Unhappymeal -2 points ago +1 / -3

Looks like an early morning shill post or offended boomers spamming. Imagine being butt hurt over a personal blog and coming elsewhere to trash talk the man for his own personal thoughts on his own blog.

Unhappymeal 0 points ago +1 / -1

More than 5 less than 10.

Unhappymeal 0 points ago +1 / -1

This was my issue...I went straight to his website. Saw the “winred” and did not donate. I want a way to directly donate to Trump.

Unhappymeal 1 point ago +2 / -1

Hey shill, dooming works over at the other .win.... here we destroy you faggots and you’re quickly removed.

Unhappymeal 8 points ago +10 / -2

You obviously have no clue who this guy is.

Unhappymeal -8 points ago +1 / -9

Stray please elaborate and explain your apparent vast and overwhelming knowledge on this subject.

I mean it’s not like they’ve been talking about cloning since 1996. There’s been absolutely no high tech conventions talking about copying your memories and feelings and inserting it into new human bodies. Naaah not of that has ever happened.

When you see technology that’s available to the public it’s DINOSAUR old.

Unhappymeal 0 points ago +1 / -1

They may been winning the short game. The long game they’re going to realize the cost is far greater than they could have ever imagined.

Unhappymeal 1 point ago +2 / -1

This is going to be the only remaining SCOTUS Justice remaining after all hell breaks loose on the DS. God bless this man.

Unhappymeal 1 point ago +2 / -1

I wish I could quit my job and devote my life to such a righteous mission. If I could just have a guarantee of food, reliable shelter to some varying degree and required equipment.

Unhappymeal 1 point ago +2 / -1

Millie is seriously based. That Shadow Gate documentary was legit unreal and did not get the traction I was hoping it would. Checking your link, thanks fren.

Unhappymeal 1 point ago +2 / -1

Witnessing Olympic Gold medal level mental gymnastics whether human or AI driven, it’s still a sight to behold. The bar drops a little each day.

Unhappymeal 0 points ago +1 / -1

Just watched Equilibrium yesterday. It’s been years since I’ve seen it and V for Vendetta. The sheer amount of details I missed prior 2018 is staggering compared to now.

Unhappymeal 1 point ago +2 / -1

Well until we impeach him. And that’s coming. Obama’s legacy will be scorched earth.

Unhappymeal 2 points ago +2 / -0

Top shelf kek!!!

Unhappymeal 1 point ago +1 / -0

My apologies fren. My own assumption of the stupidity you described of your acquaintance had me hopeful they were younger due to the extreme arrogance. Carry on the good fight and keep hammering these goombas! Sorry I was wrong for my assumption.

Unhappymeal 2 points ago +2 / -0

Liars even fellow Trump supporters are not frens. Word of advice, these people almost never change even as they get older.

Unhappymeal 3 points ago +3 / -0

He was asking about Sessions. Regarding Wray and Horowitz... disclaimer: the following statement is 100% speculation by me with ZERO backing evidence Trump has people on both sides of the line. If you think he doesn’t have some people playing “double agent” then I’m not sure what I can say to convince anyone otherwise.

Time will tell what happens. We’ll see what happens at the end of the ‘movie’.

Unhappymeal 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sure fren. I got this 24/7 over at the Donald when those clowns would constantly trash talk the Q subject. The “tRusT sEssIOns” spam. Jeff Sessions was in the same spot where Bill Barr was, the AG for the DOJ. Sessions could have hypothetically ended all this by prosecuting individuals and bringing charges against the Deep State players.

Critically looking at this moronic view point, it would have been horrifically stupid beyond measure to play the best card you have so early into the game. Players in the game hadn’t exposed themselves and more will be coming out as well.

Anyway Jeff Sessions’ task was completed and that task was to get John Durham up and going in the background without alerting the Deep State. He succeeded in this task as virtually no info has come out of this investigation beyond common knowledge that was allowed to be released.

It’s Chess not Checkers. TDW trash talkers/shills play Checkers with no ability to look at the Chess board that Q has set up.

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