TowerLake 1 point ago +1 / -0

If he gets convicted, can he challenge the conviction as unconstitutional before the Supreme Court?

TowerLake 14 points ago +14 / -0

And this is why in a few years, $15 an hour will become the new poverty wage because the prices of everything else increased to match it.

Then they will go for $20 minimum wage, only for history to repeat

Then they will go for $30, 40, 50... hence hyper inflation.

TowerLake 3 points ago +3 / -0

It might be the payroll taxes that were deferred from one of trump executive orders.

Basically, because of Trump’s executive order, your employer didn’t deduct payroll taxes from your pay, and now you have t

TowerLake 1 point ago +1 / -0

And this is why Trump needs to create a new party.

He could take most of the republicans, a good chunk of the democrats and independents.

TowerLake 2 points ago +2 / -0

People have made these lists, and posted them. Problem is that there’s no wiki like Reddit or not permansticky because mods for some reason won’t do it. This is why you still have people linking to Twitter, YouTube, news sites instead of the alternatives like nitter and archive.is And this is also why people accuse the mods of being controlled opposition because the “real impact” stuff like this doesn’t get permastickied but the clickbait crap gets sticked all the time.

Part of the Great Awakening in not just learning and realizing all the corruption but to take active steps to pull power away from these people, 1 penny at a time.

But instead the mods insist in stickying worthless “proofs” that is provide instant gratification that allows people to continue doing nothing, while falsely believing that they are making an real impact.

TowerLake 6 points ago +6 / -0

It would have been even worse if Tom Brady wasn’t playing.

The MAGA people only watched to support him

TowerLake 5 points ago +5 / -0

For up to date info, go to Reddit WallStreetBets or WSbets.win.

As for broker: Use Fidelity. The remaining brokerages restricted trading on GME. Fidelity also has instant deposits

Another broker that didn’t restrict is Vanguard.

All future put options are not dead.

The problem with GME is that these fuckers shorted 140% of the total number of shares resulting in illegal naked shorting, and got caught by WSB Autists.

WSB Autists realized that they could perform a counter maneuver call “short squeeze” against the hedge funds, and bankrupt them.

Then what happened was WSB Autists realize that what they did was so success with such a large magnitude that they had the numbers that they could literally crash WallStreet.

Because hedgefunds have agreements with brokers who agreement with clearing house who have agreements with another financial intitution who has agreements with another financial institution and so on.

The agreement basically states that I have to cover losses that the financial institution below me cannot cover because they don’t have the assets to do so.

What this results.

If hedge funds owe WSB 100 billion, WSB will get 100 billion one way or another.

if hedge funds can’t pay the full amount, the broker will cover remaining. If broker can’t cover remaining, clearing house financial institution has to cover remaining, etc.

And to further show the economic damage.

In order to pay WSB the 100 billion owed, All these financial institutions would have to cause a simultanous sell off of thier assets in order to obtain cash, leading to an systemwide economic crash, because there would be too many sellers and not enough buyers.

And WSB realized the fact that WSB could do this from a single short squeeze pissed them off because this is the risky behavior that WallStreet does that cause economic crisis like 2008 crisis.

In 2008, 50 billion dollars worth crash in the housing market alone cascaded into all the other markets resulting in a economic collapse requiring a 700 billion dollar bailout for the financial industry.

So far, hedgefunds have lost 30-40 billion dollars.

And this fact is what is causing the media, the potiticians, and White House, etc to basically pressure the SEC to shut down trading on GME, because if WSB gets thier way, this could potentially cascade into a widespread economic crisis

WSB is pissed because it is suppose to be the SEC who stops hedgefunds from doing these shitty things that can cause economic collapse

WSB is pissed off the not a single fucker went to prison for 2008 economic crisis.

WSB is pissed off at WallStreet that they don’t care if WSB potentially cause an economic crisis as long as WallStreet goes bankrupt.

WSB is pissed off because suddenly tactics traditionally used by hedgefunds and WallStreet fuckers against retail investors like WSB are now being used against the hedgefunds by WSB yet the brokers are shutting down the ability to buy/sell in order to protect the WallStreet fuckers

They are so pissed off that they are risking thier entire life savings in order to sentence the Wall Street fuckers to death by a million papercuts

TowerLake 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is what I secretly suspect too.

People don’t understand that these hedgefunds can literally leverage thier assets by a 100x.

What this means?

1 billion will allow you to borrow and use 100 billion to trade with.

10 billion allows you to borrow 1 trillion.

While the best that retail investors can do is twice thier money.

Trillions of dollars are moved in stock markets every DAY.

In comparison, political donations total was around 30-40 billion for the most important presidential and congressional campaign that literally decided people’s lives.

Even if we gather all the money that WSB and allies, a forum with originally 2 million people(now 6 million) has, after leverage, would it even reach 100 billion?

A disorganized 100 billion vs a coordinated Trillion dollars.

Plus the trillion dollar groups have access to a massive amount of data about the 100 billion group, giving them an unfair advantage.

And somehow the coordinated trillion dollars group is losing to the disorganized 100 billion dollars group?

Retail investors simply don’t have the money and leverage to compete with institutional investors which is why they always get pummeled

It was especially suspicious when all the retail broker firms suspended buying GME and it fell but didn’t immediately crash to sub 100s, then went back up.

It means that whoever is really proping up GME are not retail investors but institutional investors because retail investors had thier infrastructure frozen, and thus couldn’t buy GME to keep proping it up.

Logically if it was retail investors proping it up, it would have immediate crashed into the sub 100s level, because all hedgefunds had to do was have hedge fund A sell some GME to hedge fund B and then hedge fund B sell those extract same GME shares back to hedge fund A at a lower price and repeat over and over again until it goes crashes, since no one can actually buy the stocks.

But it didn’t because there was someone who actually could and did buy them, so much that it went back up.

I suspect that some group is proping up GME and using WSB as a front as an explaination for why GME is going up. As a former frequent autist at WSB, WSB has a lot of garbage along with rough diamonds.

You have to realize that ANY stock can go up, and suddenly there will be posts on it on WSB. It would be difficult to determine if WSB caused the stock to go up or the stock going up caused WSB to mention it.