It uses mRNA inside an adenovirus modified with "Sars Cov-2" to introduces instructions on creating spike proteins via the mRNA in the adenovirus.
It was a lie that J&J is not mRNA, they just use an indirect system ( instead of the direct nano-lipid injections of the others. Nano-lipid meaning a hydrogel containing graphene oxide and Luciferese enzyme.
It uses mRNA inside an adenovirus modified with "Sars Cov-2" to introduces instructions on creating spike proteins via the mRNA in the adenovirus.
It was a lie that J&J is not mRNA, they just use an indirect system ( instead of the direct nano-lipid injections of the others. Nano-lipid meaning a hydrogel containing graphene oxide and Luciferese enzyme.
Wrong, it introduces mRNA in a dirrent form.
This is just one random article of many. It was lie, like every other. See my other comments.
The J&J is mRNA, it just introduces mRNA in a different form. All of these mod shots are just slightly different (experimental) versions of the same evil. I'm sorry about your son, hope he is well.
No, they are not "direct mRNA injections, nut introduce mRNA within modified adenovirsus. See my comment above Do not be fooled that these slightly different poisons are "safe".
The J&J genetic mod shot still does use mrna, it differs in how it introduces the mrna into your cells. It uses a modified adenovirus spliced with "Sars CoV-2") to introduce directions for spike proteins. It supposedly does not use the direct "lipid particle" (graphene oxide and Luciferese enzyme) the others do, but is by no means "safe".
It is interesting the CDC removed it's approval after 54 for hospitalized and nine died from blood clots, and Pfizer and Moderna do not have this issue. These fake news demons:
You're right, but that doesn't mean we let it go and say "what's done is done". There are many evil projects in the works with our biological information and must be stopped.
You can use historical documents to create your lineage. Much harder work, you may need to travel, but much more academically interesting and you'll find a lot more historically interesting and a much greater picture than whose dna is interrelated. Much more legwork but much more legimate..
The are both named after the black cube of Saturn (Satan). They likely have different goals, but are both satanic.
Please knock it off what the "not everything is a conspiracy". It's not 2018 anymore and unless you're slow, you're being intentionally ignorant.
They use DEWs against citizens, but it a complicated process not viable to entire populations. I agree the DNA collection had a lot to do with a massive international program. The graphene oxide in the shots is very central to using DEWS on entire populations or very easily targeting individuals.
DEWs are not a tin-foil theory, DARPA has plenty of public information, and no doubt, 90% of the rest is confidential, and almost definitely the most evil.
Of course, and I'm not speaking of any individuals, well a few, but I don't have hate in my heart for any group of people and it's a sensitive and complex subject, so no worries if it upset up. I'm just a realist, a seeker of truth and defender of out Constitution.A lot of these things come together with the modern Israeli state and other powerful talmudic cults who blatantly push NWO objectives. I don't know if one person could ever get their head around it with so many moving pieces. The important thing is how we treat each other, this respect and kindness.
I've very happy you found your family ! This should be used for good, but it's mostly going to be used to enact more control on the population.
I warned my relative not do this ( not sure if they did), because they not only have their DNA but can easily identity yours as well, even distant relatives.
NeoConmem, certainly not patriots and unfortunately a lot are still around.
I didn't get upset, I just informed you with the Biblical passage that your claim was untrue. I lived in an Hasidic neighborhood for 15 years, lived with a good jewish man for many years and spent a lot of time in Israel.. Yes, I have been harassed and spat on for being a (very modest) gentile, just minding my business, more times than I can count,. That only inspires pity, prayers for them to find.Christ and let go of their viscous supremacist mentality that comes from the talmud.. I have been told by very politically connected family members some very interesting things.Just because Soros and others are likely atheist, communist globalists does not mean that the Schneerson cult is any better, in fact may be much more dangerous.
I am done with the conversion, the only reason I chimed in in the first place is because you went straight to calling someone a "jew "hater" (at later myself) for expressing their opinion and that is baloney needs to stop. Someone giving an opinion you disagree with is almost 100% not "antisemite" and it is a cheap tactic to silence legitimate criticism.Kuchner is a Schneerson cultist, I believe he and ivanka visited his grave before their wedding, if I recall correctly. That gives me great pause. Of course there are warring factions in every religion, which is why I have no religion. Christ is my teacher, my savior, and his sacrifice on the cross and resurrection is the Truth and the salvation of us all.
