This was awful and accurate. Kudos and damn you for that imagery.
Omg a fellow NJ pede. Hello fren!
Lyndhurst and NA definitely didn’t go blue; if they did I would be shocked. Paramus and Hackensack — maybe. But Bergen has been reliably blue forever.
What is happening in this thread lmao
You’re smart enough to realize this never happened but not smart enough to know a joke when you see one. Godspeed.
No, he’s a comedian.
He’s a comedian, so I’d assume it’s a joke.
Right? This entire thread is so embarrassing.
Please do five seconds of looking around the internet and this thread and realize he is a comedian. Jesus Christ
He’s a comedian. Does that help?
A masterclass in cognitive dissonance. I’ve never seen something as sad as all this.
Caitlyn Jenner, too. They memory-holed that shit real fast.
Yeah, I can’t seem to find record of it now.
Did you happen to grab screenshots of it? It’s been completely erased from the internet.
All corporations are registered in Delaware. That isn’t anything of note.
Good news is, everything is astronomically cheaper almost anywhere else (barring similar shitholes like NYC and SF). Move to a red state as soon as you can — your wallet will thank you.
Folding Mitch 😂 how the fuck does he do it every time?
Darnkess, not DarNKness. Still works though!
Not Darnkness. Darnkess.
Manage your expectations, frens. Be prepared for every eventuality.
Hello time traveler. Unfortunately for all of us, you were extremely right.
Same, and I was just deporting folks last week for shit like this. Mods, I completely understand if you need to kill this comment - as is protocol.
But the Antichrist supposedly brings false peace to the world. And I can’t deny any longer that NESARA and GESARA, while good-intentioned, still lead us to exactly the same one world currency at the end of it all.
Got a really bad feeling about all of it, to be honest...
The theory of mind is still just a theory.
Even if she is, she’s still doing us favors by proxy by leading her followers closer to the light.
Hear hear. Black and white thinking is splitting, a symptom of mental illness. Focus on the good and ignore the rest.
You should make this it’s own post centered on survival skills and get everyone to share their useful tips. I think it would really take off!