WhereForArt 11 points ago +12 / -1

Clowns have been waging a hate brigade against him since the early days of this community on reddit. He must be doing a very fine job! Cry harder ?

WhereForArt 4 points ago +4 / -0

Any one claiming dates is “date fagging”. #1 rule of Q Club; date fags are fake and gay

WhereForArt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nature abhors a vaccum. No signal exists so it’s self assembling narratives ?

WhereForArt 4 points ago +4 / -0

Slaughter of Syria and mass organ and human trafficking trade of Syrian families.

Kidnap and sell of 30k or so Haitians.

Death squads and mass graves in Ukraine.

Slave markets in Libya.

Etc etc etc

WhereForArt 4 points ago +4 / -0

Arrest on 11.3 Actionable 11.4 US legal code references regarding bribery.

WhereForArt 5 points ago +5 / -0

Correct. But you could tell the Q posts from the others and early on before we had tracker sites Anons put his posts together and assembled them into graphics. Q confirmed they were his posts and they became codified as the thread of posts.

There are actually some posts that are also Q that were missed in the early days. QAgg.news has a Q 0 post for that reason.

WhereForArt 4 points ago +4 / -0

Have you ever read “Forging consensus with a committed minority”?

It will bring your hobby to the next level as you see the dynamics at work.

It’s a math heavy research paper but it’s so spot on that it is worth the effort.

WhereForArt 19 points ago +19 / -0

We read it on 4chan and laughed him off like a larp. Then he kept going and we mocked and mocked. Then he started making sense but we still called him a larp like FBIAnon and others before. Eventually it became too coincidental and then too causal.

For months it was background noise on the chans. Then it wasn’t and we realized it was real. I was there, made fun of Q as a larp in early threads.

Turning point for me and a lot of others was when we realized it didn’t matter if it was real because it was bringing together a research community that was making genuine and serious discoveries.


As for alerting folks, teased them with what the news was going to start broadcasting and talking about in advance of the news. Not by predicting the future but by knowing the media would attack our findings because we were onto something. There was about a 2 week lag time between our discoveries and media reactions. As we’ve continued down this road, it’s reduced to where they are reacting almost in real time trying to stay ahead of the viral narrative.

It’s been years of watching them maneuver around the Anons trying to discredit the narrative and we’ve encircled them in their own lies by using their reaction against them.

WhereForArt 2 points ago +2 / -0

The guy who runs Kid Love inc or what ever it’s called? Dude is a total pedo. They are trying to play the middle ground to scoop up fence sitters.

WhereForArt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who ever sold you today’s date played you for a fool. The left is making a move today, trying to cause violence.

No apologies will be given. Citizen rising to do their journalism duties demands none.

WhereForArt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fake and gay. These q like voices show up all the time to scoop up low effort Anons into bs narratives like JFK, R Anon, Energy weapons, DUMBs etc.

WhereForArt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did she ever confirm that or did that same account just then echo her voice there after letting people fool each other into a consensus belief that it’s here now?

WhereForArt 19 points ago +19 / -0

Ignorance is a choice. I hear they have buckets of sand over on reddit. They’ll even read for you and tell you what to think so you don’t have to.

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