I don’t think he was. The fact the media went loony over it is part of what shows that. He had a very messed up childhood and I believe he himself was a victim of sexual abuse as a kid. He never got a real childhood. So when he grew up, he was compensating for that and that's why he could be childlike. Listen to his song Childhood. We all know Corey Feldman was a victim of abuse too and no coincidence he has always defended Michael. And if Michael was the grand master pedo leader, they never would’ve exposed him cuz they’d consider him on their side. Plus there are many videos of him exposing them, and songs against the DS. They Don’t Care About Us. Tabloid Junkie. The Lost Children. That tells me he wasn’t part of their scheme. And none of his songs were like the satanic crap we have today. He really wanted to “heal the world and make it a better place”. RIP Michael, my hero
I’m in NE Ohio, medium town. In the past week, I went to a couple restaurants. No one at all wore a mask in the one. The other one a lot of people were but me and my whole group didn’t and no one cared. At Dollar General, there was a sign that said to wear a mask if you’re not vaccinated. I didn’t wear one and not a single other person there did either (about 10 people). I can’t decide if I was the only unvaccinated “rule breaker” there or if everyone was like me and didn’t care. Also, I showed up at my physical therapy one day last week and suddenly no one had a mask. I’m not sure if there was a sign on the door and what it said. I’ll have to see this week. But this is all definitely a good sign, especially since no one has yet asked if I’m vaccinated.
Absolutely. I have believed all along that he was good and “they” were out to get him, and eventually murdered him. He knew the Illuminati wanted him dead. He spent a lot of his time terrified in his later years. He was also great friends with Trump. They were actually neighbors for awhile at Trump Tower. Also there is a cool video of them together visiting Ryan White (the boy who died of AIDS). So they were more than just “fake” friends for publicity. They actually were REAL friends and spent a lot of time together. And there are plenty of videos of Trump defending Michael. The whole thing against both of them is a plot. Ryan White visit video: https://youtu.be/solqiNSnoXM Not gonna lie, I was an excited fan girl when I saw each of them get out of the car ?
I found his roast clip if anyone is looking for it. So disturbing. https://rumble.com/vsem31-bob-saget-roast-clip.html