Truth_seeker_84 2 points ago +2 / -0

The French Catholic King of France put down the Baphomet worshipping Templars in 1307. The Templars were in Jerusalem, overseeing the excavation of Solomon’s Temple, who had wives that worshipped Ba’al be before Christ.

I read it somewhere that the freemasonry craft is Kabala (black magik) for the goys. The OTO is its latest iteration, to a mystery religion dating back to Babylon & Nimrod & possibly further back into the time of Atlantis & the fallen angels.

Truth_seeker_84 1 point ago +1 / -0

Crypto backed digital currency backed by physical inventory of PM’s. Right now, I see the cryptos laying the path something that will be universally accepted down the road . Until then, I believe the current cryptos are the canary in the cole mine. Thanks?

Truth_seeker_84 3 points ago +3 / -0

Countess Bathory was a prolific serial killer; she bathed in the blood of over 615 virgins. look at her crest, it’s a dragon.

Countess Bathory was related to Count Dracula, he belonged to the Brotherhood of the Dragon. Queen of England traces her blood line to Count Dracula.

At the 40,000ft level, I believe these ancient blood lines trace their blood lines the the Phoenicians of Canaan. At the 60,000ft level, the Royal Blood line of Demi-god Nimrod is apparently traces his blood lines to the Nephalim.

Yeah... it’s insane.

Truth_seeker_84 2 points ago +2 / -0

God bless you all. Am I the only one that feels like God has specifically awoken me & made me for a time like this? I am an unconventional man having to fight an unconventional war.


  • spiritual war.
  • fighting the daily temptations that lead to self destruction?
  • setting oneself apart from the corrupt, globe-homo society.
  • being married & a father & raising my family to be strong Christians in my mid 30’s feels like an accomplishment in of itself in the year 2021.

God is great. God bless you all & stay strong; this is OUR time.

Truth_seeker_84 4 points ago +4 / -0

Templars learned of Kabbalah, the Zohar & all other sorts of black Magik while stationed at Solomons Temple. The Catholic Church burned the Templars at the stake for worshipping this evil demon horned god & yes, it is a horned diety, similar to the other pagan deities worshiped around the world, including Druids.

Yes Baphomet is the devil; look up witches sabbath illustrations - also a horned god.

Truth_seeker_84 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’ve been thinking:

The men of the secret societies tend to worship the owl demon god, Ishtar (Bohemian Grove comes to mind) . The women seem to worship the horned god (the devil), Baphomet - that Rothchild whore wore a BIG Baphomet “Y” head in the picture that Q posted....

Fuck, I I just want to expose these animals & have the world redidcule them & destroy their temples, building Christian ones on top.

Truth_seeker_84 5 points ago +6 / -1

According to the Masons, there craft goes back to Nimrod, the first builder. These Gnostic Faggots want to rebuild Atlantis, modeling the “golden age” of their esoteric religion, but that happens to be the “wicked” time of Noah, that Jesus foretold.

I believe Masons are evil; the lower level ones are just useful idiots that like to play dress up & grab each other’s asses. Albert Pike was considered a “Pope” in their Satanic religion.

Truth_seeker_84 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dude, I think Zuckerburg is a total robot. We could very well be seeing AI / deep fakes in place of actual humans on broadcasting channels.

How could these fucking people lie trough their teeth day in & day out?

Truth_seeker_84 6 points ago +6 / -0

This faggot railed on for years about Russian interference... I can’t wait to see the day this man’s lies are exposed & he is publicly executed

Truth_seeker_84 6 points ago +6 / -0

Bay Area checking in. I can’t tell if these faggots on MSM are MK Uktra’d into lying or if they lie out of their own free will / honestly believe the lies they spread.

In any event, I want the media to be the first one rounded up & given tribunals - these fuckers made their beds, now they will sleep in it.

Truth_seeker_84 2 points ago +3 / -1

I’ve been dismissed by my family. I still warned them, for the sake of the children. In the end, we all die & are ultimately judged on our actions - remember that. What would God want you to do in his behalf?

Truth_seeker_84 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, Satanic 10 Commandments 666 miles away from the UN in NYC

Truth_seeker_84 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have one toe in this beast system, only to operate in it for my day to day life.

If you have your personal wealth tied into this system or Bitcoin? All the best to you & your family during the upcoming spectalar hyperflationary event. I don’t measure my personal wealth in DYING currencies ( ever met a billionaire Zimbabwean?) ; I measure it in oz & kilos.

Place your bets, gentlemen!

Truth_seeker_84 4 points ago +4 / -0

YUP. I’m a Hispanic & I am very vocal about my support for DJT, the wall & defending White people. It’s going to take people from all cultures to expose the evil or our differences will be used to destroy us.

Truth_seeker_84 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tru dat. Black Magik Kabahala, like The Talmud, come from Babylon - unfortunately I don’t see many traditional Orothodox Torah Jews calling out, separating or making efforts to distance themselves from from the Satanic ones, I Would love nothing more, than to have a legit Torah Jew call out the Satanic ones & the disgusting Talmud & Kabbalah practices - I would back them up 100%.

In the end, they are still deceived if they haven’t accept Jesus as the Messiah. That’s the harsh truth.

Truth_seeker_84 1 point ago +1 / -0

You should look into Kenisis, it’s the merge of crypto tech + physical inventory. It’s a marriage of the old & new.

But GOLD and SILVER & land are my foundation. I’ll let all the thousands of fiat cryptos battle it out until people come to their senses. It’s fun to watch on the side lines.

I hope the crypto game works in your favor, fren.

Truth_seeker_84 4 points ago +5 / -1

Believe it or not, silver and gold come in very small, bartable portions. Believe it or not, civilization existed without credit cards, Bitcoin or any other digital token for 5,000 years. Believe it or not... Governments are purchasing & re-patriating their gold at record numbers.

I believe Bitcoin was a pyramid scheme/ decoy for people to put their funds into, meanwhile early investors are getting out & buying REAL wealth with their shit-coin earnings.

Good luck with your digital coins, hope it works out for you.

Truth_seeker_84 1 point ago +1 / -0

Perhaps Kabbalah - Jewish sex cult religion, has something to do with the red.

Truth_seeker_84 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anthony Nordsin was one of “them” - rob ably their cannibal cook - his wife is a flipp’n Satanists for heavens sake!

Truth_seeker_84 11 points ago +11 / -0

I’ve heard of them, I watch dollar vigilante. We are dealing with Lucifarians that want to chip us with crypto - fuck all of that. Gold & silver are God’s money.

Truth_seeker_84 4 points ago +6 / -2

Crypto isn’t the lil man’s endgame, it’s the Lucifarian’s endgame. Google the Microsoft patent WO202060606 for biometric crypto.

Truth_seeker_84 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anytime, homie.

Truth_seeker_84 8 points ago +8 / -0

Apparently that Sodomite Chris Crocker & another sodomite spent the night with sodomite, Obama.


Truth_seeker_84 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yup. BLM founders are occultists, we as Christian, know them as witches. It’s a religious war under the pretext of a race war.I hope they can get it together & conservatives can keep it together...


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