival of civilisation
if 99% were meant to die and 80% did instead, yes
considering they wanted like 99%, yes....?
is that why nearly 1/4 of americans and brits haven't taken it?
unopposed? are you kidding me hahahaha. it would have been entirely unopposed if it weren't for psyops like Q
says the guy crying about OP not giving credit when 90% of posts on here are taken from somewhere else
not impatient, just curious as to why im not seeing the death everyone else is seeing.
if i were him i wouldnt edit it either, purely to piss you off
that's why I'm so confused, they're all non-jewish whites or black (not American black though)
that makes a lot of sense, hopefully thats the case
not in america but i live in what would be considered a blue state
Flip Flap Flynn they call him
I don't understand how people can still disregard Q. All this because of some "larper in his moms basement"....
why do you care so much? he's not gaining any money or fame from "stealing" this
could you pls link
he has countless times. are you new to this?
no hes right he refers to jesus...
the 666 hand signals they're all throwing up