Troglodyte 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's a reason he came to America. He knows what it's like to flee a country for self preservation. He also knows that there's no where else to flee to if the government gets any worse. It does seem like he's getting a pay-off though through executive orders on electric cars He must know it's in his best interest to be a good guy.

Troglodyte 0 points ago +1 / -1

You become a poor advocate for any cause when you expose your proclivity to just make shit up in your head because it's what you want to believe. You madam, appear to be brainwashing yourself.

Troglodyte 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe it would't take 60 years to fix this if everybody dealt honestly. Your assessment of me is 180 degrees wrong. Perhaps the stress of events and the influx of shit posters is wearing on you. I assure you we are on the same side. I believe Donald J Trump to have been the most honest president in my lifetime of ten unique presidents. Yeah, it pains my butt-hurt little cave dwelling ass to know history will not only mark him as the greatest President of the United States of America, but there will be a necessary footnote explaining why the saving of the nation could only be brought about through his complicity in a global deception. I can agree that it's a small price to pay, while at the same time holding a thought that I wish it didn't have to be that way. It seems to me that if you want people to believe the way you do, a little more artful persuasion would be more effective than a string of intended insults. Don't fret it though, you haven't changed my mind on anything, so we probably still have a lot of overlap in the things we want for our country.

Troglodyte 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't understand why you are getting upset over the fact that I'm uncomfortable being represented by a lie. My discomfort will not change anything, and it will not place the plan in jeopardy.

Troglodyte 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow, do they want us to believe that big tech invented the first algorithmic formula? I remember a time before big tech when algorithms were routinely calculated the analog way in one's own head almost automatically, and often for the purpose of deception. That's how a majority of used car lemons got sold. Algorithm; it's such a fun word to use. It makes you look and feel smart just saying it. Try it and see!

Troglodyte 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, after witnessing my daughter's horror and disgust when she learned she had been brainwashed once into believing in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, and Easter Bunny, I'm not sure she would well tolerate finding out she had been double brainwashed before being told the truth. It makes me uncomfortable to be the agent of brainwashing for any purpose no matter how noble.

Troglodyte 1 point ago +1 / -0

But what happens when it's time to tell the real truth? I'm sorry, we brainwashed you in order to wash off your brainwashing, but trust me, we're not washing your brain this time.

Troglodyte 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let's just wash away those lies with new different lies, ok?

Troglodyte 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hope not. I'd rather have the truth than a deception aimed at deprogramming me for my own good. How can I trust a government that will lie to me and later tell me it was for my own good? It seems this would be more harmful than helpful.

Troglodyte 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hate to make blanket statements, but darn near every city in the country is incorporated. The main purpose of a corporation is to limit legal liability for the owners and shareholders in the event of massive screw ups. Who do you think enforces corporate law?

Troglodyte 0 points ago +1 / -1

This is a ridiculous notion. Did you know every city in the country is incorporated? Do you know the legal purpose of incorporating? Do you realize that incorporating doesn't replace any entity, but simply creates a new additional legal entity that is under the control of the original entity?

Troglodyte 1 point ago +1 / -0

First, try understanding what a corporation is. It's an entity created in law; it doesn't replace any existing entities. Any corporation can only exist in law, and every law is backed and enforced by a greater entity (government).