I should be angry at you for putting SpongeBob in front of me. But it does fit and I'm too damn happy to care. God bless you, Patriot.
I'm thinking JFK JR was a psy op to discredit Q. It sounds too outlandish to be accepted. We're already trying to get normies to understand about elite pedophile rings, frazzle drip, global elite and possibly Nesara. The more wild claims we make, the less legitimate we appear. We have to show the people, a little at a time.
And what they do to their customer? Fuhgeddabowtit
I never watched much of his content. He does seem to be a lot smarter than most celebrities and I don't think I saw him buy into this whole psychotic Woke worldview. I could be wrong.
"They both want to stick something in you that NO ONE wants."
Don't date fag. It hurts our movement.
Shit like this can be used as "evidence" if anything happens. I remember one post on the Donald.win that was used as evidence trump supporters were planning to play a fool on Jan 6. Even though that post had 16 up votes and was ratioed to oblivion saying not to do it. We're in 5th generational warfare, now. Understand that.
Oh. Then carry on, patriot.
Don't storm the Capitol. It will only serve the DS in the end, like Jan 6 did.
We will defeat them through non-violence.
Please don't. Ours is a movement of peace.
No violence. No war.
Trust the Plan.
I always hug them and keep them close.
Constantly have to remind myself that just because I couldn't imagine the SRA type shit with them, doesn't mean that the same can be said for everyone.
It was while the Kavanaugh hearings were going on.
I voted for Trump because he wasn't Hillary. And immediately started getting attacks for it from friends. I mainly avoided debate, saying it was the lesser of two evils.
Then I was putting my children to bed and started doing research for a book I'm writing where the US Government is overthrown by twin brothers. I came across an article with a weird word that appeared to be Arabic. "Qanon". I did a search on YouTube for it. In those days, the first result was Joe M's Q, the Plan to Save the World. It brought me to tears. Everything I suspected with uber wealthy buying governments, and starting wars to profit from them was confirmed.
I researched that video three more times before going to bed, myself. The next day, I immediately started digging into everything I could. I found out about elite pedophile rings, satanic ritual abuse and the Russian Collusion plot. I couldn't stop. Some of what I found made me physically ill. Other findings just angered me. I hug my kids tightly every night before they go to bed and I cherish them. I read official government documents and taking to Twitter to expose the evil I'd discovered and debate those brainwashed by it.
I don't understand his defense.
"They're entirely different things. You wouldn't understand now shut your whoring mouth and listen to me about it."
None too reassuring.
I very much look forward to an end of this iteration of slavery. More and more people are realizing what I've known for a long time.
I always thought all audit results would be released at the same time.
To break the fake news.
I don't believe so. I believe there won't need to be. Anything even remotely related to DS will be so hated that no one will claim any part of it in any capacity, whatsoever.
I have no problem with the uninformed being here. We all were that way once. I sometimes still feel that way and I started following since Kavanaugh hearings.
Our job is to help educate them. Alienating them serves no purpose.
Was there a shortage of horse meat when I wasn't looking?
Have you actually been following Q posts?
Military tribunals.
Guantanamo Bay is where most of these people will die.
That was epic.
I only wish that Ron had asked him, "Would you mind explaining what you mean? Those of us who aren't Ben Bernanke don't know what you're talking about."
For this conspiracy theory to be true, a government program in Russia for espionage and bribing assets would have had to survive the fall of the Soviet Union.
Yeah, forgive me if I don't buy that wholesale.
And we're the cult. Right.
When I was driving bags from concourse C to concourse A for a connecting flight (international) I used the underground tunnels the whole way. This was a regular job for me that I enjoyed doing. It was time alone and it let me drive the CNG tractors with only one trailer (backing up with multiple trailers is a bitch).
Going through the tunnels at night, I saw a lot of crazy stuff. Weirdest was definitely what looked like a bonfire with people around it in one of the alcoves. On many occasions, I saw lone people walking in the halls too small for the tractors to go through.
I asked one of the supervisors about it and he said I was seeing stuff. It was very common since the airport was built over an Indian burial ground, which is true.
Little known fact about that airport: there are 3 concourses in use. There are also other tunnel systems for more concourses already built. One of my biggest regrets was not taking a tractor into Concourse D and above when I was on my break or something. Using company vehicles to go exploring in unused parts of the airport was something I only could have done when I put my 2 weeks in already.
I used to work at Denver International Airport and I've seen some shit.
We're going to start seeing wins. Between Rittenhouse, Durham indictments and VA, I feel like the tide has turned.