TruthNerdy 1 point ago +1 / -0

The files are really interesting reading if nothing else - defo good reading for later lol

TruthNerdy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just looked at this guys "dump" on telegram and first thing I see is biden with hand on bible and this guy says, crosses upside down cos evil - Quick 5 minute check and they are NOT upside down on original video. Also the first video on stream, he is typing out something in a browser fast but if you pause it at the right time, it shows he had previously been on a dod site with files and also qresearch. So maybe got from there which I could do and make an account on telegram....

Just a heads up to be careful and he is asking for bitcoins now too so yeah not looking legit to me.

TruthNerdy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its safe, just politico site

TruthNerdy 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Pentagon blocked members of President Joe Biden’s incoming administration from gaining access to critical information about current operations, including the troop drawdown in Afghanistan, upcoming special operations missions in Africa and the Covid-19 vaccine distribution program, according to new details provided by transition and defense officials.

TruthNerdy 2 points ago +3 / -1

You can keep believing all you like, its my opinion, most are moving the goal posts, with what if... And but this isn't over... It really is, but carry on deluding yourself.

TruthNerdy 2 points ago +5 / -3

Yeah you are moving the goal posts, its not going to happen now.

TruthNerdy 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't trust people easily in real life, so a theory online is quite difficult yes, nothing saying I don't want it to be all real - I just can't put all eggs in a basket that might actually have no bottom and make them all just fall and break... Id rather live in a real world situation, however bad then pretend otherwise because that won't bring change either. Who knows what will happen, we shall see.

TruthNerdy -2 points ago +4 / -6

I don't think anything will happen, I wondered at first and the military thing is very strange but it can be explained away in many ways, also I think even if nothing happens, people will still post its all going to come, in february, then march, then on and on, people don't want to face reality, neither did manson's women that he was evil, it is starting to come across more and more crazy every hour how people refuse to even contemplate nothing might happen. Its actually absurd.

TruthNerdy 4 points ago +6 / -2

It could be the fact that most of us live in REAL life and the end of a actual movie has no real bearing on your life long term. Very different outcome so terrible analogy.

TruthNerdy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think troops are there to show a big theatrical show of force because of the capital thing, it is over the top and ridiculous, almost putting the fear of god into people. Its working, people are so on edge that a lot, not all but a lot will accept anything just to make the chaos STOP. Its classes mind fuck on the people. I think its the start of something else, perhaps fascism and control, its begun and no one is doing anything, so they have won it seems. As for God, he has northing to do with it that's why he gave man/women free will. Believing in him won't stop wars, or evil or anything else unfortunately.

TruthNerdy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah i mean they aren't going to play some huge game on a forum to get people clue hunting for months its a little far fetched, would be nice if trump pulled it off but its really not going to happen I don't think. I agree too they would do it completely out the blue so no one had a clue what the hell was going on.

TruthNerdy 7 points ago +7 / -0

Well what happens if nothing happens? You going to start saying on here, well change of plan, what they mean is 3 months time as its a process blah blah? If it doesn't happen by tomorrow I think people have to accept its crap.

TruthNerdy 3 points ago +5 / -2

Well you can't just constantly move the goal posts to keep the bullshit going, its either going to be today or tomorrow something happens that is not just some theory on a website, like on emergency tv or something or something actually done or get real it won't happen, you might want to live in a state of dreams and fake reality but a lot just want logic and reality.

TruthNerdy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can you not put the video on here as can't get on telegram?

TruthNerdy 2 points ago +2 / -0

if you click and hold on any imagine and have google open on other side, make sure you click images and then just drag it across and it will bring up if that picture was used anywhere else online, as a lot seem to share rubbish without checking first.

TruthNerdy 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is NOT from congress - Simple reverse image check shows this.... https://www.the-star.co.ke/news/2019-03-23-have-you-lost-your-laptop-go-to-dci-offices/