And now this news comes out.
I think he is banking on us figuring it out.. but this should be no surprise.. he has always supported vaccines, not forced vax.. but has said in the past that lately they were causing problems with young people.. now remember, this is all happening on their watch not his and the army vax isnt ready yet.
I hear ya.. but like i said, if he didnt play a long with their game, they would pounce.. we need them to continue to bury themselves.
lets see how it all works out.. if it doesnt work out does it matter? we are all fucked then lol
Cause your not really listening to him..
Everything he is saying is for the deep state that wants to take his words and use it against him.. if trump says the vaxs are killing people, they WILL turn it ALL on him. they will run news 24/7 of people dying from the vaccine that trump made.. they can do that now.. but they would be giving up control.. and thats what their plan is control.. reset... Optics are everything.. I know we hate hearing it.. but its true.
Lin wood has not been endorsed by potus. In fact potus endorsed Lin’s opponent