Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is the new al sharpten, a race baiting, hustler that shilled for his millions and got his nikey deals. He's all set, just waiting for DS to be a useful idiot once again. Getting on his knees to suck at the prosperity offered to him for the color of his skin. Be proud of yourself calling your own family racist for raising you and giving you a home. Pure Looser, through and through.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

For years my ballot gets a number hand written. Like 117, or 364, or 1547 ect... they said it tracks the number of ballots for the ward we are voting in. Does this do anything. My ballot does not get kicked out. But it is a Dominion machine? I never know if it gets counted. Just, buuurrrt. Then I get my I voted sticker.

Weneverleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

Someone really wants WWIII, ? Anywho, what's going on with Ukraine, we spent alot, and I mean alot of money on this country, what do we have to show for it. Just asking for a friend.

Weneverleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lasers can be used for lots of things. Not just destruction. Most, read all lasers are low powered and needed for navigation or rangefinding. His starlink sats are too small for weapons. But specialized for communication. IMO, this is what he was saying. I think?

Weneverleft 11 points ago +11 / -0

This is bullshit, for what purpose does a Democratic voter registration office HAVE FOR THESE WEAPONS TO BE IN THEIR OFFICES, ANSWER NONE.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

I lived this. It was the 90s and we were all coming together. It felt good and relations between races was good, and getting better everyday. Then hope and change came along. The MSM, kept bashing the us vs. them B.S. It all fell apart and they kept up with the it's our turn now and you will have to sit in the back type mantra. The first taste of this was WEEDS a drug trafficking story. Then they kept talking about white guilt and how you can use it against white people. I was taken aback by the thought that's not true but Media has so much power. Now DEI and the xyz project teaches other ethnicities to hate white people. It's sad, it's horrible, and it divided us. It worked because my happy view of the unity we had is now seeing the unfairness of giving other races preferential treatment over myself and my children. How do you not see how wrong and vile this is. My children in order to get ahead for college must claim other ethnicity to even get a chance to go to college. Which by the way is a waste of time now. I steered my son away from military service and indoctrination in a four year propaganda machine. This whole system is shit.

Weneverleft 5 points ago +5 / -0

Trying to hide the JAB, JAB, effects on the population. Bird flu is Trying to be used to hide all the SUDDEN. We know you ass clowns poisoned the people and the population. Fuck you, you assholes. Sorry not sorry.

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember the day after the announcement. My lead at work was frantic and sprayed cleaning fluid on all the computer screens in the shop. He did not wipe them down and they dried with the spray pattern on the screens. For years we had to deal with using the damaged screens trying to work on them with burned spray patterns all over them. They are still in use today. Retarded. He panicked instantly. The images of Chinese people suddenly falling over terrified him. Easily manipulated, to this day he is vaxxed, and will not admit to his stupidity. His health however is another matter. He is struggling.

Weneverleft 6 points ago +6 / -0

I Remember one of the first uses of the Federal arts program money was to place a crucifix in a mayonnaise jar full of urine. The church asked that the display be removed and to not do that to the crucifix. MSM, said it was art and the artists expression and that the church had no right to censor artistic expression. The Democrats hailed it as a truly beautiful expression of art and was the reason tax payers money was being used. Otherwise artistic expression would be squashed by conservatives and their worship of God. 40 years later we are paying thousands of dollars so an (artist) can tape a banana to a wall and call it art. Ridiculous.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

I missed the chance to buy Elon Musk's flamethrower. It was so sweet. When asked why he built them. He said why not. The videos look like pure fun. TBH, I just want to experience using one. Sort of like lightning off a large fireworks.

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

The fucking auto industry are shutting down affordable cars. All 20,000.00 models are discontinued. Thei reason is no demand. However a youtubers video shows the affordable brands were double or tripling every month. THEY ARE LYING. it's about the electric agenda and of course MONEY. the margins on more expensive cars makes more money.

Weneverleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

Let me get the link. Thomas Grassly the senator released swat video. The video is on this forum. As swat is talking on the roof. The boy is standing on the roof with a backpack at his feet. Waiting for them. He's not in hearing range about 30ft away. Just waiting for them to tell him whare to go. Remember videos showing him he's completely calm. He is acting like he belongs there. Because he thought he was getting interned as a spotter. Everything he was doing was calm and out in the open. Think, would you be walking back and forth in front of the building you were going to shoot from. This kid was executed.

Weneverleft 4 points ago +4 / -0

I told my brother face to face and he said that the doctors know what they are doing. Blindly trusting them. Would not even question them on anything. Sigh, we are getting together but he say he no longer has the stamina to stay awake all day. He needs to recharge and sleep a few hours every day. He is fully vaxxed. And for some reason his immune system is too aggressive and he has to take medicine to knock it down so it does not attack his joints. VAXX, ITS THE VAXX, BUT HE WON'T LISTEN.

Weneverleft 9 points ago +9 / -0

I feel like this kid was fed into a woodchipper. After seeing him behind the swat team just standing their with his backpack waiting for them to tell him what to do. Really having a hard time knowing that this manchild, was staged to be killed. I am empathizing more. A quiet nice kid kept to himself. Grows up and is told what to do. His classmates say he was a quiet person. This is tragic, we watched a child get murdered in real time thinking them a monster. The real monsters are walking around alive and well having a child get shot. It was still an assassination but the patsy was a human being who was used like toilet paper.

Weneverleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

You missed WEF, WHO, and NATO. these parasite organizations are trying to userp the United States Constitution. Yes, these idiots.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

Shouldn't we call them July 24th-ers and put them in jail for six years. Bankrupt and destroy their lives. Then push them into self deletion? I'm pretty sure this is how we deal with them. IDK, this Democratic play book is weak on details.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

What's a neocon? I've heard this word before but realized I don't know what it means? I've learned what a fascist is but it's such a non-used word that it took time to understand and conceive it's meaning. Even now I have to grasp the word fascist and examine if it's being used correctly. Libtards like to fascist this and fascist that. Most of the time they were using the word wrong. So neocon I feel is another of these words. Just like Blockchain.

Weneverleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wasn't the executive branch run this way. They would take turns doing the weak job (poor pay but handled the levers of power) so they could funnel lucrative contracts to their buddies. Then they would pick up the good job ( high paying) on a board of directors to get ( paid) for their time as a public crony. Think FBI Chomy or misspelled Corny. They have done this so much they think it's legal.

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

I never thought of this? I have great pride in thinking of George Washington. But thinking about Cackles, Jesus.

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