Epstein died an innocent citizen, his rightful heirs have rightful claim to his fortune. Possession is 9/10 the law -so FUCK any POLITICIAN that advocates illegal, unconstitutional wealth redistribution. This crossfit-cumdumpster is beginning to show her true agenda. ALL Politicians deserve to burn in HELL.
There are two genders and there is a reason that they don't compete academically. Get REAL!
Ever wonder where Santa got his fashion sense from? https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&insightstoken=bcid_TmT9I5GchYkDuw*ccid_ZP0jkZyF&form=SBIIDP&iss=SBIUPLOADGET&sbisrc=ImgDropper&idpbck=1&sbifsz=92+x+92+%c2%b7+2.96+kB+%c2%b7+jpeg&sbifnm=OIP.jpg&thw=92&thh=92&ptime=34&dlen=4048&expw=92&exph=92&selectedindex=0&id=-490823218&ccid=ZP0jkZyF&vt=2&sim=1
Real journalists write reports, commentators give interviews. All media is propaganda by definition and the message is crafted by the pubisher. This Dutch "independent journalist" is an influencer paid to give her opinion. You can decide whose messaging this is for yourself because it is nothing but pop art at the end of the day.