Shills suckle PedoJoe's sagging nutsack. Discuss.
I'll start. I think at least three shills can share his sack if stretched and positioned properly...
Where was the blue wave of House seats? Oh yes, the red tide took them. ?
And don't worry, cheaters never really win... they're only allowed to believe they got away with something.
Much like Jesus coming to kick Satan square in his firey grundle, it's only a matter of time before the pedo-loving cabal meet their maker.
I'm going to enjoy the show... your comments are nothing more than commercials. ?
People actually log out? ?
You're a useless sack of piss with nothing better to do than piss and moan about their failed psyop. Wow...
You're right about one thing. There is no middle-ground, pedos gotta go to jail.
Never heard of Qannon... you mean Qanon? Not sure you'll find em here either.
Confirmed. I saw for myself.
Honestly, I'm a little skeptical about anyone "worshipping Satan." I don't think anyone in the DS is actually drawing pentagrams in their office, eating Satan's Spicy Grundle Butter sandwiches.
But, I know there's a special place in Hell for the sick shit a lot of them have done and it's quite likely right on Satan's fiery taint.
What bullshit are you talking about?
The battle between good vs evil? Patriots supporting freedom? Mainstream media openly censoring any dissenting views? DS sickos doing God only knows what on Epstein's Island?
Or are you doubting that someone inside Trump circles has been feeding bits of classified or top secret intelligence, encouraging others to put together the pieces so they can keep fighting the good fight?
Again, let's use Ocham's Razor to make another example easy to understand.
Let's just say you saw Biden diddling some kid and snapped a photo.
What's more likely? You turn it in to the NYT for the world to see and they publish it and Biden's Impeached and sent to prison.
Or, you write your own suicide note and hang yourself while driving off a cliff?
Washington had to adapt and overcome but he stayed the course.
Nobody said this was going to be easy. Nobody said there wasn't going to be obstacles and setbacks. But like Washington, Q said there's a plan and I intend to see it through to the end.
I believe there's safety in the enemy's condemnation of Q.
Remember, according to the DS and the media, we're just a bunch of wackadoodles with conspiracy theories, not to be taken seriously.
The DS believes they've won. According to the media, they have... according to the media, Trump tucked tail and ran, the courts stopped him, the DS have both houses and the presidency and Biden is already busily cranking out and signing EOs to impose on our rights.
I believe the danger will come when the trap is sprung and it's time for them to face the music.
(Sorry if this double-posts my screen froze)
We want to red pill everyone but that is done peacefully, with logic, reason and truth. I hate to have to use movie quotes but they make so much sense sometimes...
"The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it."
Could you imagine telling someone living solely off government support that we're trying to oust the very people who have created that dependency and provide for their way of life? It's like trying to tell a heroine addict they're better off without drugs and then enlisting their help to take down their favorite drug dealer.
Nobody can be woken up until they choose to and we're here to help show them how to do that, not to force their hand.
Remember, nobody is saying the plan is not working. The only thing that has proven incorrect is some of our interpretations of what we wanted the inner workings of the plan to look like.
It's the same reason I don't pretend to know God's plan for my life. You know what God does when we say we have our own plan for our own life? He laughs. ? His ways are greater and He's already seen the end.
In the same sense, Q has information we don't. We're just trying to put together the pieces.
It's easy to fall into the trap of disbelief and I understand your concerns. Heck, I applaud you for wanting to be proactive but we have to stick to the plan.
Remember, another movie quote...
"If I tell you what happens, it's not going to happen."
Could you imagine someone saying half of all life in the universe must cease to exist in order for us to succeed? No, and rightly so.
But I'd trust someone who has greater knowledge of the events that are about to unfold when they say, "Trust the plan."
There is not a chance in Hell that BLM stands for law and order. Nor do I believe they care about this country, it's freedoms or the patriots in it.
They're pawns of DS, used to burn and destroy cities and neighborhoods, thereby forcing more innocent civilians to become dependent on the DS for welfare security, further increasing the control of the DS on those cities.
Anyone willing to go along with that ideology clearly hasn't woken up.
Do you believe General George Washington led 10,000 of his loyal supporters, free patriots, to die in a bloody battle at the beginning of the Revolutionary War?
The Battle of Long Island wasn't a battle, it was a massacre. And it was only the beginning.
Hold the line.
Trust the plan.
You're most welcome.
Heads up, I'll be combing through every single page of the Epstein Island documents and if I feel that anything is worth sharing I'll make damn sure to pass it along to anyone and everyone I can think of.
You feel free to pick up your copy here too.
Thanks for the reminder! I always feel dumb trying to read the KJV, even though that's what I was brought up on because I get hung up on all the words that aren't common vernacular for me and often I fail to see the forest for the trees.
But thank you. I'll keep trying and will take that to consideration going forward.
Omg. This. So much this. It's 23:55 for me right now and I can finally rest easy on those words. Goodnight.
Download the files or open in separate windows and you can zoom in =)
Let them come.
I hate to even think this, but this is exactly the kind of event this country has to see to believe. We've been saying it for years, they're going to try to take our guns and then it's off to the gulags. The DS has been saying for years, we're not interested in taking your guns or removing your rights.
Less than a day into office and Pedo Joe is already getting to work, doing exactly as the DS has planned.
Fortunately, Xiden may call himself CiC but the military don't respect him and won't follow illegal orders.
So I say, let them come. I'll roll out the welcome mat.
Give the military a reason to pull the trigger... to do exactly what we were hoping they would do today.
Documents will be released next week.
Holy crap. It's 22:56 where I am and either my tired eyes are playing tricks on me, I'm seeing what I want to see, or that's MF DJT!
My screen resolution must be terrible... what am I missing? I think I saw someone walk behind the window, secret security outside perhaps?
No, I think I've made my position incredibly clear.
I would much rather prefer my beliefs that Q is truly our with us and a guide, providing insight and clues for our path forward be ultimately proven 100% correct.
However, if Q turned out to be a psyop that was intended to work against us, I can very easily see how that intention would have failed miserably, even backfired.
I'm a cynic by nature but my faith gives me hope, no matter how desperate the situation.
Good! I'll wear mine with pride.
And when they come to accept our true numbers, the DS will do everything they can to downplay, minimize, ostracize and suppress us.
The harder they try, the more people will take the redpill.
Anything the DS does at this point, will inevitably be their downfall.
Reminds me of the saying, "...anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."
Now is not the time to be fearful. We are in a storm. It's time to batten down the hatches and be strong.
The free world needs us right now, more than ever.
No f***ing way. ?