auser3 5 points ago +5 / -0

Reiner Fuellmich is reportedly working with a team of lawyers (international) on enforcing the Nuremberg Code on the basis of the mountains of factual indisputable evidence of criminal conspiracy among Daszak, Fauci, CDC, Moderna, Pfizer, Sequoia, UNC Chapel Hill, US DOJ, etc. Search -- David Martin Reiner Fuellmich criminal conspiracy -- on factcheckvaccine com and bitchute makeamericagreat channel. Looks like maybe the gain of function argument is going to be the show that will soak up all the attention and energy to distract from how much deeper and wider the corruption goes. Also on bitchute is an interview of David Martin by Stew Peters. Also David Martin's very impressive bio is on his dot world website.

auser3 2 points ago +2 / -0

In case you haven't already seen this extremely, extremely important report on indisputable proof of criminal conspiracy among Pfizer Moderna Fauci Sequoia CDC, UNC Chapel Hill, US DOJ, US Congressmembers, Daszak, etc etc https://www.bitchute.com/video/Sm48wfsu0ztI/


Here's one of his websites David E. Martin http://www.davidmartin.world/about/

Partial transcript of David Martin/Reiner Fuellmich video posted above https://factcheckvaccine.com/2021/07/dr-david-martin-w-dr-reiner-fuellmich-this-my-friends-is-the-definition-of-criminal-conspiracythis-is-not-a-theory-this-is-evidence-july-9-2021/

Fuellmich and team of lawyers preparing to enforce Nuremberg Code: https://odysee.com/@Qanon:9/Facts,-No-Drama:b

I don't have a way to reach them to ask about application of 5th Amendment's provision for indictments by a People's Grand Jury. We were making use of that for 9/11 truth around 2008 but weren't strong enough to stick with it and overcome the saboteurs. I haven't read this PDF but it looks like a good resource for historical background on the people's grand jury and how important it is in the endless battle between justice and tyranny. http://roguemale.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/GJ-HANDBOOK-FIRST-ED..pdf

auser3 2 points ago +2 / -0

More on the indisputable proof of criminal conspiracy among CDC Fauci Daszak Sequoia etc etc with David Martin and a skilled interviewer


auser3 2 points ago +3 / -1

We'd probably be wise to be very cautious about red-herring lawsuits led by saboteur bad guys disguised as good guys that publicize misinfo that can then be disproven in order to damage credibility of truth.

auser3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Somebody with username qthestormrider777 on Telegram has some very interesting posts about floods.

auser3 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm struggling to understand this. Anyone help?

Is it that criminal gangsters use the USPTO to publicly stake what they believe to be a legal claim of ownership of illegal (not to mention unthinkably immoral) bioweapon formulas ... that the USPTO said are not patentable but which they secretly paid themselves enormous amounts of money taken entirely from US taxes to work on and sneak past the USPTO's rejection... so that... hmm... why??

So if any other gang invents similar bioweapons, the one that has the patent on the unpatentable formula can... go to "court"? to prevent anyone else from infringing the patent on the illegal, unpatentable (and insane) invention? So that the patent-owning gang alone can "legally" commercially exploit the illegal patent on the insane, unpatentable invention?

Again, normal people can't comprehend how a psychopath -- a humanlike being but without a trace of a conscience -- thinks. But, with our survival and the future at stake, looks like we somehow have to.

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