TrueLegendsNeverDie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Still waiting for some Red Wedding shit - the band stops playing, get their weapons and arrest every single one of these PoS.

But reality ain't no TV show :(

TrueLegendsNeverDie 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wish I had your strength, my friend.

It's just disgusting to see a pedophile becoming a president. A stolen election - how can we ever trust the American elections again after this?

And I'm not even from the USA.

Shit, dude... ?

TrueLegendsNeverDie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yup. If Gtimo is too crowded in a couple of days, she now can be locked up in a normal prison.


TrueLegendsNeverDie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hahahaha you're not on Commie Reddit or Twatter - no need to say it is a joke. We still have this UNBELIEVABLE ability to understand and take a joke.

Cheers, friend.

TrueLegendsNeverDie 2 points ago +2 / -0
  1. Fuck Twitter, fucking cyberfascists.

  2. After following Q for the past few days, I cannot see how the MSM call the movement "white supremacist." Some here are a little bit far fetched, but there's nothing about race.

  3. Fuck MSM, smearing motherf*cerks.

TrueLegendsNeverDie 5 points ago +5 / -0

no hate here, brother.

But I think his predictions are based on probability of multiple scenarios.

They know the cards the DS have and plan accordingly.

TrueLegendsNeverDie 2 points ago +2 / -0

Expect a violent reaction from the Left.

And I mean VIOLENT.

But so violent that normal liberals will back down.

TrueLegendsNeverDie 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's a saying in Brazil:

Quem tem cú, tem medo.

Those who have an ass, are afraid.

Meaning: if she was so sure she wouldn't be f*cked, she would double down on resigning her position.

by v8power
TrueLegendsNeverDie 5 points ago +5 / -0

Also, it's a HUGE demonstration of political power.

Shit, those days were freaking epic. Trump walking in NK unguarded. Fucking amazing!

TrueLegendsNeverDie 3 points ago +4 / -1

Hahahahaha dude, I stated a fact and you had an emotional breakdown out of nowhere. Get a grip.

Think what you will. Cheers, man.

TrueLegendsNeverDie 4 points ago +5 / -1

Take a deep breath, dude. No need to get all emotional.

TrueLegendsNeverDie 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah, to protect the public from "riots", sure...

Better yet, to deploy COVID vaccines. Yeah, suuuuure...

Hopefully, they will be fighting a Chinese virus - one called maoist communism.

God bless

TrueLegendsNeverDie 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, it single handedly exposed the treason action of a whole political system.

Never stop an enemy when they are making a mistake.

TrueLegendsNeverDie 5 points ago +5 / -0

The most important operations that prevented major crisis in the USA and the world are the ones that we have no idea existed.

It's not like any of us, outside the group of people that might know and are doing something, will ever know the details, the whys, the reasoning behind all of this...

At this point, the only proof that we need is the arrests. When this started, than we'll know - and everybody will know, for that matter - that it was legit.

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