johnkongsang 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agree… The alt health leaders all talk about rotating between different anti-parasitic meds/protocols since they are each effective towards certain organisms but not others. Gotta cover all bases. And cycle in order to kill the adults and the new young from eggs left behind.

johnkongsang 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’ve completed this flush numerous times over the past 10 years. Happy to chat about the details if you’re interested.

johnkongsang 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whether or not the fear was actually causing deaths, who knows. Seeing that all-cause mortality didn’t spike, seems unlikely there were placebo deaths. However. I think the psy-op caused tons of folks to actually believe their symptoms were much worse than normal. Every time I’ve ever had a cold/flu in the past, I’ve felt as if I was “dying”, but psychologically I knew it was just typical illness that would pass. For millions who suddenly believed they could die from “it”, that caused a total shift in mindset for the masses. Many went to hospital for something they never would have in the past, further adding to the trauma/hysteria…and who knows what effects the protocols had which were being implemented to hospital patients.

johnkongsang 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder this too. Not so much as to what side Tucker is on, but plain and simply why would Fox allow it. Makes no sense. Is this whole damn thing the mother of all psyops?

johnkongsang 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could be that period virus tho

johnkongsang 3 points ago +3 / -0

Random thoughts—-I’m not 100% sold as to whether viruses do or don’t exist, but it does seem suspect. My own observations are that when one embarks on a serious deep health detox protocol, the goal is to get the lymph system flowing (runny nose, etc) and expel all the toxins which are locked up in the body. A part of that process is fasting, so the body can suspend allocation of energy towards food digestion, and focus on healing the cells. So detox is very similar to the symptoms of getting sick, expelling fluids. When sick, losing sense of smell/taste prompts us to not eat, and therefore be fasting. I always wondered if “germs” we simply nature’s particles to trigger our body’s natural detox process. Those who’s bodies aren’t in need of detox don’t get sick while others do. There could be other environmental factors which cause members of the same household to get sick at the same time…we just think it’s “germs” because that’s what we are taught. I used to get sick like clockwork every single year in Oct/Nov, without fail. Once I started doing an annual or semi annual detox, I’ve only been sick once in the past 10 yrs. The other suspicious thing which is easy to look up on your own, is that even mainstream science talks about how viruses don’t meet the criteria to be classified as a “living organism”. Viruses (if they exist) might just be a side effect particle created by the body during sickness caused by something else. Unrelated but through the same method of “connecting the wrong dots”…mainstream medicine claims high cholesterol causes heart disease. However, other compelling research shows that cholesterol is actually the body’s method to buffer inflammation. So high cholesterol means the body is suffering inflammation, and the body is trying to save itself by increasing cholesterol. Taking a pill to reduce cholesterol is chasing the wrong thing. Like covering up the check engine light in your car because that light comes on right before your car dies.

johnkongsang 6 points ago +6 / -0

Viruses aren’t living organisms, they are essentially just proteins. One theory is that viruses are simply a byproduct of parasitic infection. So viruses do exist, but they are not the cause.

Modern medicine commonly chases after the wrong components of an issue.

For example, the idea that cholesterol causes heart disease, then prescribing anti-cholesterol meds. Cholesterol is the body’s defense mechanism to reduce inflammation. So whatever is causing the inflammation is probably the cause of the heart issue, cholesterol is simply the byproduct.

Correlation not causation….

At least I think that’s the basis of this parasite theory.

johnkongsang 1 point ago +1 / -0

A buddy told me he lied to get an extra booster…okay man, you do you

johnkongsang 2 points ago +2 / -0

A missed opportunity by the bullies to simply address it using it’s own terminology… “okay you queer” seems like the obvious response

johnkongsang 1 point ago +1 / -0

The thing is…highly doubt we’re losing any patriots to the other side via spontaneously blue pill…so as long as wee keep on this full court press, slowly but sure we gain numbers. My mom was super left and then of all people Russell freaking Brand red pilled her. Keep spreading the message and we’ll get em one by one… some are forever lost, but not all.

johnkongsang 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s also possibly just a case of confirmation bias. Throughout my life, every cold or flu I’ve had felt like I were “going to die”…but everyone knew it was just going to pass and death wasn’t even considered a possibility. Now that the sheep have it in their mind that any illness could be death by covid, they flood the hospital seeking care. Our biggest weakness is our propensity towards confirmation bias and the DS preys on this.

johnkongsang 5 points ago +5 / -0

I like to win an argument with the most simple undeniable piece of evidence— and in this situation, that evidence is WTC7. You don’t need to bicker over any other theoretical aspects. All you need is WTC7. Plain and simple. Anyone can see it for their own eyes. There can be only one conclusion. Nothing else really matters after that point.

johnkongsang 2 points ago +2 / -0

A double vaxxed coworker told me he had been “trapped” in his room because his family members had covid and were roaming around the house like they weren’t rona’d. I asked him, before covid, would you have done that if they had a cold/flu? …crickets, contemplates life, “um, no I suppose not” .

johnkongsang 5 points ago +5 / -0

he swapped the nukes code for the nudes code and glowies gonna unsuspectingly launch a new trove of hunter pics

johnkongsang 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah but if you google that dude, none of the other pics of him look like Brandon. This featured pic happens to be at just the right angle.

johnkongsang 2 points ago +2 / -0

…but one of the more interesting theories I’ve encountered was that covfefe is phonetically “coh fee fee”, …possible comms about the koh phi phi islands… known kid prostitution…trafficking

Pizza-Underground-Voodoo-Donuts-Mackuley Caulkin was on Rogan rambling about his koh phi phi visit and “cats” in a weird way.

They better make a behind the scenes movie about all this some day

johnkongsang 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh shit boys, he’s got it all figured out, why didn’t we think of that

johnkongsang 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any idea date when this report was filed? I searched briefly and couldn’t see a publication/filing date. Just curious

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