TheGreatPumpkin 0 points ago +1 / -1

So, let’s create the scare event. Let’s beat the enemy to the punch. If we stop feeding the beast it will wake up everyone!

TheGreatPumpkin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly. We are being shown the way. Now we must allow the truth and the life to live through us!

TheGreatPumpkin 1 point ago +1 / -0

You must believe in the alpha and omega. With him all things are possible. Satan is a liar and fear is his tool! I preach because I believe! I was called for this specific purpose! Do not let Satan win! Be courageous and have faith that God will make a way!

TheGreatPumpkin 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love you! You are honest. Jesus said to John in Revelation, “come out of her my people!” It is time. And God will get the glory and his son will be exalted. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Creator and Lord of all! Yeshua the messiah who took all punishment so that we would come to a point where we give up of our own ways and trust him to give us bread and living water! Time we stop saying it and we thug up and live it!

TheGreatPumpkin 1 point ago +1 / -0

So let’s create that scare event. Let’s scare the shit out of them. 80million strong! Wake up. You have more than you know!

TheGreatPumpkin 1 point ago +1 / -0

We use discernment to know who is friend and who is foe. This requires a relationship with the creator! We care for one another and bare each other’s burdens. It’s time for people to put their Christianity where their mouth is! I am for one, devout! If God is on my side, I cannot loose. Joshua fought the battle of Jericho and the walls came tumbling down. We are in the days of Elijah and we must call on our creator to give us strength and mana. We will be fine. It’s not about us. This is about forging a future for generations to come. We can defeat the enemy, but we cannot do it by sitting idle and waiting on someone else to do it. We must unite. The American way, United we stand, divided we fall. We may be divided, but it is the enemy we are divided from. Once we realize this then there is no stopping what God can do through us. The future is bright, but we must be willing to sacrifice just as all of the great leaders before us have. Too many are so concerned with holding on to the things of this world when in reality it is those exact things that have brought us to this point. Time to seperate ourselves from the world and stand up for righteousness. Will we be perfect, no! But if God is on our side our triumph will be glorious and God will get all the praise and glory. Not us meek humble Americans! Get in the word and get in prayer. Be willing to be hungry and remember those who wandered 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness. God fed them. He brought them to glory then when they were comfortable they rejected him. Scorn and smitten they crucified him! Don’t be like they were. Be like Christ!

TheGreatPumpkin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah so we need to mainstream the idea and make sure it gets to the appropriate leaders. Kash, you monitor this board? 45? Jr? Pillow guy? 80 million citizen soldiers ready to report for duty!

TheGreatPumpkin 2 points ago +2 / -0

A full out collective revolt of just saying “no more!” No more government or big banks or cooperations. We cut them off. Not them cut us off. Either you believe God will get us through it or you don’t. Time to separate the wheat from the chaff!

TheGreatPumpkin 1 point ago +1 / -0

How about 80 million patriots refuse to send their kids to these garbage institutions for one week? They would loose all of their federal funding and have no choice but to listen to we the people. They cannot arrest 80 million patriots! It would be a declaration of war domestically. On sovereign citizens. The armed 400+ million weapon populace. Do you really think they would? They are bluffing and we are cowering. It is unamerican!

TheGreatPumpkin 0 points ago +3 / -3

So, depression. Do we depend on God or government? We can defend ourselves. We can farm. We can do the same thing the pilgrims did and depend on God and our faith in God. You seem to depend too much on the world and the things of the world fren. No offense but where is your faith?

TheGreatPumpkin 4 points ago +7 / -3

And besides we have seen enough, if the sickness going on in America hasn’t waken you up yet then you might just be a reprobate. Enough is enough.

TheGreatPumpkin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pledge your life and fortunes. Did we not learn anything from the pilgrims and the founding fathers?

TheGreatPumpkin 5 points ago +5 / -0

Trust me folks, when normies and leftists cannot live their normal comfy lives because we have went on strike, they will wake up. Optics. They see the majority doing something and it affects them directly then they will come over to our side. The ones that don’t have no hope. They are demons. Reprobate. You cannot tell them you must show them. We havnt shown them anything because they will not listen. All we have been doing is telling and telling ain’t selling. We sell it by showing them. Then once they are curious (because it effects them directly, then we can explain. There is not much you can do for a reprobate mind. They have been turned over by the creator. They worship the creation. We need to make an impact and do it peacefully and with love. That means we have to sacrifice and give ourselves so that our future generations have something to look back on and say, “this is the way!” The AMERICAN WAY. 1776

TheGreatPumpkin 5 points ago +7 / -2

We will fill them in when they start asking. How many more lives have to be destroyed, families ripped apart, children psychologically destroyed before we take a stand? As for the evil, we will hold them accountable once we hold all three branches of government. But we have to get there first and I’m not putting my faith In Another election. That would be ignorant. 1776 fren!

TheGreatPumpkin 9 points ago +9 / -0

No fren, they will wake up and start asking what is going on. When the majority is doing something then natural instinct is to go along with the collective hive mind. Trump has told us and Q has told us many times that we have the power. We just have not used it. Sitting back and waiting on Trump to do it all by himself has led to more death than we can imagine. It’s time for we the people to do our part. Cowardice is not the way. We must fight for freedom. We must declare our independence! We must. It has to come from we the people. We have been told but nobody has listened!

TheGreatPumpkin 5 points ago +7 / -2

Thank you. I TheGr8🎃 will declare July 4th as Independence Day and the start of our revolt! From that day forward, “We the people” take back our INDEPENDENCE!

TheGreatPumpkin 8 points ago +8 / -0

This can all be done peacefully and from the comforts of our own homes. We don’t have to take to the streets. Just one day where every American patriot calls in sick. Strike if we must. Shut the entire system down including medical and emergency service. We can care for one another. No riots. Swiftly. They won’t come to your home. Not enough of them! We are the majority. We must quit fearing. The fear of loss is a greater motivator than the hope of gain. So remember, it’s not your job you should fear loosing, it is the freedom of generations to come and the hope that our grandchildren get to enjoy the same freedoms that we have. Not to mention all of their private property.

TheGreatPumpkin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Is Kash trying to tell us something? Or is he just being funny?

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