TheGreatPumpkin 1 point ago +1 / -0

This interview is old but for some reason multiple people are posting it on the same day. The feds really do love to keep us distracted. How else can you explain multiple posts all in the same day of an interview that is over a year maybe two years old?

TheGreatPumpkin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think he’s running just to wake people up. This is a good time to get info to the public because it is when the public pays the most attention. I’m sure he is a white hat.

TheGreatPumpkin 2 points ago +2 / -0

The best reply I could ever ask for! This is what we all have in common and what unites us all. He will and I believe it’s coming soon.

TheGreatPumpkin 1 point ago +3 / -2

So. I really don’t care 🤷🏻 I’m just sharing what I have seen with my own eyes. Whatever it is, it is amazing what God has created. And I know what I have seen. And I also know that I do not know everything. Mankind is not supposed to know everything. That would make us like God. And trying to be like God is what got Satan kicked out of heaven. 😉

TheGreatPumpkin 1 point ago +1 / -0

God is what really matters to me. His son! So it don’t matter either way to me. I would like to be rich like Elon and have the means to explore the entire thing. I love the outdoors and there is a lot of outdoors in this beautiful world YHWH created for us. It’s just awesome!

TheGreatPumpkin -1 points ago +2 / -3

Start fasting. Gods voice will become louder and louder. He will instruct you and he will teach you that by putting all your dependency upon him that disconnecting from the worlds system causes the world, (enemy, Satan, cabal, guvmints, deep state) to destroy itself. They loose all power when we say no collectively. We give them power. We can take it away. Nothing in this world functions without the hard working people that make it function. You want to crumble their system and put a quick end to all of this? We have to unite and pick a start day and stop feeding the system. No shopping no production. Millions of people all at once just stop. What would that do to the system? Financial, infrastructure, government would all come crashing down because nothing is being bought, sold, or produced. We have to learn to live without electricity and running water. Sacrifice must happen. Start fasting and get used to it because this is what must and will happen! The greatest depression!

TheGreatPumpkin 1 point ago +2 / -1

Sacrifice and learn how to trust God to feed you and quench your thirst. This is how. This is the best plan.

TheGreatPumpkin 59 points ago +64 / -5

I trust God. You can keep your worldly plan. I don’t need the government to save me. It is government that got us here. You come off as, “people are stupid for thinking they know everything and if they would just listen to me then they could learn everything because I have all the answers.” We the people are the plan. Nothing happens until people have hit the precipice. Revolution only happens when unity and action meet. A handful of patriots cannot take down such evil. It will require all of us. We have been told many times that we are the plan and we the people have all the power but everyone is sitting back waiting on someone else to fix everything. We have to take action. It’s as simple as saying no. Stop feeding the beast. Learn to live the way the pilgrims did. We can destroy this system we live in within days if we would just unite and take a stand. Faith in God will be necessary!

TheGreatPumpkin -4 points ago +4 / -8

I get censored for better posts than this. Anyone gonna delete this divisive crap?

TheGreatPumpkin 1 point ago +1 / -0

So how do we prepare 10million patriots to take a stand collectively? July 4th is the day I have set aside to start the revolt that reclaims our independence. Everyone should collectively take one day and call in sick. If we can get enough to just try this one thing on the same day then we will see the impact. It would be all over the news because the stock market would take a huge dive that day. We could easily track our progress and once people see that it works it will be much easier to organize a week of hell for the deep state!

TheGreatPumpkin -2 points ago +1 / -3

That’s like saying there is a suit you can wear that will protect you when you step on the sun. That amount of radiation idk

TheGreatPumpkin -1 points ago +2 / -3

They killed the astronauts and had to hide it from the public. We have no idea who was actually on that shuttle.

TheGreatPumpkin -2 points ago +2 / -4

We cannot do it because the real astronauts that went died in the radiation. Everything else was to cover this up. And if they send anyone else up there it will only confirm to the public that man never stepped on the moon. We may have landed a vessel on the moon but the bodies that were inside were cooked to a crisp.

TheGreatPumpkin -1 points ago +2 / -3

I could believe this. Probably cooked the astronauts and they had to cover up their deaths. Cannot admit that we sent them on a death mission.

