WHOSkiddingWhO 3 points ago +3 / -0

He was with his lawyer and is now Trump's co defendant.

Pretty sure the FBI came to him.

Are you saying he was lying when he saying no one other than his attorney knew where he was?

WHOSkiddingWhO 3 points ago +3 / -0

They do this a lot.

The letter says this a courtesy letter and that the board gets to decide if a violation actually occurred and that the board can find no violation and dismiss the complaint.

This case has been going on since at least 2023.

I think they took the earlier complaint gave it over to the GBI and had them investigate and now they are going to report on that.

WHOSkiddingWhO 7 points ago +7 / -0

No cameras in NY courts during sessions. They allow pictures beforehand and then sketch artists during.

WHOSkiddingWhO 2 points ago +2 / -0

The FBI also advised NAUTA that it was a criminal offense to lie to the FBI,” according to the indictment reviewed by The Gateway Pundit.

Weird error by GWP, this was not an indictment. It was a motion to dismiss by Nauta's lawyer

WHOSkiddingWhO 4 points ago +4 / -0

I got a thread here with the link to the interview


But it was not an ambush. Nauta had his lawyer with him.

And his lawyer is a big deal. He represented Dan Scavino and Kash Patel

WHOSkiddingWhO 1 point ago +1 / -0

Walt Nauta?

I don't think this is accurate. He was a chief petty officer and worked on the White House mess from what I have seen.

WHOSkiddingWhO 1 point ago +1 / -0

They did make it very clear lying would be a crime right up front. They even told him the US code, is he wanted to Google it

WHOSkiddingWhO 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, police and FBI are allowed to lie to you. Lying to the FBI is a crime, I don't think lying to the police is.

Nauta was there with his lawyer, I haven't read it yet, but apparently he said he did not tell Trump he was being interviewed by the FBI, apparently they scheduled it for the same time he goes on his run. His lawyer is Stanley Woodward who reps Brad Parscale and Peter Navarro, I wonder if Nauta knew him or someone suggested him, because he seems well connected in Trump world.


From these excerpts it seems like they wanted to flip Nauta. Started friendly and then turned up the screws https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GK8OT7cX0AAIilh?format=jpg&name=large


WHOSkiddingWhO 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also, they probably hadn't laid their cards on the table yet.

This was months before the search I believe.

WHOSkiddingWhO 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also from Twitter

Based on today's hearing we should expect to see a redacted version of Walt Nauta's grand jury transcript filed at some point soon. Both sides agreed that the transcript could be made public with the same level of redactions we saw in Nauta's FBI interview transcript

WHOSkiddingWhO 2 points ago +2 / -0

The reasoning seems to be that the arguments they are making are the types of arguments you make at a trial.

At this stage the judge accepts the indictment as given, and you have to defend yourself in court during the trial.

WHOSkiddingWhO 2 points ago +2 / -0

Valet in the old school, aristocratic way. Think the guy who used to take care of George Washington's wigs

The wikipedia article is pretty interesting.

A valet or "gentleman's gentleman" is a gentleman's male servant; the closest female equivalent is a lady's maid. The valet performs personal services such as maintaining his employer's clothes, running his bath and perhaps (especially in the past) shaving his employer.

In a great house, the master of the house had his own valet, and in the very grandest great houses, other adult members of the employing family (e.g. master's sons) would also have their own valets.

In politics I have heard him referred to as a body man. The guy who's always with you who takes care of whatever you need has the type of gum you like etc etc etc. like where everyone else has a more official job. The job of the body man is just to take care of them. President or candidate.

WHOSkiddingWhO 3 points ago +3 / -0


After roughly 2 hours of argument, Judge Cannon seems unlikely to grant motions from Carlos De Oliveira and Walt Nauta to dismiss some or all of the charges against them in Trump's classified documents case.

WHOSkiddingWhO 1 point ago +1 / -0


This doesn't have anything to do with Devolution.

This doesn't apply to Americans. It only applies to foreign persons.

foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2017-27925/p-7

This is based on Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act which was signed in 2016. https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2017-27925/p-1

The text of the law makes it very clear it only applies to "foreign persons" not "United States persons."

This is because it's designed to sanction people who are outside US law. If they were in the US, they could be arrested and prosecuted for their crimes. But since they are beyond US law, it's designed to freeze any of their money in the US.

WHOSkiddingWhO 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a perfectly fine use of literally.

How about, IF we are in a condition of devolution, would they announce it for all to know?

Yes, It's announced. It would be impossible to keep hidden, but it's not fully public. It's announced through an Emergency Notification System called AtHoc.

