Vkp23 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is actually quite a few years old. Maybe 5-6 years. I don’t remember. The doctors who the doctors who did this were looking for ways to save premature babies. They even specifically say there is no way to start an embryo artificially. Now, I don’t know what’s changed since then. From what I understand, the lamb did infact make it to birth. I’ll see if I can find the info again.

Vkp23 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is even a freckle (it appears) on his forehead in one pic but not the other.

Vkp23 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m the same. I never wore a mask except for the school or doc office. The pediatrician office I can kind of understand, but our pedi is cool and as soon as you’re in the exam room all masks are off. Even the doc if it was well child visit. Hubby and I have 6 kids (yes they are all his lol 😜) and our 8 yr old son has a heart defect, (another reason on our list to refuse the jab) so we spend plenty of time with the doc.

As far as the school last year…I raise enough stink over things that it just wasn’t something I had the patients to argue about. Lol. But anywhere else I refused. Would even walk out of a store if I had to. I was even pregnant with our youngest when all this stupid shit started. Ever since they lifted any mandates in ga though, it was like practically everyone went back to normal save for a few sheep. Thats one thing about GA, the majority of people are conservative and don’t buy into it. Which is another reason it’s totally a lie that Trump lost GA. There just is no way.

Vkp23 2 points ago +2 / -0

From what I can tell, Georgia doesn’t have any vaccine or mask mandates. They suggest it but there aren’t any laws looking to force it. I’m not sure if that extends to state employees. I know some hospitals are requiring vaccine and such, but not all, so I can only assume it isn’t a state mandate but individual hospitals. At our kids schools (we have one kid in high school, one in middle and two in elm) neither kids nor teachers are required to wear masks or have the poke. I don’t think they are even allowed to ask.you don’t see many people now days around here with masks.

Vkp23 1 point ago +1 / -0

Funny, I see a bunch of pussy’s. Are the soldiers hiding?

Vkp23 3 points ago +3 / -0

Same thoughts. I worry if something HUGE isn’t done soon, the country will be far to damaged to repair.

Vkp23 5 points ago +5 / -0

My 8 yr old son has bicuspid aortic valve stenosis. It would for sure kill him.

Vkp23 1 point ago +1 / -0

Has anyone seen Biden with anything resembling it? Cheap imitation?

Vkp23 1 point ago +1 / -0

That’s my question…when is the WHEN, IF there even is a when?

by skanon
Vkp23 1 point ago +1 / -0


Vkp23 7 points ago +9 / -2

I’m one of the quiet ones. I’ve posted maybe twice since the whole thing started and I found this site. ( November) I’ll admit, I don’t have much hope this is real….but I DO have hope. I wouldn’t keep reading if I didn’t. But yes I agree about staying quiet if you can’t be positively engaged. I’ll be honest, if nothing major happens today, I’m not sure how much hope I’ll have left. 😞 it will just appear to be another date where something was suppose to happen big, that didn’t happen. I’m praying all this madness ends soon though. My husband and I have 6 kids (yes they are all his. We’ve only ever been with each other, married very young and still going strong 18 years later) and even the oldest ones (16 and 13) are scared what’s gonna happen if Trump, his buds and the military don’t pull this off. I am skeptical…but hopeful.

I’ll go back to lurking and praying now! 😉

Vkp23 3 points ago +3 / -0

My husband is in management at a Walmart distribution center and he hasn’t heard anything of that sort coming from home office. He would had heard about it before the article was written. I’m skeptical of how true this is. I’m not saying it 100% is false, I’m just saying there is a chance or that maybe something was taken out of context. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Thankfully the hubby isn’t the kind of manager that travels so it isn’t a concern to him anyway.

Vkp23 1 point ago +1 / -0

Our youngest daughter was born with PPHN. Basically her lungs didn’t want to transition from fetus to newborn. Because of this she had to be on oxygen for the first three weeks of life until her lungs slowly transitioned. When we brought her home they sent us with a pulse-oximeter. It showed her oxygen saturation. They had a fit if it dropped below 94%. They wouldn’t even let us take her home until she was able to maintain 95%+ on a low setting. This study showing results as low as 83% is terrifying. Lord knows what kind of damage they are causing kids. Thankfully my county is only requiring the kids wear the masks in the halls. None of us have worn a mask at all in public since the whole thing started.

Vkp23 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t think my son would find it problematic. He won’t even take my pumped milk from a bottle much less formula. Guess he’s a hard core racist ??‍♀️

Vkp23 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is it still worth it to buy GME with it at $340? I wanna make some money! ?

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