by gamepwn
Victoryinitative 2 points ago +2 / -0

I remember that one.

Victoryinitative 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was kinda thinking it was a warning to Biden after f-ing up G7 so bad.

Victoryinitative 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hey Frens, Homeschool, patriot, free breathing, 2A mom of 7! Glad to see your face. Keep being that good example.

Victoryinitative 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was told they have inflated pieces to make up for lost revenue during covid...

Victoryinitative 18 points ago +18 / -0

My 12yo daughter just found Avicci and wondered why he hadn't released anything... I explained and we watched "for a better day" We have to be willing to be uncomfortable and face the hard things with our children so they understand.

Victoryinitative 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is exactly what I said. I'm a photographer and my guess is a 12-17mm lens. Not quite a fish eye, but you can by that the distortion. Look at biden and carter's feet, they appear huge and about the same size because they are on the same plane and closest to the camera. Why? I would assume the room is very small and they needed fit every one in the shot. I got 99 conspiracies, but this ain't one.

Victoryinitative 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have used a few actually. I'm a photographer and I see no evidence of photoshop work here. This is definately extreme and is almost a clown world joke on its own. I am guessing the room was very small.

Victoryinitative 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh! I also want to highly encourage you to find celebrate recovery group! They are amazing.

Victoryinitative 30 points ago +30 / -0

There is a big difference between conviction.... which is from the spirit and enables one to repent abs which you have obviously experienced ...and shame. Shame is Satan, remember he is the accuser and Jesus is our advocate. Every time the accuser comes tell yourself you've been set free in christ Jesus. Every time your mind wanders those ways, shut it down, tell yourself you've been set free in Christ. Surround yourself in good music and word. I like to listen to Lion of Judah on you tube. Just some encouragement... This life is an endurance race, so if you fall... get up again. All our righteousness is nothing. This doesn't mean mean we don't strive for holiness, but it isn't the ticket.. only Jesus. Look at the thief on the cross, he never had a Chance to go to temple or live out his repentance, yet he got to dine in heaven with christ.

Victoryinitative 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please have your DIL look into the following: MTHFR Vitamin D3/K2 (the main cause of miscarriage is crucially low levels) She should switch to methyl folate adc methylation B. She should seek out an ob who will prescribe progesterone as soon as she gets a positive. Preferably suppositories or injection. She should ask about Low Dose Naltrexone

Victoryinitative 0 points ago +1 / -1

I am inclined to think it's BS... but there is still so much we don't know and understand about the female body. We do know that women tend to cycle together, so the cycle changes have done precedence

Victoryinitative 3 points ago +3 / -0

In Texas.... 4 attempted kidnaps by the same guy wearing a mask in my area. Needless to say.... I have my ltc and carry

Victoryinitative 5 points ago +5 / -0

For me... it was a quiet awakening back in the day. I bet no one remembers Christopher Dorn.... an LA officer who was hunted down, Cornered and burned alive for trying to expose corruption.... but of course msm said he was crazy.... I watched that story unfold and I knew it was deep and v dirty. I already disbelieve 911 and Sandy Hook sealed the deal.... So happy to be alive and watch the masses wake up.

Victoryinitative 1 point ago +1 / -0

My understanding is that there have to be so many lockdowns to continue the emergency....

Victoryinitative 5 points ago +5 / -0

The AF2 plane Harris flew on out west required maintenance. She was then on a smaller plane and press and staff are on this plane...per @tparti 2hours ago. So they likely hastily stuck a decal on the smaller plane last minute.

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