It gets plenty hot here. In N.E. Washington state. 113 degrees is what I've seen. But plenty of days over 100.
What, you don't want to see her free range?
I can't wait to see Rachel Madcow put out to pasture.
I also tried the vitaminC -lysine thing but stopped after a week as my eyes started to not focus right. Not sure if it was related, but I stopped anyway.
Is it illegal to own and transport ammo?
Fuck that bitch. And everyone that looks like that bitch...
Elon musks ability to trigger liberals/snowflakes is all I need to like him.
Show me the man. I will find a crime. Lavrenyiy Beria head of the KGB
The second that O'bummer and big Mike bought a 13 million dollar home on Marths Vineyard, I knew it was B.S.
I hear Ellen has an extra room.
Just by the way Elon Musk triggers my snowflake daughter and her friends makes me a huge Musk fan.
I just wish it would hurry up. I'm getting old and have following this since 11-5-17
There should be a law stating, any lawmaker that votes on a bill without reading it first will be committing a felony.. that would also help to make them shorter.
I thought his name was "Chunk Yogart".
I have always thought Austin and Portland, Oregon were running to see which one is more lib-tarded.
Less than we are sending to other counties every year.
I don't know any Republicans who are against Trump, but I know several Democraps who did vote for Trump this time.
What needs to be passed is a law saying, if congress can't pass a budget. " not a continuing resolution" then congress will not be paid that year. This would put a stop to this B.S. in a big hurry.
It's spelled step-on- all- of-us.
Me to. Up in the highlands
Most in the greater Seattle area are assholes, so take I g them is kinda a farther tax
We need Idaho to annex everything East of the Pacific crest trail.
Real soon they won't have enough viewers to hold up the letters to spell Q anon.
Didn't he grow up in a "middle class family" like some other poser.
As a lifetime resident of "the peoples republik of Washington". The government of Washington can all go FUCK themselves.