Tiny_Tanks 1 point ago +1 / -0

New mods are trash.

Tiny_Tanks 5 points ago +5 / -0


Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.

Anyone offended by a word is a pussy.

Civilized conversation calls for civilized speech, but banning people over weak people getting offended is just pathetic.

Harsh language keeps the normies out. Toughen up.

Tiny_Tanks 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think you have to tailor your approach to your audience, TD.win has a heaping dose of healthy, and sometimes rude, skepticism about Q, and even on people. Like Lindsey Graham for example. Shit I’m pretty skeptical about Q drops, but I’m not going to ignore them either, too many “coincidences” to ignore.

Plus TD.win is more of a meme war cannon and a constant high energy rally for GEOTUS, I go there to laugh and get a little info on current work being done. I come here to dig into “conspiracy”.

Tact is important, especially when the info you have is brain boggling. It takes a long time to ease people into accepting they’ve been lied to and fooled. It took my man the better part of a year to ease me out of TDS and liberalism. The Q stuff still seems fantastical and strange to me, and I even went down a week long Gematria rabbit hole about Grassley that had me feeling crazy and genius all at once haha.

Patience has been the hardest and yet I think the most important part of the plan. Normies are stirring, finally, but it’s a slow game. It’s frustrating for those of us who get it now, but in order to be effective the normies need to be receptive to it, the more pressure we put on it, the crazier it seems to them. We can’t forget the deep state spent years, decades for some, programming them to reject “conspiracy” and have short attention spans.

Tiny_Tanks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well I agree that there are far too many for this to be something we can confirm. I don’t have anything to cast the doubt away, because in all honesty I have my own doubts.

It’s very easy to cherry pick the translations that fit a message you’d like to convey as you have noticed. That being said, the themes behind some of these codes are oddly consistent.

My understanding of how things are added to this site’s database are that it calculates the values of any word you search. If it’s not in the database yet, you can add it. I don’t want to come off as an expert on Gematria; I’ve only looked into it for a day.

I should also note that with everything I’ve looked at I’ve only paid attention to the Hebrew Gematria.

I can’t stop thinking “Their symbolism will be their downfall.”

Tiny_Tanks 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m not sure what the history or method behind gematria, if that’s what you’re asking. But if you click one of the links in the post under “no life whatsoever” as an example, I added a pic of the calculation website and it shows below what number each letter represents, but I’m not sure how they add them up.

In terms of decoding a possible message I look for continuity between the results of each phrase.

Tiny_Tanks 2 points ago +3 / -1

I agree, especially after this trip down the hole. Specifically the part of my research that gave me the “Q Yhsyk Jwsk He is the Holy Spirit in the flesh”.

If the Lord works in mysterious ways why not have the Holy Spirit speak through Q, with nice little breadcrumbs and codes to let both the enemy and the faithful know.

Oh yeah, both the effect of and obvious use of predictive programming in our entertainment is impossible to unsee now. That show Veep about ridiculous political scandals for example. Or that Netflix abomination “Cuties” trying to softly excuse pedophilia. At this point friend, I don’t even care about sounding or feeling crazy, I will seek the truth.

Yes, the selfie with the mask, link: https://kekpe.pe/i/5f7a2045497f5.png

It wasn’t directly after the pidgin tweets, but he posted it twice within the same few days.

Tiny_Tanks 4 points ago +4 / -0

Exactly friend, remember when Sean Spicer said “I think the President and a small group of people knew exactly what he meant” in reference to covfefe in the beginning?

Mathew 7:13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

Tiny_Tanks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whole Lee Fuk.

See man, the rabbit hole is so deep. While I remain rationally skeptical, I also can’t ignore this coincidence.

Everything from Kek being an ancient Egyptian frog god of chaos, to Grassley’s involvement and call outs on the Flynn case (Flynn posting “WWG1WGA take the oath”), the satanic symbolism found in high ranking Dem and celebrity personal and public media (satanist have to “out” themselves with subtle symbols to get tacit compliance from the masses), Pedes calling for the Lion Party, it just all seems so connected.

If you look at the string of tweets by Grassley in my post he also posts a selfie after the “Qanon. Hello” coded message, almost like introducing himself.

Tiny_Tanks 4 points ago +4 / -0

Last night on that pol post was the first time I’d heard of it too. I haven’t really been on the Qanon train, only hearing this and that where posts crossed over to td.win and the other boards I follow, but this one really activated the almonds for me.

I would agree that it would be used to convey general feeling, and since it is a publicly accessible code and cypher anyone can do the research and piece together the general message. What really got me on this tweet was some of the results included “Jewish Gematria” as in use those results, and also cheeky two-can-play-that-game messages. If Q said that their symbols will be their downfall, and then after the covfefe tweet the left really seemed to come unhinged at an accelerated pace, it makes sense to me that we started using their own code and cypher to both mock them and get our own sentiments out.

Tiny_Tanks 9 points ago +9 / -0

I found it really interesting that, while each number sequence gives you multiple possible decodings, there is undoubtedly a theme of both retribution for the wicked and preparedness and encouragement for the righteous.

Tiny_Tanks 6 points ago +7 / -1

I’m well aware of the popular opinion that Gamatria is garbage, doesn’t cheapen the fact it can be used as a code and cypher.