TrumpBiscuits 5 points ago +5 / -0

Magic The Gathering... basically what we're dealing with here! haha!

TrumpBiscuits 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for the understanding, I appreciate it. I am one of the VERY loyal patriot, but sometimes this gets to me. We all know its not about us as individuals.. we all know that "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" but sometimes.... sometimes I just want to give up. I won't give up, but I want to. I know that there are people in WAY WORSE situations than me, and those are the ones they are truly trying to save right now.. but as an average American citizen, I get tired of waiting for everyone else to catch up. I live in a VERY cold state that has snow until April, so I am doing my very best to get out of the house as much as possible. Luckily, the birds are returning!

TrumpBiscuits 15 points ago +19 / -4

This looks like great hopium, but I'm strung out. I'm about ready to give up, honestly. Actions speak louder than words and the only actions that "we the people" are seeing are negative ones. I'm sick of being told to wear a mask- I WILL NOT. I am sick of everyone around me being so ignorant to the truth.. I'm sick of not knowing what is going on in the country I live in. I just want to know we're safe. I want to know that I will not be punished for having an at-home birth. I want to know that my future kids won't be forced to take this disgusting vaccine. I want to know that when they grow up, they will have the same opportunities to make an honest living like their parents made. But for now, I am sitting on my hands, waiting... waiting for the powers-to-be to tell me that we're going to be okay.. and I can believe them. I have spent 35 years trying to do the right thing and making my life better than where I came from... and now what? Now I don't know if I will even be able to have kids. I don't want them to grow up in a world where they are treated the way I have been treated. I've always treated people with respect, and treat them how I want to be treated.. that's all out the window now. I feel like I have no control over my future right now, and it's ruining me. I was a cheerleader, but now I'm just....sad. I love Trump, and I trust him.. I Trust the plan.. I'm just getting really warn out.

TrumpBiscuits 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know it's talking about it dude, I don't care. I'd save her if I could. She's one of my heros. I'll bust down the courthouse doors!! Sidney, I would testify!!!

TrumpBiscuits 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have a Sillhouette Cameo, gonna make one of these tonight!!! THANK YOU!!

screw selling them, I'll give them away to spread the word! I'd rather people tell others to go fuck themselves than get paid at this point.

TrumpBiscuits 10 points ago +10 / -0

Thank you, I was curious as to why he was doing this.

TrumpBiscuits 7 points ago +7 / -0

Crying????? Seriously????? If there's no crying in baseball, there better not be crying in the senate. Wtf is this clown show!!!!

TrumpBiscuits 7 points ago +7 / -0

Thank you for fighting for our freedoms, we need you.

TrumpBiscuits 3 points ago +3 / -0

This post brought tears to my eyes. I wish everyone would do this. I'm sick of being persecuted because I know the truth.

TrumpBiscuits 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you live in the US, just tell them if they push any further, they are violating HIPPA laws. Those are medical laws, and EVERY grocery store in america (especially if they have a pharmacy) knows about them.

TrumpBiscuits 1 point ago +1 / -0

You will do 10x better with your gifted child if you homeschooled him. His gift will be nourished rather than squashed. If he is already worried what his teachers think of his political views, he is DEFINTLY in the wrong class. Sounds like brain washing.

Ron Paul made an awesome homeschooling guide, check it out!


TrumpBiscuits 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look at Q post 1495.......just sayin'

TrumpBiscuits 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks, fren! They sound like how the travel pillows are made.

TrumpBiscuits 1 point ago +1 / -0

We need your review! I wanted to get some for my pets but wasn't sure if they would like them.

TrumpBiscuits 2 points ago +3 / -1

God, Husband, Trump. In that order. ????

TrumpBiscuits 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks! I'll print them on my Silhouette machine tomorrow! I have been looking for something to use with my sticker paper!!!! So excited!!!

TrumpBiscuits 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, I highly recommend you block it out. What's worse, someone calling you a liar or having a military dude knock on your door?

TrumpBiscuits 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, this is BY FAR the best thread today. I wish I were that witty. ?

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