TheGreatPumpkin -1 points ago +2 / -3

Q also said misinformation is necessary so we cannot have it both ways. Programs such as those of the cia and their ministry of disinformation also exist outside of the public domain. The earth is a spiritual realm. A heaven. A dimension . When God removes the veil we will see multi dimensional and realize that what we see is only because of what God allows us to see.

TheGreatPumpkin 1 point ago +4 / -3

I’ve been at the top of the Washington monument and Sears tower and on top of mountain peaks and in airplanes I have never seen a curve. The more you zoom in the more things come back into view. And water always finds its level. Other than that it is a gigantic ball because that is what we are TOLD to believe. The sad thing about all of this flat earth business is that just like all science, there are those that will tell you it is proven fact when in reality they themselves have not conducted one single experiment to confirm. I have. Using common sense. I can tell you that nobody really knows and the ones that do seem to flip flop on their answers. Take astronauts for example, there are the ones that have denied and those few that have confirmed. The problem is the ones that denied then later in life changed their story. All most as if someone was controlling their freedom to speak on the matter. The evidence seems to suggest that there is no way for the earth to be a perfect sphere. Water is the easiest to see. Water does not bubble into a curve. It remains flat. No matter what. How can the only way water can curve be in the only way that nobody can prove it? So the ocean curves upward and the water just holds its shape in this way? Naw. Impossible. We are not being told the full truth about anything. Why? Because to control what is truth and what is fiction is to control people. There is no curve. I’ve seen it. Fromm 555’1/8” up and as high as 1500’ above sea level. There is a place in west Texas in Big Spring state park where you have almost a 360degree view. You are miles above sea level and you can see the sky all around you. It is a flat line all the way around. No curve. I have seen it with my own eyes. Not arguing one way or the other because as I said before. There is no way for me to prove it. I do not have a space ship and I cannot get past the radiation belt that would burn my flesh of in seconds. I’ve always wondered how they got through that safely when they “went” to the moon. Camera lenses will distort view but your eyes never lie. They see the facts. Truth. Reality.

TheGreatPumpkin 1 point ago +1 / -0

My apologies for the insult. I didn’t realize how that came off until you made me aware. We are all flawed in ways. I don’t know you and have no idea how strong your faith is. I’m sorry fren. When the pilgrims got to the new land they had no food. No guvmints. No electricity. Nothing. But they survived and went on to become the founding of this nation. It was their faith in God and their moral beliefs that would eventually inspire the constitution. They never gave up faith that with God all things are possible. The system has to crash before it can be rebuilt. I say the quicker the better. Crashing it would be easy. The aftermath is where the true test of faith would come in. Simply put, they (deep state) has nothing without us producing it for them. This includes food and all of their luxuries such as jet fuel. It would work. Problem is Americans do not have the balls Or collectivity, (unity) to pull it off.

TheGreatPumpkin 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are simple minded. There will be nothing easy about having to grow our own food and live without all of the luxuries we currently live with. My idea will crash the entire system. The banks would go under in less than a month. No revenu for any corporation and the government cannot do squat about it. We call their bluff and learn to live as our ancestors did through our the Great Depression. Easy way out! SMH! 🤦‍♂️ we are going to shut the entire sulystem down. We won’t have school boards or buses or teachers or even school! You probably couldn’t handle that. Living life day to day fully 100% depending on God!

TheGreatPumpkin -2 points ago +1 / -3

At what point do we take a stand? I’m telling you a collective nationwide strike would work. Millions of patriots refuse to make America run. It would shock the entire world if we let everything fall apart and truly depend on God. Take action by just saying no. Shut all factory’s and transportation down by 10million+ patriots refusing to work and enable the system to keep doing what it does. They need us more than we need them!

TheGreatPumpkin -2 points ago +1 / -3

It’s time to do something courageous just like the pilgrims who founded this nation. We are the plan. We must make an impact in a big way. My idea is brilliant. If we can unite and enough patriots can commit. It’s time to quit worrying about wether we can feed ourselves and pay the rent and actually make sacrifices. Too many so called Christian’s depend way too much on the things of this world and not on God! Too many fakers.

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