*Will be editing personal information
Modern Judaism is based on the talmud (kaballa and zohar). There are only a few thousand Torah-only Karaites in the world, and are a very oppressed people. I have provided evidence of talmudic law attempting to usurp our Constitution, the Noahide "laws" are just simply a very public example of it.
In 1999, the Supreme Court agreed to consider an amicus brief based wholly on Talmudic law (see Sentence and Execution).
In November 2002, the American Orthodox Jewish community held a kosher dinner in the Supreme Court building to celebrate the establishment of the National Institute for Judaic Law.(31) The dinner was attended by 200 people, including three Supreme Court Justices. The purpose of the Institute is to introduce Talmudic laws into the US legal system and law schools.
It is thus the clear civic duty of every American to become intimately acquainted with the Talmud. Read articles at: Death Penalty: Kosher Dinner: and
Have a good one as well, and if you want to continue any conversion, better to PM me. God bless!
I'm am so sorry for your terrible experience, praying for you. Your father was not alone, he was being held in the arms of Jesus Christ. God bless you!
I won't be a murderer or eat soup!
The dissolution of the murderous pharma and corporate hospital industry is a huge part of the Great Awakening. Thank God! I saw this coming from day one of the plandemic when the ridiculous Chinese propaganda was being released.
I am not a religious scholar, just a researcher with an interest in religion, especially in those with glaring NWO overtones.I had a long response written, but it vanished before posting. I will do a rewrite some other time, but this is not merely an issue of children, virginity or marriage, but the rape of children by adults and the Mishnas and Gemaras that advocate when it's OK (which should be never) but that is not what it says. This is not even going into the constant dehumanization and encouragement to defraud gentiles.
The other issue is the attempt to infiltrate and overthrow the Constitution, replaced with talmudic law and this has been documented to be happening for decades. Please no more responses, maybe we'll have further conversion another time.
It's about the desire to enforce a set of so-called Noahide "laws" upon all people of the world. You see no sinister implications there? I accepted Christ into my heart and follow these tenants because of Jesus Christ, not because a fanatical sect of Pharisaical leaders tell me I must do so. The fact that at least 40 years of necons eat up this Noahide "law" baloney should tell you something. By the way, non-Christians do not go to hell for not knowing Christ. Matthew 24:14 explains that the end of times will not begin until the word of Christ is shared with the entire world. Knowing and rejecting Christ is different than ignorance. There are too many false notions of Christianity in your post to even go over, so I'd advise anyone reading to be aware of that. I've heard it spoken often about how "difficult" the talmud is to understand. Yes, it's long and tedious, but there are very many straightforward passages that not only encourage immorality against gentiles, promote pedophilia against young gentile child, and dehumanize gentiles countless times. There is nothing.difficult to understand about these passages and their translation is not contested. These are not words I would ever consider a guide on how to live a decent life, so these Noahide "laws" can kick sand and definitely have no place being formally "celebrated" in the US government.This will be my end to this discussion, and again, have a blessed day!
I've read a very similar interpretation, very intriguing.
I am only concerned about being righteous in the eyes if Christ, not judaism. I follow these tenets to follow the words and to walk in the footsteps of Christ. Neither I, nor anyone else, needs talmudic "laws" for non-jews to dictate how to live, how to worship or not. The link I sent had 40 years of necons formally celebrating these so-called "laws" in the White House. Here are more. It is treason, an attack on the 1st Amendment, tto formally recognize religious "laws" on behalf of the US government. Of course they are nor enforceable because the US is not a country ruled by talmudic law and our God-given freedom is enshrined in our Constitution. Enforcement would only be possible with a one world government and I know enough about the cult of Schneerson to know that is very much what they are about and wield a lot of power, especially in the US, Russia, and Israel, of course .If you are not aware of their blatant NWO and talmudic supremacist goals, you should do some research or just stay naive. Have a blessed day!
Interesting, the CDC withdrew their support after 54 were hospitalized, 9 died, due to blood clots which, they say, Moderna and Pfizer have no issue with. Can these demons lie more?