That bitch psaki sure is pasty
Biden will never have that tab
My average share price for amc was $12 if It gets close to that I'm gonna dump and try to buy another $GME. I like it better
I threw 200 bucks into 9 amc stocks and 1 gme stock when it was $90. Gme dropped to $40 and I've just been holding waiting on the squeeze. In my opinion (complete noob who knows nothing about stocks) the squeeze is still bound to happen. The way it spikes up and then gradually drops is just a ploy to make idiots think "its over". I just hope I'm able to watch when it rockets to the moon, and get out with a decent profit.
Amc has really been pissing me off, hardly moves at all
Can relate to the tagging... also never do
Genius with the body cam
Sooo when I try to donate it directs me directly to winred? What the fuck?
What the hell? Its like they want people to dig for more info
I dont know about you but I'm tired of waiting on Durham. There is no fucking way they don't have everything they need to send obama clinton biden and the rest of the crooks to Gitmo
My 2 year old has been watching toy story non stop the past 2 weeks. Hilarious you posted this
Do these dumbass leftys really think his taxes weren't combed through 50x during Russia Russia Russia?
It's Dumps fault he forced peace upon the middle east!!!!!1111!!!!! Biden is cleaning up the mess (brainlet emoji)
I've thought this too. They treat him like Trump so he must be a decent guy. (Never looked into it)
Did that one senator who cucked last time vote yes this time?
Trying to figure out how to spin "no standing"
Whatever happened to Parnell's lawsuit?
History is written by the winners
I always thought Myanmar is the test run. Way too similar
You can tell Kelly didnt like Trump claiming fraud... always changed the subject. I also hated how over and over and over he kept asking about 2024. But I loved how Trump never said yes. After the Lindell shit I dont trust Newsmax for anything, but was nice to hear from POTUS
Brown zone because they're shit
Ya, Hank Aaron and he died 2 weeks later
I have coworkers begging to get jabbed. There is no hope for trying to save them
Prolly every state that voted for Trump
It's over 9000!