I don’t get how you get your kids into counseling, but don’t call the cops.., yet I’m the cunt… I want to bring a work of pain. I done threw a petard in my family… person that did not stand against a molester told me horses can go three days without water… it was August… I also had horses… I changed and scrubbed the water tub ever two days… I would never ever let my horses go three days without water… I’m not callous like that… I have seen some shit… but that callousness is something
I was in my forties when I found out what this ZZ Top song was about…
I remembered this link that I bookmarked. It is a tale that includes. ElChapo and his wife, E Musk, Huma Abemin, and JFK JR. it is interesting.
The DNC right now…. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BQQ3595Jkj0&pp=ygURU3RlcHBpbmcgb24gcmFrZXM%3D
I’m the ashore of the family.. If I could have kids, I would be in jail… I can’t have kids… I don’t get how you can slack that off without raining down hell…