I dont actually understand what's going on in Myanmar, who is good and who is bad and why etc...
Just tells you who to avoid... only if you're on facebook
Trust the Chinese looking woman to not know how freedoms work
Arrival may be a good comparison at that point
Weird how he pluralised division...
Unfortunately it may be the inverse of what we have trying to send communications out to aliens, we don't know what they are like or how they read, we can only work within the systems we anthropomorphise and think might work.
If similar but inverted is we don't know how they communicate or it is on short time scales or in a communication pathway we don't consider.
I feel it would be no different to how humans feel towards aliens/gods in that we still can't tell what their intentions are
Do we think it was to actively disrupt bitcoin as well as screw over oil, gas and other necessities?
Hahaha, a good chuckle
I identify as "correct", whenever someone says I'm wrong I tell them to check their privilege
Ofcourse the chubby bitch was lured in with a donut
I know Suez is a disposal company in Australia atleast.
Hrc is plugging the garbage disposal and is requiring "plumbers"? Similar to the Whitehouse plumbers that were there for Watergate?
I dunno, best connection I had
Dont watch movies or listen to their songs.
Deadpool 3 can go fuck itself as far as I'm concerned, can't play someone antiestablishment and be for the establishment -.-;
Curious why fbi were tracking him
That would have to be the end of civility with these degenerates. They themselves are calling for violence against us so it would be the perfect time to literally fight back.
If a cop goes to sieze property illegally they are no longer police but tyrannical lackies and that is not a blue life at that point, it is each cops choice whether they themselves break the constitution against the American people and at that point no sympathy is to be had for "I was doing my job" because the American people confronting tyranny is "just doing their job" too
I plead to all cops, don't listen to what is constitutionally irredeemable, no matter who or what organisations say it
Because we aren't ms13...?
I'm just gonna be clear that I dont wish this to actually happen, more a troll move. But yeah, agreed
I'm curious as to why signing in blood would change anything
You dont need a solution to stop something? I'm all for just stopping the horror but... you need a solution or atleast a strategy, right?
Again I dont mean to try actually get bills passed but similar to super straight, just spread the idea and watch as people lose their minds and eat each other as yet another issue divides them
Apart from that I dont have a full answer unfortunately.
What would you do if you could have control?
Sounds about right
Always up for improvements otherwise yeah, just chuck it in the fuckit bucket. They really are demented those "people" Was the reason I wasn't sure it was the best of raw ideas
Thank you, fren.
Evspra wouldn't do that... its illegal...
wink wink nudge nudge
Suppose I dont think of drugs that way haha Drug is drug afaic But then again I'm not a satanist cabal type person
In an urban dictionary type site it says this
Unsettling disturbing pain
No idea what it references to and who did it