Continuity of Government and Devolution is not just for the military. It's throughout the government. The Devolution Plan MS word template is 51 pages. The section on Human Resources is 4 pages. Each agency is expected to have a Devolution Emergency Response Group. You would have to communicate with lots of people

Here's the Food Safety and Inspection Service within USDA's Continuity and Planning Division


The IRS has a lot of info on Continuity of Goverment on their site including info about the COGCON system, which is like DEFCON

Continuity of Government Readiness Condition (COGCON) The President of the United States alone determines and issues the COGCON Level. When the President directs a COGCON change, all executive departments and agencies are notified.


So if we did activate COGCON 1 and went to devolution a shit ton of Blackberries go off in DC.

Yes, Blackberries. AtHoc is made by Blackberry, 75% of US agencies use them.

There's other vendors of these systems too

Rave Alert.
OnSolve One Call Now.
Omnilert Emergency/Mass Notification Services.
WHOSkiddingWhO 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'll ignore your insults and just address this

That is not to say that the opinion wouldn't change and policy wouldn't follow.

If the opinion/policy has changed we would know it. It has not changed and it is still the active policy of the DOJ.

This opinion is literally cited by Donald Trump in his brief before the Supreme Court. Search for Amenability to find it in this pdf. https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/23/23A745/300410/20240212154110541_2024-02-12%20-%20US%20v.%20Trump%20-%20Application%20to%20S.%20Ct.%20for%20Stay%20of%20D.C.%20Circuit%20Mandate%20-%20Final%20With%20Tables%20and%20Appendix.pdf

WHOSkiddingWhO 2 points ago +2 / -0

my name is WHO'S KIDDING WHO because I am trying to stop kidding myself.

I'm going to try to stick to things I can understand and that make sense to me.

WHOSkiddingWhO 2 points ago +2 / -0

This dude was not an "aide" and he worked under Bush, Obama and Trump.

This is from his own bio

Stenographer White House Press Office (2002-2018) I was a stenographer in the White House Press Office for the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations .


That seems like a career position and not a political aide.

OK, reading about this guy, I see the Obama part is relevant because he's talking about working with VP Biden.

So this guys story is that as LP mentions below

“impeached and imprisoned” for pledging to direct funds to Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company that employed Hunter Biden,

There's so weird stuff in regards to this claim.

He is saying funds were "directed to" Burisma were a kickback scheme. Because Hunter Biden worked for them

There's a couple of problems with this. Let's see what he says

This guy says it's suspicious that

Biden’s former national security aide, Jake Sullivan, ......told reporters on April 21, 2014, on Air Force Two as an anonymous “senior administration official,” that the United States intended to help Ukraine’s natural gas industry.

This guy calls this press briefing "evidence of the crime" because Hunter had just started working for Burisma, but this wasn't public yet.

Um, could there be another reason Sullivan was taking about helping Ukraine's gas industry in April 2014?

Perhaps this?

Russia raises gas prices for Ukraine by 80 percent

MOSCOW/KIEV, April 3 (Reuters) - Russia raised the gas price for Ukraine on Thursday for the second time this week, almost doubling it in three days and piling pressure on a neighbour on the brink of bankruptcy in the crisis over Crimea. The increase, announced in Moscow by Russian natural gas producer Gazprom, means Ukraine will pay 80 percent more for its gas than before the initial increase on Monday.

Russia had just invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea just weeks before. In April 2014 they were using energy as a political weapon. So that's one problem. The second problem with his story is the funds he was talking about was US policy. It was because a law passed by Congress

UKRAINE FREEDOM SUPPORT ACT OF 2014 https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/hr5859

There was NO votes against this in Congress.

That law began with this declaration

  1. Statement of policy regarding Ukraine

It is the policy of the United States to further assist the Government of Ukraine in restoring its sovereignty and territorial integrity to deter the Government of the Russian Federation from further destabilizing and invading Ukraine and other independent countries in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

and it pledged

Assistance To address the energy crisis in Ukraine

(1) Emergency energy assistance

(A) Plan required

The Secretary of State and the Secretary of Energy, in collaboration with the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development and the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall work with officials of the Government of Ukraine to develop a short-term emergency energy assistance plan designed to help Ukraine address the potentially severe short-term heating fuel and electricity shortages facing Ukraine in 2014 and 2015.

So the timeline of his "kickback scheme" is

  • early 2014 Russian invades Ukraine, annexes Crimea and starts using gas a weapon
  • April 2014 Jake Sullivan promises United States intends to help Ukraine’s natural gas industry.
  • May 2014 Burisma announces Hunter Biden as a board member.
  • December 2014 Congress sets Ukraine policy unanimously and pledges money to Ukraine's energy sector

It seems like he left out some major details to make this look like a kickback scheme.

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